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1、小学英语PEP版五年级上册重点句型第一单元重点句1. Do you have new teachers? 你们有新老师吗?2. Hes tall and strong.他又高又壮。3. My English teacher has a kind heart. 我的英语老师有一颗善良的心。4. My music teacher sings nice songs. 我的音乐老师唱好听的歌。6. Whos your English teacher? 谁是你的英语老师?7. Whats he like? 他长什么样?8. We all like him. 我们都喜欢他。9. A science tea

2、cher, an art teacher and an English teacher. 一位科学老师,一位美术老师和一位英语老师。10. Hes from Canada. 他来自加拿大。11. Her class is so much fun. 她的课堂非常有趣。12. Shes a university student. 她是一个大学生。13. Is she quiet? 她很安静吗? No, she isnt. Shes very active. 不,她不是。她很活泼。14. Is she strict? 她很严厉吗? Yes, she is, but shes very kind.是的

3、,但是她也很友好。15. Whos your principal? 谁是你的校长?17. Whos that young lady? 那个年轻的女士是谁?18. Is he tall and strong? 他高又壮吗?第二单元重点句型1. What classes do you like?你喜欢什么课?2. What do we have on Mondays? 每周一我们有什么课?3. We have English, math and P.E. 我们有英语,数学和体育。4. - What day is it today? 今天星期几? - Its Monday. 星期一。5. I lik

4、e weekends. 我喜欢周末。6. What day is( it) tomorrow? 明天星期几?7. Tomorrow is Thursday. 明天是星期四。Its Thursday tomorrow.8. I often paint or watch TV. 我经常画画或者看电视。10. Sunday is sweet for me! 星期天对我来说很甜蜜。11. Its time to get up. 是该起床的时候了。12. I love Saturdays! 我喜欢周六!13. I do my homework. 我做我的家庭作业。会用his, her, your, th

5、eir, Jacks,等来替换14. What about you? 你呢?15. I can play with you. 我能和你玩。17. What do you do on weekends? 你周末都做什么?第三单元重点句型1. Its time for dinner.到吃晚饭的时间了。2. Id like some tomatoes, please. 我愿意要一些番茄。3. Im hungry.我饿了。4. What do you have for lunch today?今天午饭你吃什么?5. What do you have for lunch on Mondays?每周一中午

6、你吃什么?6. We have tomatoes, tofu and fish.我们吃西红柿,豆腐和鱼。7. Here is our school menu.这是我们学校的菜单。8. That sounds good.听起来不错。9. Its tasty. Its my favourite.它很好吃,它是我最喜欢的。10. Theyre tasty and yummy. And healthy for me.它们又可口又好吃。而且对我很有益。11. I like grapes.我喜欢葡萄。 I dont like grapes.我不喜欢葡萄。12. Whats your favourite f

7、ruit? 你最喜欢的水果是什么?13. I like apples. Theyre sweet.我喜欢苹果。它们很甜。14. I have to eat vegetables.我不得不吃蔬菜。15. Eat apples every day. Theyre sweet and yummy.每天吃苹果。它们又甜又好吃。16. He sits in a boat.他坐在船上。 He sits主语是第三人称单数,动词要加s17. We have cabbage and mutton.我们有卷心菜和羊肉。18. What would you like for lunch? 午餐你想要吃什么?Id l

8、ike 我想要吃19. The apples are sweet. 苹果是甜的。20. The potatoes are salty. 土豆是咸的。21. The grapes are sour. 葡萄是酸的。22. The fish is fresh. 鱼是鲜的。23. Do you have (any) noodles today? 今天你们吃面条吗?Recycle 1重点句型1. Can I interview you for the school newspaper? 为了学校的报纸我能采访你吗?Yes, certainly. 是的,当然可以。2. Thank you. 谢谢。 You

9、re welcome. 不客气。3. eat ice-cream 吃冰激凌4. go to Grandmas play去奶奶家玩5. How I love Saturday! 我是多么爱星期六呀!6. study violin 学习小提琴7. dance and sing又唱又跳8. go to the zoo去动物园9. I study in Willow School. 我在威洛学校学习。10. Monday is a great day! 周一是很棒的一天!11. Tell me about your school, please! 请告诉我关于你的学校!Unit 4重点句型1. Can

10、 you set the table? 你能摆餐桌吗? Yes, I can./ No, I cant. 是的,我能。/不,我不能。2. Id like to have a try. 我愿意去试一试。3. Can you use a computer? 你会用电脑吗? Yes, I can. 是的,我会。4. Can you wash the clothes? 你会洗衣服吗?No, I cant, but Id like to have a try. 我不会,但是我想尝试一下。5. Are you helpful at home? 你在家里有帮助吗?6. Mother Goat is ill.

11、 山羊妈妈病了。7. We can help her. 我们能够帮助她。8. What can you do(at home)? (在家)你能干什么?9. I can wash the windows. 我能擦窗户。10. Just do it! 就这么干吧!11. I can water the plants. 我能给植物浇水。12. No time to dance. 没有时间跳舞。13. There is more. No more. 有更多的。不要更多的了。14. Wait a minute. 等一等。15. I can water the flowers. 我能浇花。16. Here

12、 comes my tasty food. 我美味的食物来了。17. Youre helpful. 你是有用的。18. Do things for you. 为你做事情。19. Dance for you. 为你跳舞。20. Dont throw me into the lake. 不要把我扔到湖里。21. run away 跑开Unit 5重点句型1. The garbage is empty. 垃圾是空的。2. There are many story-books on the shelf. 在书架上有很多故事书。3. There is a mirror on the wall. 在墙上有

13、一面镜子。4. There are some nuts. Please help yourself. 有一些坚果仁。请随便吃。5. I have my own room now. 现在我有我自己的房间了。6. Whats it like? 它是什么样的?7. We have a new flat. 我们有一间新公寓。8. Its on the third floor. 它在三楼。9. I love my new room very much. 我非常爱我的新房间。10. in the rabbits room 在兔子一家的房间里rabbits 表示复数“的”,是在单数的形式上加s,然后加11.

14、 in the rabbits room 在兔子的房间里Rabbits room 表示单数“的”,是在单数的形式上加s12. What can you see over the bed? 在床的上面是什么?13. This is a picture of my room. 这是我房间的照片。14. I work with it. 我用它工作。15. Can you tell me, please? 请你告诉我,好吗?16. Its a warm spring morning. 很暖和的春天的早上。17. I have no time. 我没有时间。18. The end tables are

15、big. 床头柜是大的。19. The curtains are blue. 窗帘是蓝色的。20. The closet is full. 衣柜是满的。21. Is this your bedroom? 这是你的卧室吗?22. Come and look at my new curtains. 过来看我的新窗帘。23. There are two bedrooms, a kitchen, a bathroom and a living room.有两间卧室,一间厨房,一间卫生间和一间客厅。24. There are two end tables near the bed. 在床的旁边有两个床头

16、柜。25. The trash bin is behind the door. 门的后边有一个垃圾桶。Unit 6重点句型1. The grass is green. 草是绿色的。2. The clouds play. 云在玩。3. There is a river near here. 在这附近有一条河。4. There is a nature park in the city. 在这个城市里有一个自然公园。5. This is my holiday picture. 这是我的假期照片。6. There are many small houses in my village. 在我的村庄里有

17、很多小房子。7. Are there any bridges in your village? 在你的村庄里有很多桥吗?Yes, there are. / No, there arent.any: 用于否定和疑问句中。相对应的,many则用于肯定句中。8. There are no tall buildings. 没有高楼。 此句等于:There arent any tall buildings.9. I can run on the grass. 我能在草地上跑。10. You can see many fish. 你能看到许多鱼。11. What a nice day! 多么美好的一天啊!

18、12. Why not? 为什么不呢?13. Look! There is a Koala bear over there. 看!在那边有一个考拉熊。14. Why dont you take a picture of me? 你为什么不给我也照张照片呢?15. There is a forest in the nature park. 在这个自然公园里有一片森林。16. Is there a river in the park? 在这个公园里有一条河吗?Yes , there is . 是的,有。17. Is there a farm? 有农场吗? No, there isnt. 不,没有。18. Do you like this park? 你喜欢这个公园吗?19. There are many rivers and bridges in the village. 在我的村庄有很多小河和桥。Recycle 21. Mom isnt at home. 妈妈不在家。2. There is green grass and many trees. 有绿色的草地和许多树。


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