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1、2011届高三英语精品复习资料:英语听力 2011届高三英语精品复习资料:英语听力【命题趋向】 高考听力主要测试学生理解英语口语的能力,是以对话或独白为载体,在语言使用的场景中测试学生使用语音、语法、词汇知识的能力,主要考查学生对所听的信息的正确理解能力,和快速反应能力测试要点:1理解主旨和大意。2获取事实性的具体信息,如时间 地点 人物等。3简单推断说话背景、人物关系等。4理解说话人的意图、观点或态度。听力试题特点(1)听力材料贴近生活,材料篇幅长,信息量大。(2)题材多样,20个小题的内容覆盖面较广,试题语境明显,语言符合真实交际,具有口语特征;(3)语速适中,录音清晰。朗读者语速高于大纲

2、要求的120单词/分钟。(4)采用男女问答式。()多数英语试题仍然是采用9个对话 (个短对话,4个长对话),1个独白。而07年新标广东卷4个对话、2个独白。一个独白是信息试题听独白(完成道填写试题),从中获取必要的信息,填写图表。上海试题中也有信息试题。听完后填写7道题。【考点透视】1听力材料的选择:听力材料多于英美的真实生活和语境。听力的题材广泛,涉及教育,时事,地理、天、经济、人物、科普等。选材突出生活气息,符合中学生特点,信息量大,具有较强的交际性。2听力交际功能项目包括:天气、就餐、住宿、购物、化娱乐、体育、租房、旅游、交通等大纲要求的语言功能项目。3听力试题采用设问的形式 几乎全是特

3、殊疑问句,疑问包括 hat here h ;h uh ;h ften ;h an h h (hen ;h ld ;h lng ;h sn 等)【听力试题考查方式】(1)第一节 个简单的对话,只听一遍。句意的快速反应能力和理解能力(2)第二节 4个比较长的对话 一个独白短。听两遍 考查整体理解力、对细节的归纳综合能力和判断推理能力【例题解析】1 理解主旨和大意:hat is the speaer taling abut ?Nes reprts BUsing expressins Language learning 答案: 解析:根据第一句主题句,可以判断本段主题是语言学习。 N Id lie t

4、 tell u sething abut Language learning, firs f all, I plae self in the language, the language that I ant t learnUh, fr exaple, I ath a fil in that language, hih fres e t learn rds and expressinsUh,u an ath TV nes reprts, r listen t the radi reprtsu n, anthing is reall helpful as lng as u an hear the

5、 language regularl Next, I eep a situatin ntebFr exaple, in a restaurant, u use a ertain rd r an expressin ver and ver againS if u an reeber ust a partiular ne in eah situatin, u an iediatel spea that language and have re trust in ur abilitin this a u an get re ut f learning the language, I thin2获取事

6、实性的具体信息,如时间 地点 人物等。关注题干中的疑问词:h/hen/h/hih/here/hat。通过题干,我们可以了解试题所考的细节是关于时间、数字、价格等。那么听录音时,就能集中注意力抓到关键的信息。(1)hat des eah tiet st ? A Ten uan BT uan Five uan 听力材料: : There is a gd fil at the inea tnighthave u bught an tiets? : esI bught t tiets and the st e ten uan答案: 解析:题干问票的价钱。故听短时,注意速记中的数字。(2)here de

7、s the nversatin tae plae ? A In a siene useu BIn a bstre In a librar 听力材料:高 考资网: hat an I d fr u ?: Id lie t have a l at bs n sieneI ant t bu se 答案: B 解析 :根据题干,可以知道要抓住中和地点有关的信息。(3)hat tie is Bill suppsed t arrive ?A 8:00 B7:30 8:1 听力材料:: here is Bill ?He shuld be here b 8:00 fr the eeting:His ife sa

8、id he left at 7:30i thin he ill be here at 8:13简单推断说话人职业、人物关系等。hat d u n abut the an ?AHe is nt an ffie lerBHe is a shp assistantHe is a plitial leader听力材料::I a an assistant at a gvernent ffie:h, that sunds iprtant:It is nt reall答案:A解析:根据给出的AB三个答案,我们可以推断询问职业。本题考查推断说话者身份的能力。听力时,注意女声的hat d u d there ?

9、: S u r in ashingtn Dhat d u d there ?和男声的I a an assistant at a gvernent ffie根据这两句对白,我们可以推断A是正确答案。4理解说话人的意图、观点或态度。hat is the ans attitude abut the intervie ?AHe is rried BHe is satisfied He is angr听力材料:: H did ur intervie g ?:I uldnt feel better abut it !The questins ere ver fair, and I seeed t find

10、 an anser fr the all答案:B 解析:根据说话人的语调、和她的用词I uldnt feel better abut it !可以推断出说话者的态度和意图。【专题训练与高考预测】高 考资网Test 1第一节(共五小题,每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面五段对话。每段对话有一个小题,从题中给出的A,B,三个选项中,选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一题。每段对话只读一遍。1hat is the tie b the ans ath ?A9 :30 B 9:1 9:4 2H lng des the an plan t sta ?A

11、Abut seven das B Abut five das Abut telve das 3here des the nversatin st prbabl tae plae ?A In the restaurant B In a stre In a statin 4hats the an ding n ?ATring t have a sleep BStuding Arguing abut sething ith his ifehats the an ging t d ?ARun t the airprt Bait fr anther busHurr t ath the next bus第

12、二节( 共1小题,每小题1分,满分22分) 听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材料,回答67题6 hat are the taling abut? A the eather f Lndn B Travelling in Britain the traffi f Lndn7 hat dse the an thin f the Lndn buses? A Rather sl B Ver gd T

13、expensive听第七段材料回答第89题8 here are the? A In a shp B In a hspital In a librar9 hat shuld the an d after the edial exainatin? A She shuld be in hspital B she shuld have a rest she shuld tae ediine听第八段材料,回答1012小题10 H lng has the an been in Aeria? A Abut ears B Abut 10 ears Abut 1 ears11 Is he a US itizen

14、? A N,he is nt B It is nr lear es, he is12 h did he e ba? A He uldnt ae ne B He felt lnel He uld d nthing听第九段材料,回答第1316题13 hat did the b bu? A hina Dail B Guang ing Dail Ren in Dail14 h did he bu it? A It as ver interesting B It as heap It as gd reading aterial fr learning English1 ere there an seti

15、ns in it? A es,it had 2 setins B es,it had an setins es,it had setins16 as it rth reading? A N,it as t diffiult B es,it as useful Nit as t dull听第十段材料,回答第1720题17 If e live in a rete area,h an e find the bs e need? A G t the shl librar B G t the travelling librar G t the tn librar18 H an e find the bs

16、 e need in a librar? A Searh the shelves B Find the ertain rder L up a ard index19 hat ind f bs ant be brred fr the librar? A rdinar bs B Referene bs Bs n a partiular subet20 here an e find ld issues f nespaper? A n irfil B n irfil reader In the rdinar setinTest 2第一节(共五小题,每小题1分,满分7分) 听下面五段对话。每段对话有一个

17、小题,从题中给出的A,B,三个选项中,选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一题。每段对话只读一遍。1hats the an thining abut ?AGetting an extra b BDing better in her b hanging her b2hen ill the get tgether at the entrane ?ARight after the eeting BAt seven At a quarter past seven 3h ill prbabl in the fr the trip ?ANan B L

18、inda ar 4H ld is the an ?A18 ears ld B26 ears ld 44 ears ld hats the relatinship beteen the speaers ?AHusband and ife BFather and daughter Brther and sister 第二节( 共1小题,每小题1分,满分22分) 听下面五段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第六段材

19、料,回答67题6hih ne des the an prefer ?AThe red huse BThe blue huse The hite huse 7hih is the heapest huse ?AThe red huse BThe blue huse The hite huse 听第七段材料回答第89题8here are the t speaers ?A n a plane Bn a ship n a train 9h isnt the an ging straight t Lndn ?AT save ne BT visit ther plaes T eet se Ranian f

20、riends 听第八段材料,回答1012小题10h bught the alan fr Rbbies birthda ?ARihard and AlexandraBRihard and aril The linas 11h d Alexandra r ?AThe linas didnt treat her nielBThe letter reinded her f her fail She has nbd t tal t12here are the speaers ?AThe are in a Frenh restaurantB The are in Alexandras he The are

21、 in Rbbies he听第九段材料,回答第1316题13hih untr d the prbabl ant t travel t ?Aanada BFrane apan 14H an peple ill the travel tgether ?AT BThree Fur 1here d the plan t sta ?Aheap htels BExpensive htels uth Htels16hat des ars father sa t her ?Aes BNt e N,but nt surel 听第十段材料,回答第1720题17hat is the uples natinalit

22、?ABritish BFrenh hinese 18hat happened t the uples pet dg ?AIt as ell fed in the ithenBIt as illed in the ithenIt had a eal ith the ld uple19H lng did the uple have t ait befre their fd as read ?AAbut an hur BHalf an hur An hur and a half 20H des the an feel abut hat the an said ?AIt is true BIt is

23、rng t d s it is unbelievable 【参考答案】听力试题答案:1 BAA 610ABA 111BAB 16-20BBBATest 1听力材料:Text 1: Exuse e,sir hats the tie b ur ath ?I dnt n hether I an ath 9:30 train, hih leaves at 9:30 l: Tae it eas u still have a quarter f an hur leftText 2: Have been here lng ?;ell, ust five das e arrived n the tenth:i

24、ll u be staing fr se tie ?:es, until the tentieth sendText 3 : The fd here is ver deliius, but I thin u have given e the rng hange:SrrLet e he the bill againText 4;It sunds lie se ind f ahine:I thin it sunds lie sene drilling in the streetud better lse the dr and all the inds, then u an g ba t sleep

25、Text : Exuse e, an u tell e hen the next bus leaves fr the airprt ?: It leaves in three inutesIf u run, u ight ath it:Than uI ill trText 6: Have u traveled uh in Britain?: Nnt uh But I travel quite a lt in Lndn ever da: hat d u thin f the Lndn traffi?: I thin the Lndn undergrund is beause its fast a

26、nd frtable But I als lie ur Lndn buses, espeiall fr shrt urnes: But dnt u thin f the buses are rather sl?: es, I d Partiularl in rush hurs: hat abut Lndn taxis?: Taxis ften get us in traffi as,and besides,there t expensive: ell, hat d u thin is the best a t travel in Lndn?: the Lndn undergrunds, I t

27、hinText 7: hat is the atter ith u?: h, I feel terrible I had a fever last night: Did u tae ur teperature?: N,I didnt dare t tae an ediine: Let e listen t ur hest,Please tae a deep breath: Is there anthing serius?: Dnt rr, There is nthing serius: D I have t lie in bed?: f urse, u shuld lie in bed til

28、l the fever is gne Heres the ediine fr u: Shall I e again?: I dnt thin u need t e againI sure u ill be all right snTest 8: Ive heard uve ust e ba fr AeriaH are things ging there?: Everthing ges ellBut I dnt thin I an live ell there: h,a little ver ears: Are u a US itizen?: es,I a: Its said that ther

29、e is gld everhereLts f ung peple drea f ging and living thereBut u ae ba: es, u ant understand unless u live there fr se tieIts eas t ae big ne b hard rThats trueBut I feel ver lnel: dnt u have se friends?: I have se friendsBut the are ver bus Its diffiult fr us t get tgether: I have never expeted l

30、ife in Aeria uld be lie thatText 9ale Vie: Tda,I bught a p f hina Dail This is the first tie I have bught an English language nespaper I n I an nl understand a sall part f itI bught it ut f urisit I havent gne int the details f eah pieeI have ust gne ver the headlinesI fund it ver prehensive as ell

31、as interesting There are an pitures and a eather reprt It has an setins, suh as He Nes Internatinal Nes Business nesSprts nes,and s nf urse, there are se ther setins, t, f hih I dnt n the hinese equivalents I lie anthing fr sprts and entertainent t plitis I plan t bu it regularlI an see a great deal

32、 f infratin and iprtant nes f bth the internal and the rld hile I learning the English languageTest 10 N ne an hpe t n all the bs he a ant t read r use Frtunatel there are libraries in st tns that ill lend us the bs Se are shl libraries, thers are publi libraries There a even be travelling libraries

33、 that are fr rete areas A gd librar ntains thusands f bs n all inds f subets The are arranged n the shelves in a ertain rder s that an partiular b is eas t find If e are ling fr a partiular b r a b n a partiular subet,e ill need t l up a ard index st libraries have a referene setin as ell as the rdi

34、nar lending setin the bs in the referene setin are referene bs and are fr use in the librar nl Readers a als be able t read ld issues f nespapers n irfil b eans f a irfil readersTest 2听力试题答案:1 AA 610 BAAAB11-1 BBB 1620 BBBA听力材料:Text 1:hats the atter, Anne ?D u have a prble ?:es, I have the hane t ge

35、t anther b and I dnt n hat t d ?:If it is a better b than ur present ne, tae itThats advieText 2: eeting finishes at a quarter t sevenBut Ill tr t be there at seven:ell h dnt e ust get tgether at the entrane instead ?Text 3:h,Terr, It ill be nie if Nan deides t in us fr the trip; Linda, I afraid the

36、 hane is fr ar Text 4 :Exuse e, ada, but uld u tell e ur age ?: age ? It is seret :But I have t :I a ust iddingI had daughter hen I as 26 and n she is 18:I have gt itThans : pleasureText :h is that an sitting in the nert ?:Dnt u n hi ?He has attended ur edding part:h,I reeber nUnle Philipur fathers

37、rer:u are right, dearText 6: hat d u thin f the huse ?:I lie the red huse best f allhih ne d u lie best ?:I havent deided etBut I lie the blue huse re than the red neD u thin the red huse is as beautiful as the blue:I thin the red ne is the st dern and the st beautiful f the threeThe blue ne is alst

38、 as beautiful as the red nebut nt s quietf urse, the hite huse is the least dern f all:Thats true, but the hite huse is heaper and re pratial than the blue neThere is re spae in the hite huse than in the red neIt als has re rs than the red ne: es the hite ne is larger than the red ne, but the red ne

39、 sts the least f the threeText 7: The plane is leaving in three inutes: es, it is :Exuse e, a I n ur natinalit ?:I fr the statesure hinese, I guess:es, u are right:Are u ging t Rania ?I ean,hats ur destinatin ?: I a n a t Lndnhere are u ging ?:Sae hereBut hu dnt u fl straight t Lndn ?:It is heaper t

40、his a fr bth hinese and Ranian passengers:Is that s ?Thats greatText 8:Rbbie, this ne alan is reall nderful:Rihard and ariln bught it fr e fr birthda:The are s indu are ver lu, Rbbie, t have suh a nie fail:Is sething rng ?Alexandra ?:Nnthing:es, There isI an tellhats the atter ?e n, u an tell ehats

41、up ?: I reeived a letter fr parents this rningI iss the ver uhThe linas treat e s niel and I lve being ith ur fail s uh but hen I reeived the letter ith phts f fail, I ried:u reall iss fail, dnt u ?:es, I n I ust see sillIt is nt lie I have nbdI lie the linas ver uh, and the are s ind t e: He, h dnt

42、 e g ut fr a haburger and Frenh fries ?That ill heer u upAnd u an use alan:That is a gd ideaBut if e g ut, please dnt plain abut ur ath teaher r ur ath herI ant t have funText 9: Dad, I ant t travel arund Eurpe this suer hlidaD u agree ?:I a nt sure, aru are nl seventeen:But I nt be traveling b self

43、hn and ate ill g ith e:The are nt expensive, are the ?:N,the are heapAnd e a eet a lt f ung peple there:I dnt n hat t sa:ust sa “es”, please:H lng are u ging t sta there ?:ust abut t r three ees: I a still nt suree ught t disuss it ith ur therText 10 : This is a true str abut a Frenh uple, Paul and

44、ar, h ere in Hngng n hlida and ent t a restaurant fr a eal:The had a eal in their htel:N,hat the did as g t a restaurantAna, the uldnt spea hinese r English ell, s the had t use sign language t rder their ealell, this seeed t r all rightThe aiter ndded and siled and started t g t the ithen:He unders

45、td the:h, I frgt t entin the had their pet dg, Rsa, ith the and ar reinded her husband that Rsa as hungrThe alled the aiter ba and the pinted at the dg, Rsa, and ade eating gesturesThe aiter didnt see t understand and led puzzledBut in the end he siled and ndded and pied up the dg and t it int the i

46、thenPaul and ar ere satisfied and hatted abut their hlida experienes until their fd as readAfter abut an hur the aiter returned ith their ain urse n a silver dish vered ith a large silver lidu ill never believe this, but it reall happenedhat the lifted the silver lid the fund their dg inside:Did the eat their eal ?:N,f urse nthat happened as that the bth suffered a ild nervus breadn and t the next plane ba t Paris:And that is a true str ?:It is perfetl trueReall !


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