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1、Unit 6 Do you like bananas?(Section A 1a-3c)The First period(Section A 1a- 2c) Teaching Aims1. Knowledge Objects:(1)Function: Let the students know how to talk about theirs likes and dislikes by using the present tense. Learn some new words about food.(2)KeyVocabulary:hamburgers,tomatoes,Frenchfries

2、,pears,ice cream,oranges,salad,bananas,strawberries,like.(3)Target Language:1)-Do you like bananas? -Yes,I do.No,I dont. -Does heshe like apples? -Yes,heshe does.No,heshe doesnt.2)HeShe likes. HeShe doesnt like.(4) Structure: The countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2.Ability Objects: To learn to t

3、alk about likes and dislikes.3.Moral Objects: Enjoy you life and have a good health.Teaching key points To learn to ask what food you like and dislike.Teaching Difficult Points To talk about the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.Teaching Methods Listening and writing method; Pairwork; Groupwork.

4、Teaching AidsA tape recorder;Some picturesTeaching steps:Step 1:Greetings.Step 2: Words: (pictures)Whats this? (picture) Its a soccer ball. Do you have a soccer ball? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. Do you like it? Yes, I do./No, I dont.Whats this? Its a hamburger. Do you like it? Yes, I do. No, I dont.What

5、 are these? Theyre bananas. Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. / No, I dont.运用图片和对话教学单词:hamburger, banana, tomato, broccoli, French fries, strawberry, orange, ice cream, salad 并运用这些单词进行对话:Do you like? Yes, I do./ No, I dont.Step 3: 1a Match the words with the pictures. (P31)Step 4: 1b Listen and number

6、 the conversations 1-3.Do you like salad? No, I dont. Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. Do you like oranges? Yes, I do.Practice the conversations, and then make your own conversations.Step 5: 2a Listen and circle the food you hear. (P32)hamburgers tomatoes broccoli French fries oranges ice cream salad

7、 bananasStep 6: 2b Listen again and fill in the blanks. I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do.Do you like_: No, I dont like _.Lets have _. Oh, no. I dont like_. Step 7: 4 (P33)Make a food survey. Do you like?Food like it doesnt like ittomatoesLiu LiZhao Junhamburgers bananasFrench fri

8、esbroccolisaladorangesHow many students like hamburgers?How many students like bananas? 日常生活中饮食要做到不偏食,不挑食。Step 8: Lets sum what we have learned this class.Words: Sentences: Something else: Step 9: Homework1. Remember the words in this class. 2. Practise the dialogue in pairs.Blackboard Design Unit 6

9、 Do you like bananas?The First Period(Section A 1a-2c)hamburgers,tomatoes,Frenchfries,pears,ice cream,oranges,salad,bananas,strawberries,-Do you like bananas? -Yes,I do.No,I dont.-Does heshe like apples?-Yes,heshe does.No,heshe doesnt.HeShe likes.HeShe doesnt like. The Section Period(Section A 2d-3c

10、)Teaching Aims1.Knowledge Objects:(1)Function: Let the students know how to talk about theirs likes and dislikes by using the present tense. Learn some new words about food.(2)Key Vocabulary:vegetable, fruit(3)Target Language:1) -Do you like bananas? -Yes,I do.No,I dont. -Does heshe like apples? -Ye

11、s,heshe does.No,heshe doesnt.2)HeShe likes. HeShe doesnt like.(4)Structure: The countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2.Ability Objects:Train students speaking skill, and train them to communicate with others fluently.3.Moral Objects:Enjoy you life and have a good health.Teaching key pointsTo learn

12、to ask what food you like and dislike.Teaching Difficult PointsTo talk about the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.Teaching MethodsListening and writing method; Pairwork; Groupwork.Teaching Aids Some real objects; A projector; Some picturesTeaching steps. Step 1: warm-up 1.Greetings and introduc

13、tions. 2.Check homework.Step 2: presentation 1.free talk. Put up some pictures of food on the Bb.Make conversations in pairs like this.S1:Look,Whats this in English? S2:Its a banana.S1:Do you like bananas?S2:Yes, I do./No, I dont.Leave students five minutes to do it.Then invite some students to act

14、out their conversations.2.Grammar focusT:Now read through the sentences in the box silently.Then Ill invite some of you to read them for the whole class.Please pay attention to the countable nouns and uncountable nouns.List the countable nouns and uncountable nouns you know on the exercise book.writ

15、e as many as possible.Later,Ill collect your work to see who writes the most.Step3:Practice1. Activity 3a.T:First,you have to read through the sentences so that yo can know how to do this activity.Then do it individually.Pay attention to the subject of each sentence,Later check your answers.2. Activ

16、ity3b.T:The following are four sentences,read through the sentences so that yo can know their meanings.Then number them to make a conversation.Do it individually.Check the answers.Step4:ConsolidationActivity 3a.T:First,you have to read through the instructions of 3a so that yo can know how to do thi

17、s activity.Then Ill divide you into several groups.you may ask your group members about the food in the chart,and make a survey about what they like and dont like.Leave students enough time to do it.Finally, collect the results to find out which food the students like best.Step5:SummaryIn this perio

18、d, we have mainly concluded the grammar n this unit.And we have also consolidated what we learnt through some practice.Step6: Homework Do exercises in exercise books.Blackboard Design Unit 6 Do you like bananas? The Section Period(Section A 2d-3c)(1)-Do you like bananas? Yes, I do.No, I dont. -Does heshe like apples?Yes,heshe does.No,heshe doesnt. -Do they like.? Yes,they do .No,they dont. 2)HeShe likes. HeShe doesnt like.


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