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1、 二选择 ( )1. Excuse me, could you tell me_? Theres a bank on the second floor. You can make it there. A.where I can change money B.how I can get to the bank C.if theres a bank near here D.where the bank is ( )2. Frank cant find_dictionary. Can you lend_to_? Certainly. A.her; mine; her B./; yours; his

2、C.my; yours; he D.his; yours; him ( )3. Which of the two cameras are you going to buy? Ill buy_of them, so I can lend one to my friend. A.all B. both C.neither D.every oneUnit 5 It must belong to Carla Period One Setion A 1a 2c 学习目标: 1 掌握下列生词和短语 New words: belong, ,author, picnic,possibly Keyphrases

3、: belong to go for a picnic have a picnic as.as possible hair band 2 掌握重点句子 It must belong to Carla. He was the only little kid at the picnic. It must be Mings. 3 表示猜测的情态动词 肯定猜测 must 否定猜测 cant. 快乐自学 1 I can read and write: 浏览教材我能找到下列短语。 属于-在野餐-野餐-去野餐- 2Look at the pictures. Write the things you see

4、in the correct columns in the chart. Finish 1a. 3I can listen: 听录音,完成1b ,2a,2b 的听力练习。 4I can read and recite the sentences in Grammar Focus. 5I can make up a conversations: 模仿1c利用1b的内容编写一个会话。 合作探究 1 Workin pairs. 根据1b 听到的具体内容,运用1c 的句子 同伴进行对话练习。 2 读句子,找规律: It must be Lindas backpack. It must belongto

5、 Linda. 我能总结 mustbe 后跟- must belong to 后跟- 3 我能辨析 It -beLileis. 它 肯定是李磊的。 It-be Lileis. 它不可能是李磊的。 表示肯定的猜测用-否定的猜测用-。 4 难句突破 Whose volleyball is this? It must be Carla Whose 翻译为-修饰-在句型转换时,通常对物主代词或名词所有格进行提问。 例如:This is my book. -book is this?This book is mine.-is this book? It must be Carlas = -需要注意的是b

6、elong to 后接宾语,当接代词时用宾格。 He was the only little kid at the picnic. only 作-词,意为 用来修饰 。例句 He is the only boy in his family. 翻译全句 。 达标检测 根据句意,用情态动词must,cant 填空。 1 Whoseskirt is this? I thinkit -be Annas . She is the only girl who wears a skirt in our class. 2Whose jeans are there? I found them on the ch

7、air in the living room. They _be mine . I put all my jeans on my bed 根据汉语提示完成句子 1She is Marys favorite _(作家) 2 This ticket must _(属于) Mary . 3.That _ (不可能) my fathers bike. 4 There is a red car parking in our neighborhood. Do you know _it is? A whatB who C whose D whom 5.This book must be Lileis. 同义

8、句 _ Unit 5 It must belong to Carla.学案 Period Two Setion A (3a- 4) 学习目标: 1 掌握下列生词和短语 落下;掉下 交响乐 验光师 约会;约定 关键的 形成;组成 最后的 不安的;焦虑的 / 所有者 2 掌握重点句子 如果你知道它可能在哪里,请给我打电话。 Im really anxious,because I cant find my backpack . 因为考试,她很发愁。 快乐自学 1. Finish off3a.Number the parts in order . 2. I think I dropped it dur

9、ing the concert so it might still be in the symphony hall. 翻译 drop可作及物动词,也可作不及物动词,意为“ ” I the letter the post-box.我把信投进了邮箱。 The glass / her hand.杯子从她手中掉了下来。 拓展:drop sb/sth off 让某人下汽车;中途顺便将某物送交某处 during 是 词,意为“ ”,表示动作发生“在某段特定的时间内”,强调一段时间的 。如: He gave me a lot of my time. 在我最艰难的时候,他给了我很大的帮助。 the summe

10、r, we can often . 夏季的时候,我们时常会去游泳。 注意:during与in 它们都可以表示某事发生在某段特定的时间内。 She suddenly woke up / the night . 当强调整段时间时,多用 。当表示某事发生在某项活动的开始与结束之间(但不是一段时间)时,只能用 。而当表达某事具体发生的时间时多用 。 The restaurant was closed the whole of July . Jack had some interesting experiences his journey inChina. We usually go on holida

11、y July . 达标检测 1.He must (be)at home now . 2.Who is the man over there ?Is it Mr. Li ? -No, it be him .Mr. Li is much taller . A.mustnt B.may not C.cant 3.- Whose magazine is this ? -ItCarols . It has her name on it . A.might be B.must be C.cant be 4.Hows Joys skirt ? Her skirt is more beautiful than

12、 . A.her sisters and Kate B. her sister and Kate t C. her sisters and Kates 5.It might belong Alice. A.atB.to C.on 6.我让他在他家附近下了车。I him near his home. 7.I(数)all the people ,there were thirty present. 8.With the help of his brother ,he succeeded . A.ThoughB.Because C.Because of 9.We(热爱)our great count

13、ry. 10.Meimei always (弹)the piano in her spare time . Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. 学案 Period Three 教师寄语: A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 A:预习导航心有多大,舞台就有多大。 1. 预习范围 :Section B 1,2a,2b,2c 2. 找出下列短语并翻译成汉语。 A man running_ something in the sky _ a strange creature_ a woman with a camera_ be

14、 late for work _ catch a bus_ B:学习导航 一学习目标 1.重点句型:The UFO is landing./ They see a man running./ No, hes wearing a suit.He might be running to catch a bus. 2.重难点词组: chase, sky, helicopter, creature,catch, something in the sky, a strange creature, a woman with a camera, be late for work, catch a bus 二

15、、开心课堂 1. Step 1: Review. 2. Step2: Play a video about an alien and a UFO.(Ask them to say something about the video.) 3. Step3: Finish Part1 Show the three pictures and ask the students to write three sentences under the pictures. 4. Step4: Listen and number the pictures(1,2,3) above. 5. Step5: List

16、en again and complete the sentences. 6. Step6: Pairwork. 7. Exercises.全真试题(中考体验) ( )1.-I just cant stop _ the result of the exam. -Relax. Youd better wait. A. worry aboutB. to worry about C.worrying about ( ) 2. -I saw Ann _ a green dress at the school meeting. - I think she looks better _ red. A. d

17、ressed; in B. put; wear C. wearint; in D. wear; put on ( )3. We saw a UFO _ on the square in my dream. A. to dropB. land C. wear D. to fly 单项填空 ( )1-Whos that girl swimming in the pool? Is it Lucy? -It_ be Lucy. She is sleeping in her bedroom now. A. mayB. cant C. must D. should ( )2.-Are you going

18、to Beijing by plane? -Its fast, but expensive. So I am not sure. I _ take a train. A.shouldB. may C. must D. will ()3.-Must I _ my camera, Lily? -No,you _. Dont worry. Ill take one myself. A. to take; mustnt B. take; neednt C. to bring; neednt D. bring; mustnt ( )4. After missing a term through illn

19、ess he had to work hard to _ the others. A. catch up with B. catch to up C. catch with to D. catch up to ( )5. May I put my bike here? -No,you _. You should put it over there. A. couldnt B. neednt C. mustnt D. wont 根据汉语完成下列句子。 1 飞机在机场着陆。The plane _ _ the airport. 2. 大象是陆地上最大的动物。 Elephant is the bigg

20、est animal _ _. 3.我们的老师可能在批改试卷。 Our teacher _ _correcting our exam papers. 4. 现在他不可能在工作。 He _ now. 5. 一个外星人正在追赶那个人。 The alien _ _ the man. Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. 学案 Period Four 教师寄语: A young idler, an old beggar. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 A:预习导航心有多大,舞台就有多大。 1. 预习范围 :Section B3a,3b,3c,4 2. 找出下列短语翻译成英文。 过

21、去常常是_ 被采访_ 任何奇怪的事情_ 在附近_ 试图进入_ 制造噪音_ 从。逃离_ 在纸的海洋里_ 太多_ 发生在某人或某物上_ B:学习导航 一学习目标 1.重点句型:When he was interviewed by the local newspaper/ There must besomething visiting the homes in our neighbourhood./Maybe it means yourreafraid of too much homework. 2.重难点词组: used to; be interviewed by;anything strange

22、; in our neighborhood; try to get in; escape from; in an ocean of paper; too much 二、开心课堂 1. Step 1: Review. 2. Step2: Fast reading. Look at the picture and answer the following questions. Q1: What can you see in the picture? _ Q2: What can we know about the woman?_ 3. Step3: Carefully reading. Q3: W

23、here is the article from? _ Q4: What is the passage about?_ 4. Step4: Finish Part 3b,3c. Q: Can you tell me what the strange noise is?_ 6 Exercises. 全真试题(中考体验) ( )1.I know_ about the news. You can ask Peter. He can tell you the new. A. everything B. nothing C. anything ( ) 2. Susan stays alone in th

24、e classroom and looks sad. -_ to her? A. What happens B. What has happened C. What is happening D. What was happening ( )3. Wang Hong speaks English very well.-_. She can talk with Americans freely. A. I hope so.B. I hope so. C. I think so D. I dont think so. 单项填空 ( )1What a pity, my new computer do

25、esnt work. _ must be something wrong with it. A. ItB.There C. This D. That ( )2The light is on. There _ someone in the office. A. must beB. was C. is D. are ( )3.There is a girl _ English by the river. A.readingB.is reading C. reads D. read ( )4. Dont sit too close to a computer because _ light can

26、harm your eyes. A.too manyB. much too C. too much D. so many Unit 5 It must belong to Carla. 学案 Period Five 教师寄语: A young idler, an old beggar.少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。 预习导航 一心有多大,舞台就有多大。 1.预习内容:P39页Self-check and review. 2. 完成Self-check 1部分 二自学检测,看看你都会了吗?(翻译) 1这是谁的笔记本?它一定是汤姆的。上面有他的名字。 _ 2. 这是谁的吉他? 它可能属于爱丽丝。她弹吉他

27、。 _ 3她可能正跑着去追赶巴士。 _ 4. 办公室里一定有人,因为灯亮着。 _ 学习导航 一学习目标 1.通过self check 的练习巩固学生对本单元的主要词汇,短语和句型的理解。 2.归纳本单元主要的知识点并通过自学与练习强化 二、开心课堂展现自我(心有多大,舞台就有多大) Finish Part 2. Try to find out the Chinese meaning. Discuss it with your partner. 三: 单元复习 A,重要词组:(默一默) 1._一定属于 2._古典音乐3._不可能是 4._ 形成,构成5._为。担心 6._由于7._带着相机的妇女

28、 8._从逃离 9._制造噪音 10._ 当心某人11._假装做某事 12._ 用完,用光 二、重要句型:(背一背并试着口头翻译) Whose notebook is this? It must be Mings. It has her name on it. Whose T-shirt is this? It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him. 三、语法题精选:(units1-5) ( )1.-Lucy, do you often practice _ Chinese? -Yes. A. to speak B. speaking C. spo

29、ken D. speaks ( )2. Listen!It might be a girl _ in the next door. A. to cry B. crying C. cry D. cries ( )3.-Hello, Mike! Where is Lin Tao? I have something important to tell him. - He left _ goodbye to us just now. A. with saying B. not say C. to say D. without saying ( )4. -What should I get for my

30、 mom on Mothersday? - If I_ you, Id buy some flowers. A. am B. is C. are D. were ( )5. Shes worried_ her test. A.because B. because of C. because to D. because that ( )6.-_ do you tell him about the event? -By _ e-mail. A. How,sending B. How, send C. What, sending D. What, send ( )7. Please try _ it

31、 if you want to learn English well. A.practised B. to practise C. practise D. practises ( )8. We had trouble _ complete sentences. A.make B. making C. to make D. made 四,书面表达。 根据汉语提示写一篇意思连贯,符合逻辑的短文。词数80左右。 提示: 昨天下午你和张玲在操场上捡到了一个笔记本。你认为可能是王芳的,因为封面上写着W.F.。张玲认为不可能是王芳的,因为王芳昨天病了,没来上学。 她认为是魏风的,因为魏风是校篮球队成员,昨天在操场上练过篮球。 你们找到了魏风,魏风找到了笔记本很高兴。


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