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1、Welcome to my lecture,授课老师:覃继府,完形填空专题之逻辑分析,Win Cloze Test, win College Entrance Examination (Gao Kao).,Logic method in the Cloze Test,当看见不完整的事物时, 人们根据大脑固有的对事物的完整概念, 会在意识上把它补全。,Sherlock Holmes,Conan,Clues,Logic,用上下文内容的联系、推理并确定选项,Examples:,clue,1)Many old people dont have good_36_. They cant watch TV,

2、 but they can listen to music or news on the radio. 36. A.hearing B.health C. eyes-sight D. brain,2)Just then my father entered the room. “It is a beautiful day. Want to go for a ride, today, Beck?” “Leave me alone”, I impatiently_. A.whispered B.warned C.anounced D.shouted,How can we find the answe

3、rs?,Clues,Logic,Signal words,Learning aim: Using logic relations to fill the blanks. 学会用逻辑关系解决完型填空,Have a try,Step1: Finish Ex.1-Ex.8 in 5 minutes. Step2: Check the answers.,1.B 2.D 3.D 4.A 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A B,Discussion(3minutes) 8Groups(6-7students) EX.1Group1 EX.8Group8,Signal words,He looks li

4、ke any other businessman, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase(公文箱). But hes 39 . His briefcase always has some gloves. (2013 全国卷) calmB. different C. crazy D. curious,转折关系,Example 1,but,however,yet, onthecontrary,It was taking up a great deal of my time, and the headmaster of my school gave me a

5、 choice:stay in school 47 leave to work on my magazine. (山东卷) 47. A. besides B. but C. and D. or,Example 2,并列关系,and,also,or, notonly butalso,First of all, a pen should fit comfortably in your hand, . Then the writing point of the pen should ,the pen should make a thick, dark line. A. Meanwhile B. Ge

6、nerally C. Afterwards D. Finally,Example 3,顺序(列举)关系,First/ to begin with, second, next, then, finally,Beforeleaving,Ihadturnedtheheater _48_intheroadhouse,sothatwhenwewentin,itwasniceand hot. 48.A.onB.offC.inD.over,因果关系,Example 4,因: because(of),since, for 果:therefore, as a result of, consequently ,W

7、hat are you doing there? You arent a soldier. You arent36carrying a gun. Youre standing in front of (湖北)36. A. simplyB. really C. merelyD. even,递进(增补)关系,Example 5,besides, inaddition, whatismore,Hisbigstomachhasalwaysballooned outbetween hisT-shirt and trousers. Although the family joked about it ,

8、Ed refused to buy 44 T-shirt or lose weight(全国卷) 44.A.clean B.larger C.straight D.darker,让步关系,Example 6,although,though, while ,nevertheless,The king and other aristocrats(贵族) held all the power and were very_, while the rest of the population had no power and very little money.A. cruel B. wealthy C

9、. Indifferent D. powerful,对比关系,Example 7,while,notbut ratherthan,IwenttoWasleyCollegewithWinnictoday. Wasleyisalarge,old1Ithasthreebranch campuses (分校) : Clunes, Clen Waverly and Elasterwick. It has a primary school, a 2 school and a senior school. So there are twelve grades of students studying the

10、re. 1.A.schoolB.factoryC.movieD.hospital 2.A.nightB.juniorC.highD.spare-time,Example 8,解释关系,举例关系,that is (to say), in other words,suchas,forexample,举例关系,解释关系,Summary,but, however, yet ,and, also, or ,because, so, for,first, then, next, finally,besides, whats more,though, although,such as, for exampl

11、e,while, notbut,that is to say,Practice makes perfect!,36-40 C D D A B 41-45 D C A C C 46-50 A D B D C 51-55 D C C A D,Susan was a shy but clever girl. She couldnt see too well, and had to wear _36_. And some of her classmates had always made fun _37_her big glasses. The worst thing was that Lewis h

12、ad started _38_ her “Four Eyes”. Now everyone knew her as “Suzy Four Eyes”. She acted like she didnt _39_ but in fact Susan couldnt stand it.,36.A.clothes B. hat C. glasses D. earrings 37.A.at B. for C. by D. of 38.A.telling B. thinking C. giving D. calling 39.A.mind B. remember C. understand D. acc

13、ept,One day, the class went to visit some famous caves(洞穴). Suddenly, Lewis put his _40_ in a hole and slipped(滑倒). While_41_, he grabbed(抓住)Susan next to him, and both of them fell down the hole, out of _42_. After some time they landed in a big dark cave. All that could be _43_ was a single ray of

14、 light coming from the _44_ many meters above, and some tree roots and trunks, which had fallen through the hole. Susan and Lewis shouted for help, _45_no one came.,40. A. hand B. foot C. mind D. eyes 41. A. moving B. walking C. traveling D. falling 42. A. breath B. control C. sight D. order 43.A. s

15、een B. heard C. felt D. known 44.A.bottom B. entrance C. roof D. window 45. A. and B. so C. but D. for,Lewis used the small ray of light to look for a way out.But after hours of _46_, he had found nothing, and started feeling _47_. The ray of light was landing on the floor in front of Susan. Quickly

16、, she took a piece of _48_on the ground, and using her glasses as a magnifying glass (放大镜), she _49_ the ray of light on the wood until a little _50_ sprang up. Now they had a torch(火把). Lewis watched all this with surprise and _51. They made some more branches, and off they went together, to explor

17、e the _52_.,46.A.searching B. climbing C. falling D. thinking 47.A.puzzled B. bored C. excited D. worried 48. A. stone B. wood C. paper D. cloth 49.A.sent B. put C. covered D. focused 50.A.wind B. cloud C. flame D. water 51.A.fear B. respect C. anger D. excitement 52.A.mountain B. building C. cave D

18、. tree,They burnt quite a few torches, and _53_they found a way out. Lewis gave Susan his heartfelt thanks. He knew that Susan couldnt _54_ people calling her Four Eyes, and he _55_ having giving her that name. From that day on, there was no longer any Four Eyes at their school.,53.A.quickly B. unluckily C. finally D. Besides 54.A.stand B. hear C. call D. suggest 55.A.enjoyed B. disliked C. forgot D. regretted,Homework,Thank you for your listening!,Finish the 13th weekly exercises Practice finding the logic relation (clue words and sentences).,


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