(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题八 动词和动词短语练习 人教新目标版.doc

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(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题八 动词和动词短语练习 人教新目标版.doc_第1页
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(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题八 动词和动词短语练习 人教新目标版.doc_第2页
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(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题八 动词和动词短语练习 人教新目标版.doc_第3页
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(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题八 动词和动词短语练习 人教新目标版.doc_第4页
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《(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题八 动词和动词短语练习 人教新目标版.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(广东专用)2019年中考英语总复习 第2部分 语法专题复习 专题八 动词和动词短语练习 人教新目标版.doc(7页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、第2部分专题八(时间:15分钟满分:20分得分:_)()1. (xx白银)I cant find my English textbook. Is it possible that you _ it at home?Alost Bsaw Cleft Dgave()2. (xx北京)I _ go now, or Ill miss my train. Acan Bmight Cmust Dcould()3. (xx玉林改编)Mom, what does the word “attention” mean?Oh, my dear, you should _ the word in the dictio

2、nary and then you will get the meaning. Alook for Blook up Clook at Dlook out()4. (xx滨州)People now in many big cities have to _ early to avoid the heavy traffic in the morning. Aset out Bput out Ctake out Dgive out ()5. (xx连云港)How amazing this robot is!Wow, it has video cameras in its eyes, so it _

3、“see” and interact (交流) with people. Amay Bcan Cmust Dshould()6. (xx温州)The cheese cake _ so good that I cant wait to eat it.Atastes Bfeels Csounds Dsmells()7. (xx临沂)A primary school in England has _ signs at its three entrances (入口), saying: Greet your child with a smile, not a mobile. Aput into Bpu

4、t off Cput on Dput up()8. (xx株洲改编)You look so weak! I think you _ go to see a doctor at once. Amight Bshould Ccould Dmay()9. (xx河北)Can you help me _ the pen? Its under the chair. Aask for Blook for Cpick up Dput up ()10. (xx武汉)I took the subway and _ at the downtown station. Agot through Bgot over C

5、got on Dgot off ()11. (xx临沂)Could you please speak a little louder? I _ hear you very well. Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt()12. (xx孝感)With the help of the Internet, information can _ every corner of the world quickly.Aget Braise Creach Dturn()13. (xx新疆)Jim, its dark now. Please _ the light in the r

6、oom. OK, Mum. Aturn on Bturn up Cturn off Dturn down()14. (xx通辽)Where are you going for your summer holidays? I _ go to Dalian. I havent decided. Amay Bneed Cmust Dmustnt ()15. (xx重庆)You _ stop when the traffic lights turn red. Acant Bmay Cmust Dneednt()16. (xx呼和浩特)Hi, Susan! What are you going to d

7、o during the summer holiday?Im going to _ cooking because I like eating delicious food.Aclean upBput upCtake upDmake up()17. (xx上海)Must I do the project on my own?No, you _. You can work with your classmates. Aneednt Bcant Cshouldnt Dmustnt()18. (xx达州)Have you heard of the big fire that broke out at

8、 Hao Yixing Clothes Store on June 2nd?Yes. Luckily, hundreds of firemen immediately drove there and _ the fire. Aput off Bput away Cput down Dput out ()19. (xx宿迁)I saw John in the park this morning. It _ be him. He has gone to Hong Kong. Acant Bcan Cmustnt Dmust()20. (xx南充)Do you think it is popular

9、 to _ red envelopes (红包) on WeChat during festivals?Yes. But I prefer giving gifts to family members. Agive out Bgive away Cgive back Dgive up 一、单项填空()1. (xx惠州市惠东中学模拟)Its reported that Chinese _more than 40 minutes a day reading WeChat.Its true. But I think WeChat is taking too much of our time.Aspe

10、ndBcost CpayDtake()2. (xx珠海市一模)John _ his coat and went out. It was cold outside.Aput outBput offCput upDput on()3. (xx汕头市龙湖区模拟改编)Ill be away on holiday. Would you mind _ my pet dog? Not at all.Alooking at Blooking upClooking for Dlooking after()4. (xx汕头市金平区模拟改编)Who threw the empty bottle on the flo

11、or?Sorry, I dont know. It _ be Greg. I saw him holding a bottle in his hand just now.AcantBshouldCwillDmight()5. (xx惠州市惠城区一模)If you borrow some money from others, remember to _ in time.Apay it backBring it backCget it backDgive it back()6. (xx惠州市惠阳区模拟)_ I finish the work this week, sir?No, you _. Yo

12、u can finish it till next Wednesday.AMust; mustntBMust; neednt CCan; needntDCan; mustnt()7. (xx珠海市文园中学三模)My sister has a good habit. She likes to _ all things in right places.Aput down Bput away Cput on Dput out()8. (xx惠州市惠阳区模拟)The Russian government is _ banning (禁止) people in Russia from using any

13、 product of Apple Inc.Yes, and the idea will become a law in January, 2019.Athinking aboutBtaking upCcaring aboutDgiving away()9. (xx东莞市六校二模)It took me nearly two hours to ride here.Have a rest. You _ be very tired. AmustBwillCcantDshould()10. (xx珠海市紫荆中学三模)These problems are too hard to _. Will you

14、give me some advice?Alook outBwork outChand outDfind out()11. (xx汕头市澄海区模拟)Teenagers _ be strict with themselves in their study. I agree, but some of them still _ keep off computer games.Amust; can Bmustnt; cant Cmust; cant Dmustnt; can()12. (xx粤西区二模)If you want to get good scores, you had better _ t

15、he test papers before you hand them in.Ago awayBgo overCgo outDgo by()13. Im sorry, but I didnt _ you. Could you please repeat your words?Abelieve Bfollow CpleaseDsatisfy()14. Children under eight years old _ be left at home, or the police will punish their parents in some states of America.AneedntB

16、mustntCneed Dmust()15. We teenagers should _ the old and offer our seats to them on buses.Aask forBpay forCcare forDlook for二、完形填空I have great memories when I spent with my family. But I also have a few unpleasant memories. The worst memory is of experiencing an earthquake.The earthquake happened in

17、 my hometown in California when I was fifteen. Ill never _1_ it. The big noises and shaking began when I was in my room. I was doing my homework which must be _2_ the next day. I felt my bed was _3_. The noises got bigger and bigger. I left my room and went in search of my family to _4_ what was goi

18、ng on. I was sure that someone was working in our house and that the shaking would come to an end soon. But I was wrong. An earthquake had just happened.The earthquake was the most serious one that California had ever experienced. In fact, nearly a thousand people _5_ their lives because of the eart

19、hquake. Many homes and buildings were destroyed (毁坏) in it. My family were lucky enough to _6_ our house before the earthquake completely destroyed it.Ill never forget the way the earthquake _7_ my dad. He moved our family from California within a month _8_ he wanted to make a safer life for us. He

20、didnt think he was doing his job of protecting us by _9_ to stay in a place where an earthquake could happen again at any time. As a result, we _10_ in Texas. Ill never forget that earthquake and the way it changed our life.()1. ArecognizeBrepeatCforgetDknow()2. Abroken inBfilled inChanded inDjoined

21、 in()3. AchangingBincreasingCrunningDmoving()4. Afind outBput outCgive outDpoint out()5. AimprovedBlostCsavedDleft()6. Aget awayBget back Cget out ofDget on with()7. ApaidBchangedCkilledDtouched()8. AifBbecauseCsoDunless()9. AwaitingBavoidingCdisagreeingDchoosing()10. Aturned downBfell downCcut down

22、Dsettled down三、根据文意用适当的动词完成短文Deb and Sara were sisters. They 1. _ with their parents on a farm in the countryside. Growing up in the countryside gave them so much fun. There 2._ always something to do on the farm, so they were never bored. Every day they would 3. _ up early and help their parents fe

23、ed the cows before school. In the evening, after they had 4. _ their homework, they would work in the fields until the sun went down. Weekends were their favorite time because they could have picnics in the countryside and, when the weather was really good, 5. _ camping. 参考答案【限时自测】15 CCBAB610 DDBCD1115 ACAAC1620 CADAA【过关集训】一、15 ADDDA610 BBAAB1115 CBBBC二、15 CCDAB610 CBBDD三、1. lived2. was3. get4. finished5. go7 / 7文档可自由编辑打印


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