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1、一堂体现有效教学的英语讲评课威海二中 王新红在素质教育的大前提下,在“把时间还给学生、把健康还给学生、把能力还给学生”的运行模式下,在威海市教研室的指导下,我们采用了“定向自学释疑探究整合达标”教学模式,大大提高了课堂教学效率,在实施过程中充分强调了学生的主体地位,建立了和谐的师生关系,以保证了课堂目标高效完成。 真正做到精讲多练,以学生为主体,老师起导演的作用,让学生们充分利用自己的智慧、知识与能力,自己解决问题.这样,他们学习了新知识,提高了素质,我们教师彻底告别了“填鸭式”的教学方式. 这节讲评课的内容是讲评一次考试题卷子,利用多媒体教学,在本学期伊始,两个班的学生分成12个学习小组,每

2、组46人,课堂上以及课下共同讨论,学习,每个学习小组由老师制定组长全权负责,课堂上的发言要轮流,老师及组长要及时予以评价,体现有效教学,让所有的学生都参与学习,提高效率。要求同学们互相合作,互相帮助,彼此取长补短,达到共同进步共同提高的目的。这样,优等生带动了中等生,帮助了学困生,同时他们本身对所学的知识加以巩固,也提高了自身素质和能力。 具体授课过程如下: 首先,对这份题进行简明扼要地评价以及对学生昨天的学习情况进行总结,然后进入讲解及讨论。 一、呈现本次习题中的单词拼写,由学生说出英语及其拼写 1.杂乱,混乱 confusion 2.记忆 memory 3.漫步,闲逛 wander 4.优

3、美的,高雅的 elegant 5.建立,确立 establish 6.好奇的 curious 7.打扰 disturb 8.可获得的 available 9.志愿者 volunteer 10.显然的,显而易见的obvious 11暂时的,临时的 temporary 12标准的 standard 13遵守,尊敬 respect 14长久的,永久 permanent 15必不可少的,绝对重要的 essential 16信号 signal 17非常害怕的,极度恐慌的 terrified 18与.相似 resemble 19创造,塑造 create 20废除 abolish 二、Multiple ch

4、oices 先解释以下问题,然后由学生提问,如果学生没有问题,老师将提问学生,大部分问题由学生解答。 (21, 24, 28, 32) 21.be( well) worth doing /be worthy of n be worthy of being done /be worthy to be done e.g. 威海值得参观 Weihai is well worth visiting./ Weihai is worthy of a visit. Weihai is worthy of being visited./ Weihai is worthy to be visited 24.Th

5、ere are a variety of toys in the store, with ranging from $10 to $1,000 With的复合结构 With+宾语+doing/to do/done/adj/adv/介词短语 1.With the guide _ us, we had no trouble going through the forest. (leading) 2.With all the work_, he went home happily. (done) 3.With many problems_, the manager was greatly annoy

6、ed with milk powder. ( to settle) 4.He got used to sleeping with the windows_ (open/closed) 5.The teacher came in, with a book in his hand 28.This is the house _ _ I was brought up 1I will never forget the years from1989 to 1991,_ _I was studying in Ludong University ( during which) 2It was said tha

7、t she received education at Oxford University,_ _ she went to South Africa to help the poor (after which) 32. 对过去已经发生的事情的评价: cant /couldnt have done 不可能已经 can/could have done 本能够 mustnt have done (not existing) must have done 一定已经. 1-There were 5 people in the car, but they managed to let me in. -It

8、 _ a pleasant journey (couldnt have been) 2It _ last night, for the ground is wet (must have rained) 三、完型填空 Key points for Cloze A. Understand the general idea of the passage B. Choose the best ones you think according to the context C. Check what you have chosen for sure 有学生给大家解释本短文的大体意思,然后讲解同学们有问题

9、的地方,老师起帮忙的作用。 完型填空中的关键语言点: 1.reach an agreement 2.attempt to do sth/ at doing sth 3.leave sb.doing sth Sb. be left doing 4.famous-infamous(臭名昭著的) 5. different-indifferent(冷漠的) eg.1 Tom was left _in the heavy rain for an hour for some reason(waiting) 2. In the end, both side agreed on the result and

10、then an agreement_(was reached) straight /straightly (not existing) adj. a straight line /in a straight line adv. sit straight/ stand straight / come straight to the point 开门见山 最后,让学生朗读这篇文章,从整体上理解巩固这篇文章。这样做,还可以培养学生的语感,学到很多知识。 四、Key points for reading comprehension A. You should get the writers purpo

11、se B. You have to guess the meaning of some new words C. You must pay attention to details D. You need understand the main idea E. Youd better learn sth from the material 分到任务的小组请代表发言,解释每篇文章括号后的大家出错多的题目,别的同学可以提问质疑。老师给大家补充每篇的语言点及精彩词句。 Passage A(58,59) It tells us a story that a young man aged 23 esca

12、ped from his trapped car 1. upside down 正面朝下,颠倒过来 2. boot/trunk (汽车的后备箱,行李箱) 3. visibleinvisible adj.可见的/看不见的 In the daytime, the stars are invisible. Passage B (61,63) It is about what the authors father is like-a middle person. 1.embarrassed-uneasy (不安的,尴尬的) 2.medium-sized(适中的,中号的,中等的) a medium-si

13、zed house 3.You bet!-Certainly! /Sure! eg. -Going to the party on Sunday? -You bet! 4show off-to show sth to a lot of people because you are proud of it -to try to impress people and make them to admire 夸耀/炫耀某物 自我炫耀,卖弄 eg. A 皮特很喜欢炫耀他的新车 Peter is keen to show off his new car B Pay no attention to Sus

14、anshes just showing off! Passage C (67) It introduces to us 5 kinds of pocket tape-recorders 1. cassette (盒式磁带) Now available on cassette or CD! 现有盒式磁带和激光唱片两种形式出售! 2. automatic adj. 自动的,自动化的automatically adv. 自动地,不假思索地 e.g. automatic time switch The door opened automatically as we approached Passage

15、 D (70,71) It tells us a new heating system-microwaves! magnetron (磁控管) magnetic (磁的,磁性的) magnetic head(头)/field/pole 翻译以下英语句子(长难句翻译) While it might be some time before home owners are comfortable enough with the idea to set up whole body microwave heaters in houses, microwaves may attract livestock

16、 farmers。 (尽管还要住一段时间房主们才能从心理上完全接受在整栋房子里安装微波取暖器,但是家禽养殖户们可能会更感兴趣。) 每篇文章都有自己喜欢的精彩句子,请把你认为有用的句子摘录下来,存在笔记本上,日积月累,积少成多,三年下来,积累的知识那还了得! 本节课用来鼓励学生们的用语小结; Come on! Keep it up! Go for it! Way to go! Fighting! Cheer up! Go ahead! Go! Go! Go! Lighten up! Make an extra effort! Remember: No pains, no gains! Dont

17、step away from a challenge, but go for it! Perseverance is a kind of quality and it is what it takes to do anything well! Homework Take your notes carefully and review todays contents. 本节课的反思: 通过上这节讲评课,我深深得体会到只有把学生放到首位,只有从学生的角度出发,只有了解他们的需要,才能真正走进他们的心里,他们才能从内心接受你,接受你的课,有效教学才能真正施行! (注:素材和资料部分来自网络,供参考。请预览后才下载,期待你的好评与关注!)


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