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1、新目标八年级上Unit 3 Section B3a.-4一、教材分析 Unit 3. Section B是围绕Vacation Plans.这一话题所进行的听说读写的综合训练;语法项目是用be doing 表达的一般将来时态的用法,本文转自教育文稿网 转载请注明出处。二、教学重点和难点1、教学重点A、能够运用正确的阅读方法,提高阅读写作能力。 B、掌握be doing句型的意义、功能和用法。 2、教学难点灵活运用Be doing这一句型于阅读写作之中,三、教学目标1、语言知识目标:立足语言实践活动,在完成任务的过程中掌握动词短语,核心词汇,be doing所表达一般将来时.2、语言技能目标1

2、)能围绕未来计划这一话题作较具体的描述。2)学会书写即将发生的假期安排或计划和科学安排自己的假期活动.3、学习策略目标:学生能在一定程度上形成自主学习、有效交际、用英语思维和收集信息的能力,使学生在做中学英语。5、情感态度目标 1).运用所学语言,能在描述自己的计划和打算时,激起学生更加热爱祖国的美好河山,从而为人类的美好明天贡献自己的一份力量。四、 教学步骤一、复习热身1. 明确目标让学生明确本节课所要学习的内容及所要达成的能力目标。2. 检查词汇预习情况1)正音。为了在课堂内引进小组竞争机制,激发学生兴趣,给学生创造英语学习气氛,培养学生集体荣誉感。采取首先小组内合作的方式来纠正发音,然后

3、小组代表为大家读单词,其他小组再给正音。2)快速记忆并拼写单词。为了培养学生的合作精神和合作学习的能力,进行小组内听写.famous (adj.)Greece, Spain, Europe, the Great Lakes, countryside, nature (6 n.)take a vacation ,leave, forget, finish (4 v.)3. 话题交流Pairwork为了引发学生乐于开口,积极参与,并且为阅读扫除障碍. 我采用以旧带新的方法,呈现6副动作图片, (show 6 pictures: takes walks, go fishing, go bike ri

4、ding, spend time in the countryside, rent videos, sleep a lot) 要求学生结合刚刚学习的地点名词,用所学过的句型做小对话.之后检查5-6组.Make a conversation, talking about where they are going for vacation.A: Where are you going for vacation?B: Im going toA: What are you doing there ?B: Im 二、分层阅读(Classify reading)1、速读 (quick reading)要求

5、学生快速阅读全文,把握文章的主旨大意. What does this passage talk about? Choose the best answer.A. Ben Lambert likes Canada.B. Ben Lambert is going to the Great Lakes.C. Ben Lamberts vacation plans2、慢读 (slow reading)要求学生慢读文章,回答问题,掌握文章的框架.问题的设置是按照人物为线索,一共呈现4个问题.Read and answer the questions.1. What does Ben Lambert do

6、? (singer)2. What is he doing this summer? (take a vacation)3. Where is he going? (the Great Lakes)4. What is he doing there? (go fishing, go bike riding, spend time in the countryside, rent videos, sleep a lot ) 3、精读(careful reading)首先要求学生仔细阅读第一段文章,填写表格.1)Read the first paragraph and fill in the ch

7、art.表格第一栏呈现的是本段中心句.第二栏是以动词为抓手,帮助学生理清思路,为学生复述打好基础.其中,think about doing , decide on sth.是考试中经常呈现的考点,而后面的Europe, something different, 是本节课的重点词汇,最后一个空是一个定语从句难度较大,希望引起学生的注意,要求学生能朗朗上口.表格完成之后,要求学生能够根据表格介绍本段信息.同时要求优秀学生用第三人称连贯成文.Ben Lambert is taking a vacation inBen Lambert is taking a vacation this summer.

8、 thought about _decided on_take vacations_want to do _heard_know_ 2)Read the second paragraph.接下来要求学生阅读第二段文章,学生需要完成两个任务.任务一:完成下面的表格.本表格的设计是以WH问题为线索,要求能够参照第二栏进行复述.任务二: 参考整个表格,两人一组,进行角色扮演.进行语言输出的一个操练. Fill in the chart.He plans to have a relaxing vacation.where when How long what howHe plans to have a

9、 _ vacation. Role playAsk the students to act out the dialogue according to the chart above. One is a TV reporter, the other is Ben Lambert.A: Excuse me. May I ask you some questions?A: What are you doing for vacation?A: When are you leaving?A: How long are you staying?A: What are you doing there?A:

10、 How is your vacation? Do you think/hope?4、朗读1) 听录音,让学生跟读,然后自由朗读,最后模仿展示,本文转自教育文稿网 转载请注明出处。2) 学生进一步阅读,以小组合作学习的形式,相互讨论,找出难点和疑点,解决问题,同时能模仿造句。教师点拨的语言点如下 难点:较难理解的句子a. He plans to have a very relaxing vacation.b. Im planning to spend time in the countryside.c. He thought about going to Greece or Spain.d.

11、 He decided on Canada.=he decided to go to Canada. 重点:运用现在进行时态表达将来的计划、安排和打算要求学生在课本上勾画出现在进行时表将来的句子.教师课件展示句子,学生就有规律的东西进行归纳总结.教师进行补充1. Ben Lambert is taking a vacation this summer.2 Ben is going to Canadas Great Lakes.3 He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September.4 Im taking walks,

12、 going fishing, and going bike riding.5 Im planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside.6 Im renting videos and sleeping a lot. 三、强化巩固(Consolidation)Fill in the blanks.Ben Lambert is a _ French singer. He is _ this summer. He _Canada. He is _ the first week in June and _ until September. He plans to have a _ vacation. He is _, _, go fishing, _ video and sleeping a lot. He is planning to spend time in the beautiful countryside and he hope to _ all his problems. He thinks its a great vacation.


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