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1、2012完成句子专项训练阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内的英语单词完成句子,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应题号后。1.-Maybe you could go to his house.-I dont want _.(不想让他吃惊)(surprise)2.Why not consider _(给他提供信息)about student exchange programs? (provide)3.-Do you know the boy_(被那个大学生救起的)?(who)4.I _(数学学得好)this term than I did last term.(do)5.He cant k

2、eep a job for_.(than)(不足半年)6.Mr. White wants_.(想让我尽我的最大努力学英语)(try)7.I think you _.(你应该从你父母那里借点钱)(borrow)8.Its necessary to _.(使饮用水免受污染)(keep)9.Paris is _cities in Europe.(最有活力的城市之一)(lively)10.Lucy cant decided _.(选择哪儿条牛仔裤)(choose)11.Could you tell me _.(这附近有银行吗)(if)12.My parents were _what I said.(对

3、我所说的满意)(please)13.My son enjoys playing computer games so much .I think_.(不应该允许青少年打电子游戏)(allow)14.As we all know ,_(保持平衡的饮食很重要).(keep)15.People are not sure _(他是否出身于1879年)。(bear)16. I_.(六岁开始学习骑自行车)(start)17. Their teacher _.(不但会讲英语,而且还会讲法语)(but)18. Remember _.(别开着灯睡觉)(sleep)19. Tom _.(过去常常对爬山感兴趣)(us

4、e)20. Would you _?(介意别把车停在这儿吗)(mind) Of course not.21. _?(你爸爸什么时候戒烟的)(give)Two years ago.22. I think _.(应该允许青少年为自己作决定)(allow)23. We believe everyone _.(一晚至少需要八小时的睡眠)(have)24The little girl _.(习惯于给自己穿衣服)(dress)25. It _.(每天坐地铁去上学花费她半小时)(take)26. I_.(花了2个小时看这部电影)(spend)27. He _.(宁愿在家里看书也不愿在街上闲逛)(prefer

5、)28. Could you please tell me_?(这儿附近有公共厕所吗)(if)29._ is my father.(那个和我的英语老师正在说话的人)(talk)30. Yao Ming is _.(世界上最著名的篮球运动员之一)(famous)31. _?(你学习汉语多久了)(learn)For five years.32.Can you tell me _(there) ? (附近有超市吗)33.He _(believe) .(坚信他的梦想总有一天会实现)34.If you are rich youll _(trouble) (很难知道谁是你真正的朋友)35.Lucy _(t

6、ry) . (从未放弃尽自己的力量保护环境)36._to have the school party?(when)(何时是一个好时间)37.I didnt know _before .(happen)(这个城市曾发生过什么)38.We _(leave) .(我们一个小时候出发)39.The photo_(take) .(我最喜欢他拍的那张照片)40.Then man_(who) .(那个戴眼镜的男人是我爸爸)41.I _(learn) .(我看京剧是为了了解中国历史)42.Can you_.(provide)(你能给我提供一些那个女孩有用的信息吗)43.I saw a woman _(see)

7、 .(一个我从未见过的妇女正坐在窗边)44.Our government has _(make) .(制定一些法律保护濒临灭绝的动物)45.He is _(get) .(勤奋并且容易相处)46.He_(use) .(过去常常睡过头但现在已习惯早起)47. a test (你是怎样为考试而学习的)?48. you English is to join an English club.(提高英语的最好方法)(improve)49. If you dont know how to spell new words,_. (在字典里查找他们)(look up)50. I study English (通

8、过大声朗读)(by)51. You should as often as possible.(练习和外国人讲话)(practice)52. She usually in class.(记大量的语法笔记 )(take notes)53. I wont join the club (除非我被邀请)(unless)54. She used to go to sleep (卧室灯亮着)(with)55. I am afraid of sea. I dont know (怎样游泳)(how).56. so much (不要太担心你的学习) (worry)It will make you stressed

9、 out.57. My life (改变了很多)in the past few years.(change).58. You used to , ?(过去弹钢琴,是吗?)(play)59. His mother looks after him (尽可能好地)(possible)60. It is bad for our health (吃太多的糖). (eat)61. _(别弄出嘈杂的声音)in the room. Your father is sleeping. (not)62. Do you know something about Beckham? Yes I know_(他出生于197

10、5年.)(bear)63. I forgot your address. I cant _(记得到你家怎么走).(remember)64. Can sixteen year-olds drive? No, I dont think they should_(允许开车).(allow)65. Id _(想让生病的孩子们高兴). (cheer) You could visit them in hospital.66. He asked me_(我的老师是否平易近人).(get along)67. If you dont know how to spell new words, (在字典里查找他们)

11、(look up)68. The book (一定属于她) (belong). It has her name on it.69. The shirt is (对我来说太小) (too).70. (小心那条狗) (careful)that doesnt bark.71. Theres (一股怪味) (smell) in the house. Do you know what it is.72. The person (不可能是Mike) (can), he has gone to England.73. (这是谁的笔记本) (notebook)? Its mine.74. He might b

12、e (跑步赶公共汽). (catch)75. I (更喜欢听古典音乐)to pop music last year. (prefer)76. That man (使我想起了我的英语老师). They wear the same clothes. (remind)77. I (不能忍受汉堡包)! They make me feel sick. (stand)78. He likes movies (悲伤的电影) (sad).79. The teacher (有丰富经验) is Miss Li. (rich)80. (我妈妈擅长) playing the piano. (good)81. Teen

13、agers (应该远离) cigarettes. (stay)82. You can (考虑去度假) next week. (consider)83. Paris is the capital of France and is (最有活力的城市之一) in Europe. (lively)84. I hope . (有一天去法国) (go)85. Could you (请提供一些信息给我) about exchange students? (provide)86. Id like to go (一些暖和的地方) (warm)87. Can you ? (把这个句子译成汉语) (translat

14、e)88. I like places where (天气总是很暖和) (weather)89. I learn English by (记大量笔记) in class. (take)90. My life (改变了许多) in the last few years. (change)91. He (过去常惹麻烦) for his family when he was young. (use)92. The table should (用盖起来) clean cloth. (cover)93. The notebook (一定属于) John, because his name is on i

15、t. (belong)94. (为什么不考虑去) Paris? Its quite a wonderful place. (consider)95. He asked me (这本书我花了多少钱)(pay).96. Come here! We need (想出一些主意) (come)97. Jim (和他的爸爸很相像). They are both clever and a bit quiet. (take)98. Be quiet please, class, Im going to (分发你们的试卷) (give)99. Jim (已经用完了他的钱). Lets help him. (run)100. (孩子们玩了个痛快) in the park yesterday. (enjoy)


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