It will be snow in Harbin..doc

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《It will be snow in Harbin..doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《It will be snow in Harbin..doc(4页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、英语六年级下册导学案年级六年级时间 单元M2 U 2主备人 课 型新授课时1课 题It will be snow in Harbin.审核人学习目标Knowledge and skills:Language: Its going to rain in Harbin. Its going to be warm and sunny in Dalian. What are you going to do on Thursday? Im going to watch TV.Vocabulary: rain, snow, windy, cold, sunny, warmProcess and metho

2、d:Talking about the weather; make out a plan.Moral object:be friendly to others,obey the rules.重点难点 Its going to rain in Harbin. Its going to be warm and sunny in Dalian. What are you going to do on Thursday? Im going to watch TV.教法Communicative method ,approach ,task teaching学法Group work课前准备cards,

3、pictures, Tape-recorder,学 习 过 程二次备课学 案导 案Say rhymes.课前热身,加强学生的口语练习,让学生很快进入英语学习环境。)Draw the sigh of weather. Eg:snow Sunny Rain Cloud hotMoral object:be friendly to others,obey the rules.一【warming up】1. Review Unit 1.2 Sing an English song.二【show out aims】aims:Talking about the weather; make out a pl

4、an. Important points: Its going to rain in Harbin.Its going to be warm and sunny in Dalian. What are you going to do on Thursday? Im going to watch TV. 三【Presentation】1. Whats the weather going to be like in Harbin tomorrow? Whats the weather going to be like in Beijing tomorrow? Whats the weather g

5、oing to be like in Dalian tomorrow? Whats the weather going to be like in Xian tomorrow?2. Play the cassette and ask the children several questions.3. Write down four skill words and teach.4. Play the cassette and repeat.四【group work】 Finish activity 2. Ask the children to ask and answer in pairs. 五

6、【practice】Chant1. Ask the children to look at the pictures carefully.2. Play the cassette and ask the children to listen carefully.3. Teach the sentences of the chant one by one.4. Play the cassette several times and ask the children to chant together.六【Promote】Activity book 1 2七【Expend】Moral object

7、:be friendly to others,obey the rules.八【Homework】1. Read the chant2. Finish activity book.lets say some rhymes. (Play the cassette and ask the children several questions.Whats the weather going to be like in Harbin tomorrow? Whats the weather going to be like in Beijing tomorrow?Listen read and answ

8、er.Learn about the chant.Teach the sentences of the chant one by one.板书设计Unit 2 It will be snow in Harbin.It will rain in Harbin. It will be warm and sunny in Dalian. What are you going to do on Thursday? Im going to watch TV.课后反思 大部分学生都掌握了天气类的单词,但他们区分不清动词和形容词,不知道什么情况下要用will be 。学生在上课时没有积极思考,不能主动的提出问题,小组合作能力有待加强。前置性作业:Module twoUnit two It will snow in Harbin.一 Listen and read.2 按要求写出下列单词的相应形式。1. hot (反义词)_ 2.sun (形容词)_3. rainy (名词)_ 4.winner(动词)_5. wind(形容词)_形容词)_7. cool(反义词)_三仿照例句写句子。例如:hot-It will be hot tomorrow.1. Sunny2. Windy3. Warm4. Cold5. cloudy


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