Unit 3 How do you get to schoolPeriod 1 (Section A 1a—1c)教学设计.doc

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《Unit 3 How do you get to schoolPeriod 1 (Section A 1a—1c)教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 How do you get to schoolPeriod 1 (Section A 1a—1c)教学设计.doc(5页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3 How do you get to school?Period 1 (Section A 1a1c)教学设计一、设计思路新目标英语教材的语言教育理念是:知识用于行动,强调“语言应用”,培养“创新、实践水平”,发展“学习策略”让学习者通过使用语言来完成各种各样的交际活动.本课是新目标英语七年级下册第三单元,教材以“Transportation”为中心话题,围绕“Howquestions”和“Talk about how to get to places”展开,学习使用 “I take/ride the/a”和 “I go toby”;面对七年级学生,他们有了上学期的学习经验,有了一

2、定的英语基础知识和听说水平,有了初步的自主合作,探究学习水平,却有很大的不稳定性。本节课以新理念为指引,以学生为主体,以任务为中心,以交际为目的,注重学生生活实际和生活体验、让其贴进实际,贴进生活树立以学生为本的思想,提倡学生参与、体验、亲自实践、合作探究,从而实现教学方式和学习方式的转变。二、教学目标(一)知识与技能1Key vocabulary: train, bus, subway, ride, bike, ride a bike, takethe subway.2Key structures:How do/does you/he get to ?I take/ride the toI

3、go toby(on foot)3Ability aims:Ask and answer about “How do/does you/he get to?Listening、speaking、and reading skills.To train students communicative competence.(二)方法与途径1.将1a,1b和1c整合为一个模块,以“How to get to”为线索,学习新词和重点句型;把1c重新设计为听力之后填表格的一个任务,学生明确了听力中五位同学不同的到校方式,为他们后面的口语交际做好铺垫。3课堂的延伸,在对话中延伸至其他的交通方式(by pla

4、ne等)学生既感兴趣,又巩固了所学知识;设置情景让学生明白健康环保的交通工具是我们的首选。4、当堂达标训练,即检测了学生对整堂课知识的综合使用,又巩固了所学知识。(三)情感与评价To be interested in taking part in activities in an English class.Healthy environmental protection of transportation is our first choice.(四)现代教学手段使用:电脑、投影仪、录音机。三、教学重点与难点: How questions四、教法与学法教学方法 提供较多的图片提升学生学习兴趣

5、,设置大量对话任务来培养学生的交际水平,引导学生自己总结新知识点,在小组交流中分享及补充知识点。渗透情感教育。学习方法 学生以自主参与、小组交流讨论为主。学生在学习的过程中,积极与他人合作,完成教师布置的各项教学任务。在课内外学习活动中学生能够用英语同他人交流;善于抓住英语交际的机会;在交际中,把注意力集中在意思的表达上。五、教学准备 1教师准备:电脑、投影仪、录音机。 2、学生准备:预习Section A的内容:(1)Memorize the new words;(2)Write down important language points;(3)Underline the difficul

6、ties.六、教学过程Step: The basis of review, the word competition (基础回顾,单词大比拼).Write the words and phrases as quickly as you can (课前检测)1.火车_ 2.公共汽车_3.地铁_ 4.自行车_5.骑.v_ 6.骑自行车_7.坐火车_ 8.坐地铁_【设计意图:通过预习检测,可以培养学生的自主学习能力,提高听课效率,体“以生为本,以学定教”的理念。】Step:Lead-in 1.Ask“How many kinds of transportation can you remember?

7、” listen and guess what transportation it is.2.Look at the pictures, then ask“How do you get to school?”Help them to answer “I walk to school(I go to school on foot).”Then studentsLook at the other pictures and talk about them. (Write down the useful expressions on the blackboard. Do some explanatio

8、ns if necessary.)walk to= go toon footride a/the bike to= go toby biketake the bus to= go toby bustake the train to = go toby traintake the plane to= go toby plane3.Then ask the students to match the words with the pictures.4.Check the answers.Answers:(1)a (2)d (3)e (4)b (5)c【设计意图:从熟悉的交通工具引入,能激发学习兴趣

9、和热情。】Step : Fun show, pair work( 快乐展示 )Work in pairs to talk about how to get to school, choose two or three pairs to act out.A: How do you get to?B: I take theto,What about you?A:I get toby【设计意图:此环节旨在培养学生自主学习及大胆开口说英语的习惯和语言的综合运用能力。】Step : Free talk and listening ( 听说训练 ) Listen and write down the na

10、mesnameshowBobtakes the train takes the subway takes the bus walks walks rides the bike2. Listen again, ask the students to fill in the blanks.3. Make conversations: A: How does Bob get to school? B: He takes the train to school.(He gets to school by train.)【设计意图:“听”和“说”有机结合,从而达到学以致用的目的。】Step: Langu

11、ages applications, develop innovative.(语言应用,拓展创新)Look at the pictures, help them to ask and answer like this: A: How doesget to? B: He rides a/the bike to school(He gets to school by bike.).Every road leads to Rome. What transportation we use depends on where we live, where we go and how far it is.3

12、. Groupwork. A、B, ask and answer; C、D retell it.【设计意图:本环节的设计目的在于拓宽学生视野、丰富学生知识面且渗透情感教育的目的。】Step : Exercise in class (当堂达标)完成句子,每空一词.1. I _ _ _(坐公共汽车) to work.2. He _ _ _(骑车) to school.3. How do you _ _ (到家)? I get home_ _ (步行).4._ does she _ _ _(怎样去上班)?She _ _ _(坐地铁)【设计意图:当堂检测,学以致用,同时及时反馈学生对本节课的掌握情况,力求达成学习目标。】Step : Summary and Homework Lead students to summarize the difficulties. Do an interview to learn about how your friends or classmates come to school every day and write a short passage. Prepare for the next class.


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