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1、长沙县实验中学英语学科教案设计授课班级 课时安排2授课人课 题Task课 型教 学目 标分 析新课标要求 Participate in a discussion to find out why sports are popular around the world.知识目标Develop students speaking ability.德育目标Sport play a very important part in our lives.重、难点阐释Develop students speaking ability by expressing their opinions in the dis

2、cussion.学法指导Individual, pair or group discussion to make every student work in class教具设计教学过程问题引导二次备课2Skills building 1: listening for specific information In this part, students will learn how to listen for specific information in a conversation and the words they should pay attention to. 1 Have stu

3、dents read the instructions on Page 32, so they will know how to select the information they want. Tell students to pay special attention when a speaker makes corrections, changes his or her mind or says something irrelevant. Have them think about why they should also pay attention to words like but

4、, however, or and I mean. 2 Have students listen to the conversation between Ma Van and Yu Lei about the 2010 World Cup and complete the notes. Before they listen, have students go over the sentences in the notes so they will know what they should listen for and what they should pay attention to. Af

5、ter listening, students can check their answers in pairs. If they have different answers, have them give reasons. If they are not quite sure about their answers, they can listen to the recording once more. Tapescript Ma Yan: Do you like football, Yu Lei? Yu Lei: Yes, I do. Ma Yan: Me too. Whats your

6、 favourite team? Oh, that would be England. I also quite like the Netherlands, but England is still my favourite. Did you watch England play at the World Cup in South Africa in 2010? Yu Lei: Yes,. I saw the games on TV. Ma Yan: Where was it held before that, in 2006? Yu Lei: In Japan and South Korea

7、, I think. Ma Yan: Wasnt it in Germany, Yu Lei? Yu Lei: Thats right! Whats your favourite team? Ma Yan: Thats difficult to answer. It used to be France. But now I support China. Yu Lei: Why? Ma Yan: Because theyre our own team, and because they played in the 2002 World Cup for the first time. Yu Lei

8、: Its really too bad that China has not been in the World Cup since then. Ma Yan: Yes, but the Chinese team did play in the 2008 Olympics. Yu Lei: Thats true. Will you watch the next World Cup? Ma Yan: Of course. Yu Lei: Would you ever go to see the matches live? Ma Yan:Id love to, but the tickets a

9、re too expensive.Answers 1 Yes 2 England 3 Yes 4 Germany 5 China 6 Yes 7 No Step 1: completing a training schedule Here students will be able to improve their listening skills by listening to a conversation between a coach and an athlete. Students should use the skills they have learnt in Skills bui

10、lding 1. They are expected to complete a training schedule according to what they have listened to. 1 Have students read the instructions on Page 33, so they will know what they are going to listen to. Then have them read the new training schedule and make some predictions if they can. At the same t

11、ime, have them find the new word in the schedule. Have them try to guess the meaning of the new word. Asking the following question may help them: Look at the word per. Can you guess the meaning of it? We often use the word together with words such as day, week or hour. We can use this word in the s

12、entence The car can travel at 70 miles per hour. Fer hour means every hour or an hour. From this, we know that per day means every day or a day. 2 Have students listen to the recording and complete the training schedule individually. Then have them check their answers in pairs to see if they got the

13、 same answers. If not, have them find out whose answer is right. If they are not sure about their answers, they may listen again. Tapescript Coach: Hi! How are you today?George: I feel a bit tired. Coach: Well, I want to talk to you about the training schedule. You must make a few changes. At the mo

14、ment youre only doing an hour of training a day, right? George: Yes. Coach: You need to increase that to two hours a day. George: Two hours?! What will I do during the extra hour? Coach: Youll have to do some strength-training exercises. George: What does that mean?Coach: Strength training is doing

15、exercises with weights. George: It sounds tiring! Coach: Yes, but you do get eight hours of sleep every night. Now, about your diet . George: So what should I eat? Coach: First of all, lots of rice and bread. And you can only eat white meat, such as chicken and fish. Red meat is not allowed. George:

16、 What? I love fast food. Does that mean I cant eat hamburgers any more? Coach: Im afraid so. George: Oh, no! And pizza? Coach: No, you shouldnt eat that either. But you must eat vegetables three times a day and fruit four times a day. George: Okay, I can do that. And what should I drink? Coach: You

17、have to drink ten glasses of water a day. George: Wow. Thats a lot to drink. Should I only drink water? Coach: No, you can also drink tea, but only weak tea. Do you think you can follow these directions? George: If it will make me a better athelete, then Ill certainly try. Coach: Good. See you tomor

18、row. George: See you, Coach. Answers:1 increased 2 2 3 lifting weights 4 8 5 rice 6 False 7 True 8 vegetables 9 4 10 water weak teaSkills building 2: making suggestions In this section, students will learn how to make suggestions. Different patterns are presented to students for them to practise. 1

19、Have students read the two points in the first part on Page 34. Have them pay attention to the difference between advise and advice in Pattern I, and the usage of suggest in Pattern 2. They can use these patterns to make sentences. For example, I advise you to go there by bike instead of by bus. I a

20、dvise that you (should) go to bed a bit earlier, to avoid being tired. Our teacher often gives us useful advice on how to study English. My coach suggested that I should train six hours per day. I suggest going there on foot. Tell students that we can use other patterns to give advice or make sugges

21、tions. For example, Youd better take off your wet shoes, or youll catch a cold. Lets not start too early. We dont want to be tired. 2 Have students read the five question forms in the second part. Students will learn that they can use question forms to make suggestions. Have them make some sentences

22、 with such patterns. For example, Dont you think it is a good idea to go out for a walk on such a fine day? Why dont you phone her right now and ask her to come this afternoon? Why not wear the blue hat? You look pretty with it on. Shall we stop and have a rest? What about renting a car? It would be

23、 better than taking the bus. 3 Have students read the dialogue on Page 34 in pairs and underline the sentences which make suggestions. Answers Andy: Im not sure which activity. to do on sports day. Any suggestions?John: You are good at the 400-metre race. Why not try that? Andy: Are you joking? Do y

24、ou think I can beat Mike in Class One? John: What about the high jump then? Andy: No. Do you think I should try the long jump? John: Well. dont you think it would be a better idea for me to do that one? Im pretty good at it. Andy: I think I am good at it too. I suggest that you run the 100-metre rac

25、e. No one in our schoolcan beat you. John: But I havent practised for a long time. Shall we do some training?Andy: Thats a good idea. Will Saturday morning do? John: Yes. Step 2: designing a new daily routine This section is designed to have students use what they have learnt in Skills building 2 to

26、 design a new daily routine. They will first read some leaflets, and after comparing them with the current daily routine, they should make changes. 1 Begin this part by asking students if they can tell what the coach and the athlete talk about in Skills building 1. For example, How many hours should

27、 the athlete sleep for every night?How many hours should he train for every day? Have students read the first leaflet. Have them explain what the leaflet is about, and then have them read the daily routine and cross out what should not be changed in it after comparing it to the leaflet. 2 Have stude

28、nts read the second leaflet. Ask them: Do you know what meat is red meat? (Pork, beef and lamb.) Ask them to explain what the leaflet is about, and then ask them to read the daily routine again and cross out what should not be changed in it after comparing it with the second leaflet. 3 Have students

29、 make changes to the daily routine individually. After they have finished it, check the answers as a class. If there are some different answers, ask students to give their reasons. Sample answers Daily routine 6.30 a.m. get up 7.00 a.m. breakfast: eggs, bread, fruit and water, or weak tea 8.00 a.m.

30、school 12.00 p.m. lunch: rice, vegetables, chicken, water and fruit 3.30 p.m. 2 hours of training 5.30 p.m. homework6.30 p.m. dinner: rice, vegetables, fish or chicken, fruit and water 8.00 p.m. homework 10.00 p.m. watch TV10.30 p.m. bed Skills building 3: identifying/selecting relevant information

31、In this part, students will learn how to identify and select relevant information when they are reading or listening to English. 1 Have students read the directions on Page 36. They will then learn that when they are reading or listening to English, it is important to identify which information appl

32、ies to them and the task they are working on. 2 Have students read the instructions for the exercise. Ask them what report they are asked to write about and what information they should get from the letter that they are going to read. Then have students read the letter and underline the information

33、related to the topic of the report they are going to write. AnswersTable tennis, also called ping-pong, is played all around the world and is an Olympic sport. The exact origin of table tennis is not known. What we do know is that it began in England in the 1890s. Today, players from China, South Ko

34、rea and Germany among others play leading roles in international table tennis competitions. Step 3: writing a report about the history of a sport In this section, students will first read the directions and a report about the history of bowling in Part A to learn how to write a report about the hist

35、ory of something. Then they will use the information they have gathered in Skills building 3 to write a report about the history of table tennis. 1 Have students read the directions and the passage in Part A on Page 37. First ask them to guess the meaning of the word bowling after reading the passag

36、e. Then they should do the activity in pairs or groups to find out how the report should be written. For example, when talking about the history of something, what should be talked about, how many sections the report should have, and what each section should focus on. Or, they can try to find the ma

37、in idea for each paragraph of the passage. 2 Have students read the directions in Part B on the same page. They should work in pairs to discuss how to write their reports about the history of table tennis. Encourage them to find more information about table tennis. They can finish their reports as h

38、omework. Possible example Table tennis, also called ping-pong, is played all around the world and is an Olympic sport. It is very similar to playing tennis on a court, but is played on a table. Thats how it gets the name table tennis. The exact origin of table tennis is not known. What we do know is

39、 that it began in England in the 1890s. It became popular in the 1920s all around Europe and Asia, and then in some other areas of the world. The International Table Tennis Federation was founded in 1926. In the same year, the first World Table Tennis Championships was held in December in London. In

40、 1988, table tennis entered the Olympics, which has four events-mens singles, womens singles, mens doubles and womens doubles . Today, players from China, South Korea and Germany among others play leading roles in international table tennis competitions. 3 Have students listen to the recording of Parts A and B on Page 104 of the Workbook to get the information needed, and then finish Part C. If time is limited, they can do the three exercises as homework. 教学反馈(后记)


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