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1、 高速过滤技术在工厂化海水养殖系统中的应用论文作者:李振瑜 薛正锐 梁友 王秉心 王夏摘要:采用彗星式纤维滤料过滤技术去除封闭水体养殖海水中的悬浮物。滤料规格为 2.50.430/40 mm,比重1.05-1.13g/cm3。过滤器主要运行指标:不加药过滤,平均滤速40.4 m/h,最大滤速58.2 m/h,反冲洗耗水率0.6-0.66 %,过滤周期46 h,剩余积泥率0.4 %。中试结果:试验水体240 M3,水循环次数12次/日,水循环率 > 90%,养鱼单产32.2 kg/m2,鱼池水悬浮物浓度 < 10mg/L。 关键词:过滤材料 过滤 封闭养殖系统 工厂化海水养殖 &nb

2、sp;1 工厂化海水养殖系统1.1 海水养殖系统的分类1,21.1.1 开放系统开放系统也称天然系统,是一种未经人工改进或简单改进的处于自然状态的海水养殖系统。一般而言,开放系统具有费用低和管理要求不高的优点,养殖生产费用只局限在捕捞、运输和加工方面。开放系统的养殖收益是由大自然来控制的,如需在一定程度上摆脱这种控制,则要求配备专门设计的养殖设施,然而,较高级的天然系统在管理方面所必需的知识却相当可观,投资亦很高。1.1.2 半封闭系统在半封闭系统中,天然海水经一定程度净化后一次通过养殖池或养殖塘。半封闭系统的优点是可以控制水的温度和水质,有利于防止病害和敌害等。半封闭系统的养殖密度大大高于开

3、放系统,养殖的水产品大小均匀、质量好,上市时间和数量便于掌握。许多半封闭系统都按“工厂化”设计,即包括养殖车间(池或塘)、饵料加工车间、育苗车间等单元,因此,半封闭系统连同水多次循环的封闭系统一道被称为“工厂化养殖系统”。1.1.3 封闭系统封闭系统中海水是在养殖系统中循环使用的,其最大优点是可以经济地控制水温,水中大量的热(或冷)不会象其他系统那样随排出水一同排出,因而,所需的能量比半封闭系统少。封闭系统可以有效地防治病害,从而大幅度提高养殖密度。半封闭系统中养殖密度为5-15 kg/m2,而封闭系统的养殖密度可为2040 kg/m2,甚至更高。封闭系统的技术核心之一是水处理技术,包括水中悬

4、浮物去除、有机物去除、增氧、消毒等单元操作。1.2 封闭海水养殖系统中悬浮物的去除1.2.1 悬浮物来源和性质3封闭养殖系统水中固体颗粒物主要来自二个方面:残饵和鱼的排泄物。不同的养殖品种和养殖方法饵料利用率有相当大的差异,研究表明一般沉性饵料约15-20%(干重)溶解或散失在水中形成悬浮物。另一方面,鱼的排泄物约占投喂饵料总量的25-30%,对某些养殖品种此值范围从18%到43%。此外,鱼体脱落物和水中各种微生物也在水中固体悬浮物的总量中占一定比例。养殖海水中悬浮固体的平均比重为1.19 g/cm3,略大于海水的比重(1.024-1.032 g/cm3)。养殖海水中颗粒物的典型粒径分布(以重

5、量计)为3:1.5-30m                     66.9%30-70m               5.2%70-105m          

6、;   5.7%>105m                22.2%对山东寻山养鱼场牙鲜养殖车间的水样分析表明,循环水中的固体颗粒粒径分布(以个数计)大致如下:<5m                  70-84%5-20m  

7、              14.4-27%>20m                 1.6-3%1.2.2 水中悬浮物的危害循环养殖海水中固体颗粒的有机物含量高,如不及时去除,水中微生物将大量消耗水中溶解氧,从而使水质快速恶化。水中微米级颗粒占比例很大,资料表明,当海水中5-10 m的颗粒含量达到30

8、-40 mg/L时,养殖鱼有急性反应,甚至有致死的实例1,13。悬浮物中的胶体颗粒、蛋白质、粘液、排泄物、病菌等都将对鱼的生理造成影响,同时对养殖水的理化性质有重要影响3。2 高速过滤技术用于封闭养殖系统的中试研究2.1 高速过滤技术2.1.1 彗星式纤维滤料4,5本研究采用了一种不对称结构滤料彗星式纤维滤料。这种新型滤料的特点是一端为松散的纤维丝束,又称“彗尾”,另一端纤维丝束固定在比重较大的“彗核”内。滤料规格为:彗核直径              &

9、nbsp;                2.5 mm纤维丝束直径                          0.4 mm彗尾丝束长        &n

10、bsp;           30 - 40 mm纤维单丝直径                     20 - 40 m滤料比重                &nbs

11、p;      1.05 - 1.13 g/cm3彗星式纤维滤料的结构特点和性质参见文献4- 高速过滤传统的砂滤快滤工艺滤速为8-12 m/h,本研究的目标是实现40-50 m/h的高速过滤。在实现高速过滤的基础上,本研究对过滤器的分离效率和滤料洗净效率提出了具体要求。分离效率以滤料截留悬浮颗粒的粒度及截留百分数表示,要求粒径2m以上的颗粒去除率大于95%。滤料洗净效率包含二个指标:洗净度和反冲洗耗水量。洗净度以剩余积泥率表示,定义为:反冲洗结束后,滤料上附着的杂质重量(干重)占滤料自重(干重)的百分比,研究的目标是剩余积泥率小于5%。反冲

12、洗耗水量由反冲洗时间和反冲洗强度决定,研究的目标是反冲洗耗水量占过滤周期产水量的2%以下。测试参数和测试方法见文献6。2.2  中试研究2.2.1 试验条件现场试验地点位于山东省寻山水产集团养鱼场,试验车间东西宽14m,南北长25m,内设方型圆抹角养鱼池 (6.16.1m2) 6个,每个鱼池水面33.78m2,平均水深1m,单池水体 33.78m3。循环水处理流程简图见图1。图1  循环水处理流程简图主要试验指标为:  养成水体           &nb

13、sp; 200 m3  循环率               90% (日添新水20M3)  过滤器额定处理水量   120 m3/h  设计滤速             40-45 m/h2.2.2 试验装置设计处理水量      &nbs

14、p;          120 m3/h过滤器个数                   2台过滤器直径                   

15、1500过滤器过滤面积                1.67 m2/台过滤器高度                    4.6 m过滤条件           

16、;           常压,不加药单台过滤器处理水量            60 m3/h反冲洗水强度                  6-10 l/m2.s反冲洗气强度    

17、;              20-40 l/m2.s滤床反冲洗膨胀率              1:22.2.3 试验结果6滤速范围                 &

18、nbsp;    38.3-42.4 m/h平均滤速                          40.4 m/h最大滤速               &

19、nbsp;          58.2 m/h过滤周期                           46 h反冲洗耗水率          &

20、nbsp;       0.6-0.66 %大于2m颗粒的平均去除率    92.8-97.6 %剩余积泥率                       < 0.4 % 3 封闭系统养殖技术试验73.1 养殖鱼种及现状牙鲆(Paralichthys orivaceus)俗称牙塌(山东

21、)、牙片(辽宁、河北)、左口(广东),属鲽形目(Pleuronectiformes),鲆科(Bothidae),是一种名贵的海产经济鱼类,主要分布于我国及日本、朝鲜、俄国远东沿岸海区。近年来,牙鲆以其生长快,食性杂,适应广及活动少等优点,被确定为北方沿海工厂化养殖的首选对象。我国现有的工厂化海水养殖场多采用流水开放式或半封闭式养鱼,普遍存在着用水量大、养殖水不回收利用、水质受自然环境制约等问题,造成养殖鱼生长周期长、单产量低、放养密度低、饵料系数高等缺点。3.2  生产性试验结果以高效过滤技术、高效氮源净化技术和水质自动监测与控制技术为关键研究内容,设计与配置了水处理系统和整套工厂化

22、养鱼设施。2000年1月开始试运行,2000年4月起进行彗星式纤维滤料高速过滤器运转,2000年8月完成鱼产量和水处理设施验收。主要技术指标如下:                     试验水体               240 m3  

23、;                   水循环次数             2 小时/次                 &nbs

24、p;   水循环率               90 %                     养鱼单产           &

25、nbsp;   32.2 Kg/m2                     成活率                 93.6-93.9 %经高速过滤处理后的池水清澈透明,由于光照适宜,供氧充足,牙鲆体色、花纹均明显优于

26、对照鱼池(半封闭系统),见图2。 图2  牙鲆成鱼(左:半封闭系统,右:封闭系统)4 结语本研究系国家高技术研究发展计划(八六三计划)海水养殖工程优化技术课题的一部分。以彗星式纤维过滤材料为核心的高速过滤技术在封闭养殖系统中的中试研究表明;这种新型滤料及过滤技术的特点是悬浮物去除率高、养殖池水清澈,主要技术指标优于常规的水处理方法,适于高密度工厂化海水养殖。本研究得到了山东寻山水产集团李洪义先生和李尚友先生的鼎力支持,浙江德安公司俞建德先生提供了试验用过滤器及滤料,清华大学环境科学与工程系金志刚先生和闫冰先生参加了部分研究工作,浙江德安公司黄彰焱先生和刘建生先生参加了试验设备安装工作

27、。参考文献1F.W.惠顿编著.水产养殖工程.中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所等译.北京:农业出版社,19882John E. Huguenin, Hohn Colt. Design and operating guide for aquaculture  seawater systems. Elsevier ,19893Michael B. Timmons, Thomas M. Losordo. Aquaculture water reuse systems:engineering design and management. Elsevier, 19944李振瑜,刘力群,金志刚.

28、彗星式纤维过滤体. 中国实用新型专利. ZL 98249298.75李振瑜,王夏. 彗星式纤维过滤材料. 见:环境科学与工程研究.北京:清华大学出版社.(待出版)6李振瑜,金志刚,闫冰,王夏. 高效过滤技术与设备研制.  国家高技术研究发展计划项目工厂化养殖海水净化和高效循环利用技术子课题研究报告.2000.97薛正锐,梁友,陈庆生. 工厂化养殖海水净化和高效循环利用关键技术. 国家高技术研究发展计划项目工厂化养殖海水净化和高效循环利用技术课题验收报告. 2000.9/Porganization system and working mode, the selection of a

29、number of municipal strengthening group to build innovation and strengthen the organization of the basic level organizations advanced model.(seven) the manual work of the Communist Youth League Organization published and League branch of manual work, to promote the use of two manuals in the citys or

30、ganizations at various levels. The county committee, directly under the group (work) is under the jurisdiction of grassroots League and group (total) using branch ratio shall not be less than 70%.Three, to further strengthen the groups leadership and team building(a) to strengthen the leagues leader

31、ship at all levels of construction. Continue to do a good job of municipal Party Committee Organization Department on the strengthening of the Communist Youth League cadres management opinions implementation. To promote the group counties (autonomous counties, cities) Commission and city directly un

32、der the group (workers) appointed to carry out the Five team building activities. Improve the League Association Department working mechanism. Conscientiously fulfill the duties of CO, combined with the city group directly under (the) Committee of the general election and the adjustment, actively jo

33、intly with the unit where the party organization department good group leadership selection with the work. Do a good job in municipal Party committee assistant committee leadership and leading cadres of the annual assessment work, adhere to and improve the assistant secretary of the Communist Youth

34、League talk system group To weave individual conversation and collective conversation, to strengthen the committees of all levels, the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, the establishment of a sound system of central group learning, the system of investigation and study, the system of imp

35、ortant issues and the reporting system.(two) to strengthen the work of education and training of cadres to conscientiously implement the Central Committee. On the implementation of grassroots cadres training project and opinions on carrying out the mission municipal CYL Cadres training project imple

36、mentation opinions, full implementation of the project of the City Youth League cadres training education. Focus on the county grassroots cadres and workers focused on training, the new school system vocational training League cadres, for the Municipal Organization Department jointly held the third

37、session of the Communist Youth League system training cadres in party. Focusing on the construction of new socialist countryside, strengthening village cadres and rural construction team group member of the young team, the county organizations at various levels throughout the year is expected to tra

38、in 100 00 rural grassroots cadres, plans to train 1000 village secretary of the village Party branch.(three) actively promote grassroots cadres election work. Under the unified leadership of the party organization, to strengthen grassroots organizations direct work, standardize the election work rul

39、es and procedures, in the designated candidate, open competition to democratically elected branch secretary at the same time, actively and steadily the development of Township, streets and other grassroots organizations in the direct election of the pilot work, on the basis of summarizing the experi

40、ence and gradually expand the scope of the pilot, and gradually formed a set of measures and cadres election system.(four) to strengthen the cadres testing exercise. To study the development of XX city from 2006 to 2008 cadres testing exercise planning. To select outstanding cadres to the central mi

41、ssion in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other central organs and sending work in developed areas. With the Central Committee the implementation of the western region and ethnic minorities cadres training plan . To carry out the eighth batch of municipal organs attachment cadre management, selectio

42、n, training work. The outstanding cadres to start the National Development Bank XX branch testing exercise.(five) to strengthen the group construction. The main position to play the role of Youth League cadre education and training as the city, in accordance with the requirements of post training, f

43、urther curriculum scientifically and rationally, adopt arrangement menu course, basic theory includes group work, focus, hot and difficult issues, to enhance the content and practice; to strengthen the construction of teaching staff, the integration of teachers, establish a quality teacher training

44、team, establish and implement course evaluation system; take delivery of training to the countryside, on-site training, and increase the rural grassroots cadres training efforts.Four, efforts to strengthen the work of young talent(a) to tenth XX young 54 medal in recognition of the publicity, and ac

45、tively explore the XX youth service. 54 Medal of institutionalization, standardization and socialization mechanism. Give full play to the XX award in recognition of 54 youth medal Association, Youth Award winner in the 54 chapter, investigation activities. Who won the Youth Service medal, dedication

46、 to the society to create conditions, build the stage. During the 54, named in recognition of the tenth XX young 54 medal. The association of XX editing of young talent , the exchange of information and communication platform for the XX of outstanding young talents.(two) the establishment of municip

47、al Party committee of young talent information database. In accordance with the feasible, effective, classification management, implement step by step principle, the establishment of municipal Party committee of youth talent database; guiding organizations at various levels generally established the young talent database, construction of city, county (directly under the Communist Youth League), grassroots organizations three young talent


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