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1、牛津高中英语,Module 8 Unit 1 The written word,Advance with English,课前扫描,simple abuse generous,反义词,cherish,mean,complex,近义词,work wealth,job,property,动词 /形容词,classic literary adapt harm simple,classicism,harmful,adaptation,literature,simplify,1. Key Phrases,对有偏见 一心想要,决心要 和相识 结识 崭新的,全新的 看到,一看到 从头至尾 古典音乐 提醒某人

2、干某事 碰碰运气 伤害某人,be prejudiced against,be bent on,make the acquaintance of,brand new,remind sb. to do sth,from beginning to end,at the sight of,classical music,do sb. harm,try ones fortune,内战 爱上 与无关 在中占有一席之地 以为根据 每次,一次 情愿而不 不受伤害(或影响) 不久以后 以为背景,civil war,take a fancy to,have nothing to do sth,have a pla

3、ce in,would rather do than do,at a time,be set in,free from,before long,base sth on/upon sth,Four famous Chinese classics,1 三国演义 a A Dream of Red Mansions /The Story of the Stone 2 西游记 b Romance of Three Kingdoms 3 红楼梦 c All Men Are Brothers 4 水浒传 d Journey to the West,Foreign classics,Pride and Pre

4、judice,Jane Austen,Robinson Crusoe,Daniel Defoe,Tess of the dUrbervilles,Thomas Hardy,The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,Mark Twain,Gone with the wind,Margaret Mitchell,Les Miserables,Victor Hugo,2. Key Words,Pips sister seldom has a kind word to say ,but Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rath

5、er die than see any harm come to Pip(P3 Line 31),harm,伤害某人;危害某人 对有害,be harmful to,do sb. harm = do harm to sb.,(谚)害人终害已。,Harm set, harm get,【走近高考】,You havent realized _ great harm drinking will _to your health. A. what, do B. how, make C. what, make D. how, do,A,Pip is about eighteen years old when

6、this happens, and the fortune sets him from financial worries. (P3 line 38),fortune,发财致富 找出路、闯天下 碰运气 有运气做某事,have a good fortune to do sth,try ones fortune,seek ones fortune,make a fortune / make ones fortune,他去西部淘金。 我有幸被邀请去罗马。,He went to the west to make his fortune.,I have the good fortune to be in

7、vited to stay in Rome.,使某人对产生偏见 对有偏见 种族偏见 傲慢与偏见,prejudice sb against sb/sth,Pride and Prejudice,racial prejudice,be prejudiced against ,Money and education have changed him, and before long he develops the shortcomings of being shallow and having prejudice, even against his old companions.,prejudice

8、,1.Some people have a prejudice_ foreigners. A. against B. for C. with D. to 2. We must treat every naughty student _. A. without doubt B. without prejudice C. without difficulty D. without mercy,【走近高考】,A,B,He settles there so he can become an educated gentleman . (P5 . part E.),settle,决定,同意(某事);栖息/

9、停留于 (使)适应(新的家,工作、环境等) (使)安静下来;定居,过安定生活 开始专心于,着手认真做,settle in/into,settle down,settle on/upon,settle down to,一只昆虫落在一片树叶上。 等到兴奋的情绪镇静下来再说。 我们住入新居。,The insect settled on a leaf.,Wait until the excitement has settled down.,We are settled in our new home.,With lots of problems _,the newly-elected presiden

10、t is having a hard time. A. settled B. to settle C. settling D. are settled,【走近高考】,B,The best part of the story is when Pip makes the acquaintance of the man who gives him his fortune. (P5 part E),acquaintance,与相识,有交情/对了解 初次相见时 结识某人,have acquaintance with sb/sth,make sbs acquaintance /make the acqua

11、intance of sb,on first acquaintance,1.He made a(n)_ by collecting waste materials and bought houses in Shanghai. A. living B. money C. acquaintance D. fortune 2. I made _ acquaintance of his sister at the party and then I fell in _ love with her. A. an, a B. the ,a C. the,/ D. an, a,D,C,This is a tw

12、ist in the plot when a very generous stranger,twist,命运的扭转 跌宕起伏的故事 巧妙的手法 把卷成螺旋形;扭弯;歪曲 迂回曲折之处;各个角落;精微处 扭断;扭拧开,a twist of fate,a story with a quirky twist,twist off,twist up,twist of the wrist,twists and turns,Money and education has changed him, he develops the shortcomings of being shallow and having

13、 prejudice, even against his old companions.(P3L43),companion,accompany vt. 陪伴, 伴奏 company n. 陪伴, 公司,与作伴, 与为友 和一起,陪伴某人 和常来往,make a companion of,in company with,keep company with,Kevin was filled with sorrow at the sight of his oldP11Para.5,sorrow,使非常伤心; 给造成许多烦恼 对错误表示遗憾 与某人苦乐与共 借酒解愁,cause much sorrow

14、 to,express ones sorrow for ones mistake,drown ones sorrows,share ones joys and sorrows,he came from a poor family with many debts(P14L3),debt,欠债 偿付债款 恩情 还清欠债,in debt / owe a debt,pay ones debts,debt of gratitude,pay off debts,血债要用血来偿。,Debts of blood must be paid in blood.,A hard life and a weak con

15、stitution shortened his life(P14L11),constitution,n. 宪法, 构造, 体质, 体格, 国体, 章程, 惯例,天性, 体质上 体质好/差 适合某人体质性格 体格强壮的 某人之心理和性格的素质,by constitution,have a good/poor constitution,suit/ agree with sbs constitution,be of strong constitution,the constitution of ones mind and character,According to the American Con

16、stitution, Presidential elections are held every four years.,Practice,1 He likes _ novels and Jane Austens novels are among the best-loved _ in English literature. ( classic) 2 Though she is interested in _, she is not a _ writer.( literary),classic,classics,literature,literary,3 Michael _ to the ne

17、w job very well , which was beyond our expectations. The plot had to be changed a little bit since the film is an _ of the book. (adapt),adapted,adaptation,4 It is _ if our class will win the first prize in the School Art Festival. There is much _ about the companys future because the director is re

18、tiring this year. ( uncertain),uncertain,uncertainty,5 The girl and her best friend were both very _ and nervous about the results of the examination. The argument over the game created _ between the two of them.( tense),tense,tension,Comparison,at times at one time at a time in time in no time at n

19、o time,曾经;一度 每次;逐一 有时 及时;赶得上 在任何时候决不 立刻;马上,We were _ for the train. _ Chinese were regarded as Asian patients, but now we are strong enough to hold the Olympics. _ will Chinese people bow(低头) to huge difficulties even though we have suffered a lot.,in time,At one time,At no time,Translation,1. 那部影片是

20、最近才上映的。(release),The film was released only recently.,2. 你这样说真有礼貌。(civil),Its civil of you to say so.,3. Key sentence structures,1. Many people do not read them because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today. (P2 line8),_,be/have nothing to do with 与无关,免

21、费 一点也不,除外都 只;只有;仅仅,for nothing,anything but,nothing but,1.He lives in a lonely room, but he is so busy in doing his experiment that feels _lonely. A. nothing but c. much too B. anything but D. too much 2.Any citizen shouldnt go for _guilty. A. that has something with B. that has something to C. what

22、 has something with D. what has something to,B,C,2. I do not think that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today ( P2 line 16),_,否定转移,意思是“我认为不”,主句中的主语是第一人称。 英语中的有些动词,如think, believe, suppose, expect, guess, imagine 等,当它们后面接一个具有否定意义的宾语从句时,通常将这个动词变成否定形式,而

23、宾语从句中的谓语动词用肯定形式,这叫作否定转移。否定转移多用于第一人称I 或we.,I dont suppose that they will be back tonight.,拓展:反意疑问句要注意否定的前移。,I dont believe he will attend the meeting, will he?,若主句主语为第二、三人称,则反意疑问部分与主句中的主语和谓语对应,且用肯定形式,She doesnt think I can pass the exam , does she ?,We dont think that what Ms Huang said just now can

24、be reasonable,_? A. do we B can she C. is it D. isnt it,C,3. Readers may not be able to see the danger, so they need a symbol like the mist to make it clear to them.( P3 l 35),Make +名词(代词)+动词不定式短语/-ed 分词短语/介词短语/名词短语/形容词或形容短语(不定式短语在主动结构中作宾语补足语时,不带to ;但在被动结构中作主语语补足语时,不定式短语则必须带to),_,Helen had to shout

25、above the sound of the music A. making herself hear B. to make herself hear C. making herself heard D. to make herself heard,不定式to make 作目的状语,make herself heard 为make +代词+过去分词短语(作宾补)结构,herself 与hear之间存在逻辑上的被动关系。,D,4. Excited by his move to London , Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life .(P3,Line

26、 41),_,分词短语作状语,分词短作状语时修饰谓语动词或整个句子,其位置大多在句前也可放句子后。分词的逻辑主语与句子主语一致,有时分词或分词短语有自己的逻辑主语。可以表示时间,原因,结果,条件,让步,行为方式,伴随等情况。,孩子们被英雄的事迹感动,情不自禁地哭了起来。 大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有用的东西。 到了伦敦,我迷路了。,Moved by the heroic deeds ,the children couldnt help crying .,The fire lasted nearly a month , leaving nothing valuable .,Arrivin

27、g in London, I lost my way.,_,_,_,(表原因),(表结果),(表时间),1. _every day, our web provides readers with latest news. A. To update B. Update C. Updating D. Updated 2._ _to train his daughter in English, he put an ad like this in the paper, “_,an English teacher for a ten year-old girl.” A. Determined, Wante

28、d B. Determined, wanting C. Determine, Wanted D. Determining, Wanting,过去分词短语作状语,表原因,update 与主语web 之间构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词。,D,A,Wanted 是固定用法,凡招聘广告开头都这样用,Exercises,1.The child was_ both physically and mentally. He couldnt stand it any more and ran away. A. abused B. attacked C. treated D .received,由“both

29、 physically and mentally”及“couldnt stand”可知孩子受到了肉体和精神上的虐待,A,_,_,2.Theres an unusualin the plot in the middle of the book. A .turning B. twist C .conflict D. attack,情节的转折应该是twist. Turning是“转弯”之意, conflict是“冲突”, attack是“攻击”。,B,3.Shes always_ the colleagues so she cant get on well with them. A. guarded

30、 against B. prejudiced against C. reminded of D. convinced of,be prejudiced against 有“对有偏见”之意, guarded against意为“警惕,警戒”, reminded of“提醒” convinced of“确信”, 只有“对同事有偏见”才会造成与同事不能友好相处。,B,4.I am_ becoming a successful businessman so that my parents will be proud of me. A .satisfied with B. excited about C

31、. meant to D. bent on,be bent on “一心想要,决心要”。 此句意为:“我一心要做一个成功的商人,为的是让父母以我为自豪。” be satisfied with 对“对满足”,句中的so that引导目的状语从句,而be excited about不能表现出目的关系,be meat to 意为“应该”。,D,5.The poor are usually_ to each other even if they are not full , they will give their food to others A .useful B. shallow C. care

32、ful D. generous,从第二句看出他们互相帮助,很慷慨。 useful“有目的”。 shallow“肤浅”, careful“细心”,这两个词都不能与 to each other 搭配, 而generous表示“慷慨的”符合题意。,D,_ _,6. Last Autumn, when I went to New York for further study, I_ the girl whos now my wife. A. made the acquaintance of B .made full use of C. made the most of D. made effort o

33、f,make the acquaintance of “与相识”, make full use of “充分利用”, make the most of 一般与物搭配。,A,7. There is great_ about the companys future Nobody knows whether or not it will close. A. tension B. uncertainty C. fortune D. tendency,后面一句说公司可能会倒闭,因此公司的未来应该是前途渺茫。 fortune指“财富”,与后面一句意思相反, tendency“趋势”,与第二句不合。,B,_

34、,8. He is a(n) _ person . He earned his doctors degree three years ago. A. simple B. received C .educated D .generous,根据后一句“他三年前获得了博士学位”可以推断出他是一个受过教育的人。故选C。,C,_ _,9. Do you remember those days_ we spent very happily along the seashore? A .when B. where C. which D. as,当定语从句的先行词是表示时间的名词,如days, years等时

35、,其引导词应根据从句中的谓语动词而定。 动词为及物动词时,用关系代词that或which, 动词为不及物动词时,用关系副词when或“介词+which”.故选。,C,10. Every year in china , a day is _ to honor and show respect for the teachers. A. set off B. set about C .set aside D. set in,set off意为“启程,燃放”, set about意为“开始做,着手”, set aside 意为“保留,忽视,废止”, be set in意为“以为背景”。,C,11.Th

36、ere is too much violence now. we should_ the public society system. A .maintain B. remain C .perform D .reform,第一句话说暴力太多,为第二句提供了前提条件。暴力多当然不好,因为要改革现存的公安体系, reform是“改革,变革”, 而maintain, remain都表示“保持”,不对, perform为“履行,执行”。,D,_,12. Extra lessons_ the students into doing their home work deep into the night

37、. A. made B. pressured C. forced D. caused,额外功课给学生施加了很多压力,迫使他们学到深夜。pressure 作动词,有“给施加压力”的意思。另外只有pressure可以与into doing sth 搭配。 make sb do sth, force/cause sb to do sth.,B,_,13. You_ have any difficulty in passing the road test wince you have practiced a lot at the driving school. A. mustnt B. shant C

38、. shouldnt D. neednt,since表原因, 既然练习了很多,就不应该有问题了。 mustnt 是“千万不要”,语气太强硬, shant主语一般为第一人称, neednt为“没必要”。,C,14. The homeless man, who had little food to eat, was to be_. A kind-hearted old woman gave him some pieces of bread. A. pitied B. thanked C. watched D. entertained,这位无家可归的人没有东西吃,真的非常可怜。此处pity为动词,表

39、示“怜悯,同情”,老妇人给他东西吃不是为了 感谢(thank)或招待(entertain)他, watch为“注视,监视”之类。,A,_,15.Tom was such a brave soldier during the war that he could_ the threat of violence from his enemy with others. A. resist B. deserve C. fight D .hide,Tom很勇敢,能和其他人一起抵御(resist)来自敌人的暴力威胁。 deserve“值得”,跟“the + threat”不搭配,而且与勇气无关。 fight

40、与hide与the threat都不符合。,A,_,resistance n.反抗, 抵抗, 抵抗力 make some no resistance 进行不抵抗,那些虐待孩子的人都应受到严厉的惩罚。(abuse) 双胞胎的出生迫使他们去找个大点的公寓。(pressure) 我们应当力尽力改造罪犯,而不是惩罚他们。(reform) 在火车上读报都不是不常见的。 并不是所有的鸟类冬天都向南飞。,Those who abuse children should all be punished severely.,The birth of the twins pressured them into lo

41、oking for a larger apartment.,We should try to reform criminals rather than punish them.,It is not uncommon to find people reading newspapers on the train.,Not all birds fly to the south in winter.,All birds dont fly to the south in winter.,Matching exercise,1 备受欢迎 soap operas 2 在世上占一席之地 would rathe

42、rthan 3 每次 have prejudice against 4 肥皂剧 have a place in the world 5 情愿而不愿 be well received 6 使免受 at a time 7 对有偏见 change(s) in . 8 一心想 character development 9 性格发展 set free from 10 的变化 be bent on,Fill in the blanks with the following words,shallow husband fortune symbol gentleman Pip novel authors t

43、heme England,Great Expectations is my favorite book. It was written by one of Englands greatest _, Charles Dickens, and is now seen as classic literature. The main character in the novel is _, a poor boy from England. He lives with his mean sister and her _, Joe.,authors,Pip,husband,The story is set

44、 in _ in the early 1800s. It is misty night when the story begins. Mist is a _ for danger and uncertainty used throughout the _.,England,symbol,novel,shallow husband fortune symbol gentleman Pip novel authors theme England,Later in the story, Pip receives a large sum of money froma stranger. He uses

45、 the _ to move to London without any companions. He settles there so he can become an educated _. Pip changes from a pleasant young man into a very _ one. What it means to be a gentleman is an important _ in Great Expectations. Pip is not really a gentleman because he is prejudiced against Joe.,fort

46、une,gentleman,shallow,theme,shallow husband fortune symbol gentleman Pip novel authors theme England,1.教授的演讲受到全校师生的好评。 2.他决心要在中国的IT业占有一席之地。 3.不要对玛丽有偏见。我敢肯定她会努力学习的。 4.这部小说以20世纪60年代的伦敦为背景。 5.一看见那些警官,他们便逃了。,The professors speech is well received by the teachers and students in the school,He is bent on having a place in IT industry in China .,Dont be prejudiced against Mary. Im sure she will try her best to study.,The novel is set in London in the 1960s.,At the sight of those police officers, they ran off.,So much for the revision,


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