Mudule 10 Unite 2 I‘m in New York now.教案.docx

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1、Module 10 Unit 2 Im in New York now.教材分析 Im in New York now.是外研版小学英语五年级下册第十模块第二单元的内容。本模块共2个单元,第一单元谈论Daming旅行前的准备,第二单元以书信形式谈论Daming旅行经历。通过大明到纽约的旅行,对学生实行听力与口语的训练。本课教学以学生听力为主体,设计六个难易水准适中的问题让不同水准的学生回答,通过学生的回答使学生掌握what,who,where,when等疑问词的用法和一般过去时。采用PPT课件和视频创设情境,激发学习兴趣。 学情分析 11,12岁的学生思维特点是形象思维胜于抽象思维,他们的语言

2、理解活动总是伴随着大量的形象活动。活动越生动形象,学生的注意力就越集中和持久。所以,借助课件中的插图能够加深学生的印象,利用游戏的方式易于调动学习者的学习兴趣,有利于教学。 教学目标 1. 认知目标:掌握单词flat, arrive, building, made, taxi, again及句型When did Daming arrive? He arrived yesterday. Grandma made Chinese food for me.音标whw 、whh 、wrr。 2.水平目标:能根据特殊疑问词what, who, when, where实行问答。 3.情感目标:激发学生学习

3、英语的兴趣,协助学生树立学好英语的信心,增强学生的参与意识,引导学生积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。 4.德育目标: 通过对本课的学习,培养学生热爱祖国,保护环境的良好品质。 教学重点和难点 1.教学重点:6个单词、3个句型与音标whw 、whh 、wrr。 2.教学难点:熟练掌握特殊疑问词what, who, when, where并对其实行回答。Teaching objectives: 1. Words:arrivetaxiflatbuildingmadeagain2. Sentences:Grandma made Chinese food for me.

4、I want to try American food.I will write again soon.3. Practise to pronounce wh wr.4. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world.Teaching properties: cards tape-recorder picturesTeaching proceduresStep 1Warmer:1. Stick the pictures of unit 1 on the board. Have the students come to the front and mime t

5、he text of unit 1.2. Say a sentence in the present tense and get the students say it in the past tense.Step 2Examples:T: Daming goes to New York.Ss: Daming went to New York.T: Grandma meets Daming.Ss: Gradma met Daming.Step 3Teach the text:1. Raise the picture of the Statue of Liberty and ask: What

6、is it ? Where is it?”Guide the students say: Its the statue of Liberty. Its in New York”.T: Daming is in New York now. Lets see who met him at the airport. What he saw in New York and What food he wanted to eat.2. Play the tape. Have the students listen and underline the new words in books.3. Teach

7、the new words.4. Play the tape again. Have the students listen and say. After this, get the students to answer the following questions:Who met Daming at the airport? (Grandma and Simon)What did Daming see in New York? (Buildings, cards and people)What food did he want to try? (American food)5. Compl

8、ete activity 2 in SB. (Get the students to ask and answer in pairs)6. Practise to pronounce wh wr.7. Learn the song: Its a big exciting world.8. Complete exercise 1 in AB.Step 4 Homework:Practise the following sentences in pairs:Where are you from?Where are you going to go?Where are you going to go

9、there?Where are you going to do there?Designs:Module 10 PreparationsUnit 2 Im in New York nowarriveGrandma mad Chinese food for me.taxiflatI want to try American food.buildingmadeI will write again soon.again教学反思 在教学中我一直都十分注重对学生听力的培养,本课也不例外。1.我围绕疑问词what, who, when, where设计了几个问句,既突出了本课的教学重点又使不同程度的学生都有参与回答的机会;2.利用课件使学生的抽象思维转化为形象思维,更有利于学生对知识的掌握;3.“Make a survey”是对所学内容的延伸(知识的拓展),达到学以致用的目的。在此次教学中,还存在一些不足:1.我面对的是农村学生,他们外出旅游的经历很少,不敢放手让他们谈论旅游;2.在小组合作时对学困生关注不够。在以后的教学中,我不能主观地认为学生不能掌握、学不会而剥夺他们能力的发展;在小组合作与课外学习时,指导优等生对学困生进行正确的帮助。“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。”


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