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1、(1) 、形近词辨析(2) 、近义词的辨析(难)常考(3) 、短语辨析(动词+介词搭配)一、短语breakbreak away(from) 脱离,逃跑break down 损坏,分离,瓦解break in/into 强行进入,冲入break off 断绝,结束,中断,绝交break out 爆发,突然发生(战争.事故等),脱逃break through突破(障碍)等break up 中止,结束,打破,拆散,(身体)变弱 ,衰弱bringbring about 带来,造成,引起(造成)=(lead to,result to ,give rise to ,on account of/to due

2、tobe virtue of 因为)bring down 打倒,挫伤,降低bring forth 产生,提出bring forward 提出 come up withbring up 教育,培养(常考),使成长/was brought up in/by sbcall(经常考)call off 取消,放弃(cancel)call on sb(upon)拜访某人,要求做.,请求call on sb to do/ask 号召某人做某事call up 召集,动员,使人想起call in 召集,召来call for 要求,需要,提倡,邀请,为.叫喊call at 拜访,访问,停靠(车站)call by

3、顺道访问side effect/by effect 副作用by 都有附属的/旁边的意思carry(常考)carry off 夺去,度过,完成,勇敢的面对,坚持carry on 继续下去,坚持下去carry out 贯彻,执行,实现(常考)catchcatch on理解,明白,受欢迎,流行catch upwith 追上,赶上catch sight of 看到(很重要)come (年年考)come on 请,进展,发展,开始,来临(常考)come out 出版,刊出,结果是,结局是=turn out to become round /around 来访,前来,苏醒,复原come through 经

4、历,脱险,(常考)(苦痛的经历)through 一般指艰辛的过程come to 苏醒,复苏,共计 ,达到come up with 提出,追赶上,come into 得到,继承come across 偶然,碰到(常考)come up for air喘口气come down with (病)付钱,染上(病) 坏习惯come down to 屈尊做某事,归结起来count on 依赖,依靠(The whole team count on Cristiano Ronaldo ,and he seldom lets them down .)整个wait on 伺候,服侍call on 号召drawdra

5、w in (火车,汽车) 到达draw on 吸收,利用draw up 写出,画出,草拟 draw out 拉长,拔出draw off 放干,消除draw a conclusion 得出结论考试中遇到就选他们withdraw 撤走,拿走entitle(使.具备做某事的资格)overwhelming 占主导位置deny拒绝 否认 由于Due to /owing to /thanks to(多亏)相当于because of / as a result of /in virtue of /because of 导致Result in导致的原因Her sense of inferiority(自卑情绪

6、) result in her unfortunate family background.(真题)Resut from 导致的结果Bring about Lead to dropdrop by/in 顺便走访drop off 减弱,减少,打瞌睡=doze off drop out 退出,离队,不参与,弃权=abandon ,进展,相处,融洽getget along on /with get on well with somebodyget round /around (消息)传开 =Word/rumor 谣言rumor get around 谣言满天飞get away 离开,逃脱get by

7、 通过,经过get down 从.下来,写下get down to 开始着手做某事=set about,take upget rid of 除掉,去掉,革除,摒除=disposeget through 接通电话,度过(时间)(常考)give(当心)give away 分送,泄露,出卖give back 送还,恢复 =returngive in 投降,屈服=yiled to give off 释放,放出,发出=hand out,distribute分配,散布,分发,把分类give up 放弃,停止,投降 surrender vi 屈服,投降hand in/out 一般互为一对反义词hand do

8、wn 把传下去(指从上一代传到下一代)hand in 上交,递交hand on 把传下去(依次传递)hand out 发给,分发,散发(反义词hand in/distribute)hand over 交出,交付,移交,让与(反义词 take over 接管,接替)look 不及物动词 look系动词 smell闻,sound听taste尝,feel 感觉look after照料,照顾,注意look down upon/on 看不起,轻视look for 期待,盼望,寻找,搜求look forward to 盼望,期待=expect look in 顺便看望=drop in ,call inlo

9、ok into 调查,观察look through 仔细察看,浏览,温习look up 查阅,查询,查字典search 寻找putput down 拆毁=tear down(拆信封),take down ,拉倒put in (车)停下,进站,(船)到岸put out 拔出,抽出,取出,(车,船)驶出put up (使)停下,举起,张贴,建造,提高He put up as a candidate .他作为候选人参选。Anna put up a mild protest.(n抗议,反对,申明,Vi 抗议,断言 vt 抗议,声明,反对)安娜提出温和抗议。put up with 容忍,忍受put ov

10、er (车)靠边停setset about 开始,着手(doing)set aside搁在一边,留出,挑出(setaside) set back推迟,延缓,阻碍(常考) set fire to 放火,点着了,激起,燃点set out 动身,启程,开始,制定(to do)set out to 打算,开始,着手(=set about doing )set up 创立,建立,树立taketake after 与相像,效仿take apart 拆开,拆卸,(机器)takeapart take away 消除,消耗take down 记下,写下take in 接受,吸收,了解,理解take off 起飞

11、,脱下take on(sb) 呈现,接纳,开始雇佣(常考)take over 接管,接办take up 采取,接纳,占据take apart in 参与,参加=participate in take place发生take for example 用为例takefor granted 把认为是理所应当的turn(常考)turn down 关小,调低,拒绝turn in 交还,上交 hand in turn off 关掉,断开turn on 接通,打开turn out (to be )结果是,(最后)证明是turn over 移交,转交(=hand over ),翻过来,翻到turn to (s

12、b) 变成,求助于,借助于turn up 到来,出现joinjoin in 参加join the army,join up 参军enlist He decide to enlist.他决定参军。He enlisted in the army.他参军了。in relation to 与有关I have a lot say in relation to that affair.关于那件事,我有很多话要讲。in response to 对做出反应in favor of 赞成 反义词 oppose ,be opposed to ,object to,be against,argue againstin

13、 prossession of 拥有(人做主语),占有 in the prossession of (物做主语)in contrast to 和相反二、词汇词汇题常考题型 com/con很重要的字段1、 形近词辨析deceive 欺骗conceive构思,怀孕conceal 隐瞒,隐藏 concept 观念,观点,思想If you conceal your friends ,you may lose them.2、senseless 麻木,无知的,愚昧的 sensitive 敏感的,易受影响的 sensible 明智的,合符情理的 insensible 无疼痛感觉的,不知道的 An autho

14、r must not be too sensitive to criticism.(批评) 3.近义词辨析三、语法1.考倍数只考两倍(twice)twice as much as/twice as much2.考分数two-thirds(1.基数词+序数词(2.分子大于1,分母用复数3.比较级the morethe more ,as much an art as,as qualified as 和一样优秀越来越(1. It is generally believed that the more exercise you do,the healthier you will become.(2.I

15、 thought his speech would be interesting,but it turned out that the more he talked,the more I became bored. 4.非谓语动词to do(考的几率小)/v-ing(进行时)/v-ed(过去分词)(句首)1 -(1)、(2)-,1 v-ing(主语发出)Judging by Davids expression ,wed say he is not good mood today. (2)v-ed (被做)Seen from the hill-top ,the lake scenery is b

16、eyond description.(难以言表)(真题)(1)、(2)-,独立主格(1) 自己做The decision having been made ,the next problem was how to make a good plan.(真题)(2) 被做5、情态动词(虚拟语气 过去猜测 情态动词+完成时)-“Have you seen Mary today?”-“No ,I think she must have been away on her vacation.”(有否定所以只能用must have done)6、虚拟语气(过去,将来,现在) 、与过去事实相反结构从句 had

17、+过去分词主句用 should(would/could/might)have+动词原形例如:If it had not rained so hard yesterday,we could have played tennis.如果昨天没下雨吗,我们就能打网球了。If we had known that she had planned to arrive today,we might have met her at the bus station.(真题)(2)、与现在事实相反从句were、动词用过去式主句用should(would、could、might)+v原形例如:If I were in

18、 your position,I would marry her.(3)、与将来事实相反的结构从句 should(were to)+动词原形主句 should(would/could/might)+动词原形If you should miss the chance,you would feel sorry for it.如果你错过这次机会,你会难过的。2.宾语从句中的虚拟语气(1).wish后接宾语从句的虚拟语气:根据句子意思判断。A:表示与现在和将来事实相反的愿望,从句用谓语动词的过去时态。例如:I wish they were not so late.要是他们来得不是这么晚就好了。B:表示

19、与过去事实相反的愿望,从句谓语动词用过去完成时。I wished he hadnt done that.我真希望那件事不是他做的。I wish I were a spaceman like yang liwei and could stay in the spaceship for a few days.(真题)(2) 表坚持、建议、命令、要求宾语从句虚拟语气一个:坚持 insist 两个:命令 order、command三个:建议 advise、suggest、propose四个:要求 demand、require、request、askdirect(、agree、decide、desire

20、、prefer从句的谓语动词用should+动词原形,should可以省略I insist that he (should)go with us .我坚持让他和我们一起去。注意:insist表示坚持认为,suggest表示表明、暗示时,不用虚拟语气,使用正常语序。He insisted that she was honest.3、 主语从句的虚拟语气(1) 、It be+adj+that.(should).。(写作文用)用于该句的形容词有:necessary/good/import/right/wrong/better/natural/proper/funny/strange/surprisi

21、ng/significant等。It is natural that he (should)feel hurt.他感到疼是很正常的。(2) 、It be+过去分词+that.(should).。用于该句结构的过去分词有:表示(建议、命令、要求等词。(与B:(2)相同)It is desired that the building of the house be completed next month.真希望这所房子在下个月前就能竣工。(3) It is time(bout time/high time)that.+(过去时或should+v原形).。例如:It is high time I

22、went home now.=It is high time I should go home .我该回家了。(4) 、表语从句、同位语从句中的虚拟语气。在suggestion,proposal,order,plan,idea,advice,decision等词需要具体的解释的名词后要使用虚拟语气,其谓语动词为:should+v原形,连接从句的that不能省略My suggestion is that we should go there at once.我的建议是我们应该马上去那儿。4、 省略形式。有时可以把含有助动词、情态动词、be 或have 的虚拟条件句中的连词if省去,而将had/s

23、hould/were等词提到主语前面,即用倒装结构。这时,如果出现not等否定词需放在主语后面。例如:If she had been here five minutes earlier, she would have seen her old friend.Had she been here five minutes earlier,she would have seen her old friend.(与6、虚拟语气(1)、(2)、(3)归为一类)7、 倒装(只考部分倒装)Only 修饰的状语(副词、介词短语或状语从句句首时:Only after three operations was h

24、e able to walk without sticks.做过三次手术后,他才能不用拐杖走路。Only with more practice can you pass the driving test.只有多练习你才能通过驾驶考试。only修饰主语时不用倒装only that girl knew how to work out the problem.只有那位女生知道怎么解释这道题。l Only to doAfter 15 years abroad , his brother came back only to find his hometown severely damaged in th

25、e earthquake.(真题)不料(却),出乎意料的结果 特殊“where is the girl we talked about yesterday ?”“look ,Here she comes(主语代词不倒装it/she/he)当主语是名词时倒装(真题)Here comes the bus(完全倒装)2、 含有否定意义的副词(never,seldom,little,few,not,nowhere,nor等位于句首时)Never before were so much free information available for quick and easy access in so

26、many different filed of study.(真题)3、 Not until 位于句首(主句倒装)Not until the early years of the 19th century did man know what heat is.直到19世纪初,人们才知道热是何物。Feeling something wrong with our car ,we pulled over. Not until then did we find it had been badly damaged.Not until he loses his health will he give up

27、drinking.4、 在no soonerthan,hardly/scarcly/barelywhen结构中,前面部分位于句首时,其后部分要部分倒装(谓语用过去完成时)No sooner had he begun to speak than some noise arose from the audience.(真题)Hardly had the speaker finished making the speech when the people stood up applauding.(真题)5、 not only(but also)位于句首引导两个分句时,前一个分句中的主谓要采用部分倒装

28、,第二个句不用倒装。Not only does he teach in school,but (also)(可省略)the writes novels.6、 so/neither/nor 开头的句子,说明 前面的内容也适用于后者时,用倒装句“so/neither/nor+be/have/助动词/情态动词+主语。She has been to Dalian and so have I.她去过大连,我也去过。-Maggine had a wonderful time at the pany.- so she did ,and so did I .So+主语+be/have/助动词、情态动词,表确实

29、、是的意思,不倒装7、as/though引导的词等提到句首,采用部分倒装。如果位于句首的是单数可数名词,其前不加冠词。Brave as they were ,the danger made them afraid.尽管他们很勇敢,但在危险面前他们感到害怕。Wounded as he was ,he refused to come back from the front.8、 在so/such.that.结构中,so/such修饰部分位于句首时,主句部分倒装。例如:so beautiful was the girl that she won the championship in the bea

30、uty contest.那女孩那么漂亮,她在选美比赛中获得了冠军。So fast does light travel that it is difficult for us to imagine its speed.(真题)Such an instructive(教育性的) speech did he make that all the listeners were moved.他发表的演说那么有教育意义,以至于所有的听众都很感动。特殊:so lovely a day /such a lovely day It is so lovely a day that wed like to go ou

31、t for a walk.(真题)8、 主谓一致 语法一致v 就近原则 单数重点考has/is例如:1)、Dr .Green ,together with his wife and two daughters ,is to arrive in Nanjing tonight.2) 、Air pollution ,together with overpopulation,is caused many problems in big cities today.3) Neither the teacher nor her students have been asked to attend to a

32、ttend the meeting by the headmaster. 1) 、谓语动词用单数的情况1、 不定式、动名词、名词性从句作主语时2、 事件、国名、书名、作品名称作主语时3、 表示时间、金钱、距离、体积、数字等的名词词组作主语表示总量时。4、 定语从句中,先行词是the only one (of).时;He is the only of the students who has been a winner of scholarship for three years.(真题)先行词在前不受主语影响 One of +可数名词复数+关系代词+谓语动词的复数He is one of th

33、e students who have been a winner of scholarship for three years.Mary is one of the brightest students who have graduate from New York University.(真题)5、 以-ics 或-s 结尾的表示学科、疾病之类的名词作主语时;6、 A quantity of 其后接名词作主语时;7、 Every/each+单数名词,each.and each.,every.and every.,many a.,more than one .等作主语时。 8. the nu

34、mber of + 复数名词作主语时;9. each, everyone, everybody, everything, someone, somebody, something 等不定代词作主语时。【考例1】 As you can see, the number of cars on our roads _ rising these days. (2006全国卷II)A. was keeping B. keepC. keeps D. were keeping解析: 答案C。the number of 复数名词作主语,表示“的数量”,谓语动词用单数形式。根据题意,应选C。【考例2】 A poe

35、t and artist _ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. (2006江苏)A. is B. are C. was D. were解析: 答案A。当“名词 and 名词”前面只有一个冠词时,表示“一人 / 物”,作主语时,谓语动词用单数。根据题意,应选A。(the/a)要点二、谓语动词用复数的情况:1. 由and或both. and. 连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数;例:The atmosphere is as much a part of the earth

36、 as are (its soil and the water of its lakes,rivers and oceans.)主语 (真题)2. clothes, trousers, shoes, glasses等词作主语时,谓语动词常用复数;3. quantities of无论其后接单数还是复数名词,谓语动词都用复数;4. a number of + 复数名词作主语时,谓语动词用复数;5. people (指人时), police, cattle等词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。【考例1】 With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities o

37、f good earth _ each year. (2005山东)A. is washing away B. is being washed awayC. are washing away D. are being washed away解析:答案 D。本题考查了两个知识点。其一是主谓一致:quantities of 之后无论接单数还是复数名词,谓语动词都用复数,故排除 A、B项;其二考查了语态,土壤是被冲走的,故选择D。【考例2】 Nowadays, a large number of women, especially those from the countryside, _ in t

38、he clothing industry. (2005辽宁)A. is working B. worksC. work D. worked解析:答案C。a number of 后接可数名词的复数形式作主语时,谓语动词用复数。nowadays表明应用一般现在时。要点三、邻近原则:1. 由连词or, either. or., neither. nor., not only. but (also). 等连接两个名词作主语时,谓语动词的数由邻近的名词或代词来决定;2. 以there 或here开头的句子,谓语动词的数由邻近的名词或代词来决定。【考例】 Either you or the headmas

39、ter _ the prizes to these gifted students at the meeting. (1994上海)A. is handing out B. are to hand outC. are handing out D. is to hand out解析:答案D。句子的主语部分含有either. or.,其谓语动词的形式应采用就近原则。又因be to do sth.表将来,因此答案为D。要点四、依照情况而定:1. 量词后加名词,谓语动词的数由量词的单复数决定;2. lots of, plenty of等词表示“许多”等概念时,谓语动词的数由of后的名词决定;3. 集体

40、名词作主语,若表示整体,谓语动词用单数;若表示整体中的各个成员,谓语动词用复数。常见的集体名词有:team, class, army, family, group等;例如:The number of employees( 集体名词)at the factory has been cut to a minimum(最低限度) so as to (为了)lower production cost. 4. 当主语中心词是all, some, any, enough, most, half, the rest等时,谓语动词要视情况而定;5. 由下列介词及词组引起的短语作主语的后置定语时,不影响主语的数

41、,如 as well as, with, together with, along with, rather than, including, except, but, besides 等。【考例1】 Most of what has been said about the Smiths _ also true of the Johnsons. (2006安徽)A. are B. isC. being D. to be解析:答案 B。句子的主语是most, of后是一个what引导的从句,指的是事情,应该看作是不可数的,所以谓语动词用单数形式。【考例2】 The father as well

42、as his three children_ skating on the frozen river every Sunday afternoon in winter. (2006辽宁)A. is going B. goC. goes D. are going解析:答案C。主语部分是含有as well as的词组构成的,前面是the father,后面是his three children,决定谓语动词形式的应该是the father,所以谓语用单数形式,再根据时间状语确定用一般现在时态。考例3、The League secretary and monitor_asked to make a

43、speech at the meeting.A. isB. wasC. areD. were答案:B.注:先从时态上考虑。这是过去发生的事情应用过去时,先排除A、C本题易误选D,因为The League secretary and monitor 好象是两个人,但仔细辨别,monitor前没有the,在英语中,当一人兼数职时只在第一个职务前加定冠词。后面的职务用and相连。这样本题主语为一个人,所以应选BThe owner and editor of the newspaper is to attend the conference.(真题)解析同上考例四:Air pollution ,tog

44、ether with overpopulation,is causing many problems in big cities today.(真题)跟踪练习:1. When and why Jack came to China _ not known. When and where to build the new library _ not been decided.A. is; has B. are; hasC. is; have D. are; have2. Each solider and sailor _ a gun.A. are given B. was givenC. were

45、 given D. have been given3. _ ten dollars (度量衡作主语用单数)a big sum to him? I suppose so.A. Is B. Will beC. Are D. Were4. _ Jack and Mary who mended the broken chair yesterday?A. Is it B. Were itC. Was it(强调句) D. Are it4)、It was John and Peter who helped me with my work the other day.(强调句 真题)5. It seemed to me that what she saw and heard _ very interesting.A. was B. wereC. is D. are6. There be manager or his secretary _ to give you a


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