Welcome to the unit, Unit 1, Book 3 教学设计.doc

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《Welcome to the unit, Unit 1, Book 3 教学设计.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Welcome to the unit, Unit 1, Book 3 教学设计.doc(6页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、教学设计教学任务:Welcome to the unit, Unit 1, Book 3教学分析:模块三由The world of our senses; Language; Back to the past等三个单元构成,其主要目的就是通过这三个单元的教学,在协助学生掌握一定的英语基础知识和基本技能的同时,扩大学生的学习、生活、社会等多方面的视野。一方面培养学生的英语听说读写水平;另一方面,培养学生保护自己的知觉、尊敬残疾人、爱护人类古代文明等情感态度。 本模块中每个单元仍然由Welcome to the unit; Reading; Word power; Grammar and usag

2、e; Task; Project及Self-assessment等七个部分构成,仅仅project由原来的一篇课文加课题研究的指导方法变为了由两篇文章组成。这样,增大了学生的阅读量,同时为协助学生更好地实行课题研究提供了更好的范例。 本教学设计为本单元中的第一节课,主要介绍我们的五中知觉及利用某些感知觉协助某些特殊的人群创造的特殊语言等。其目的就是引导学生掌握本单元的一些基本知识和概念,为本单元后面的学习打好铺垫。在本节课教学过程中,教师不但引导学生学习掌握感知觉方面的词汇表达,也还要了解各个感知觉之间室相互平衡工作的。当某种感知觉失去之后,另一种或几种感知觉就会更增强大,替代某种感知觉的作用

3、。所以,一方面我们要保护自己的感知觉;另一方面要尊敬和协助残疾人。 不过,我所教授的学生为专业班学生。他们思想活跃,为人聪明,每个人都有专业特长。也就说,他们的感知觉比一般人都要强。但是在文化学习方面,因为受时间的影响,耽误的学习时间太多,而比一般同学可能逊色一些。即使如此,经过了高中一年的学习,他们的英语基础有了较大提升,尤其通过初高中的衔接教学,同学们学会了英语音标及其拼读方法,同时扩大了阅读量和词汇量。现在大家都想学好英语,对英语的积极性较高。所以,在教学本节课时,主要以学生自主学习、分组讨论为主,然后通过让学生充分展示,从而协助学生在使用中巩固、强化、内化所学习的知识,为本单元后面的学

4、习打下牢固的基础。教学目标:根据教材、教学任务及学生情况,本节课的教学目标主要分为三个方面。 1. 知识目标 1)掌握以下词汇和短语:sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch, raised, dot, Braille, hold ones nose, sign language, confuse, vase 2)理解和掌握以下句型:If you when you , your sense will . / Even if , they can still . 3)明白知觉可能受某些原因的影响而导致知觉失误的道理 2. 水平目标 1)能够准确描述各种知觉发生的部位

5、和作用 2)能够准确理解文段的意思 3)能够挣解释对图片不同理解的原因 4)能够用英语流利回答后面的问题3. 情感目标 1)通过学习,理解感知觉的重要性,自觉保护好自己的感知觉 2)通过学习,了解因为某感知觉失去后另外的感知觉会增强的道理,从而从另一些方面去协助残疾人 3)通过学习,懂得残疾人为社会的发展和文明做出巨大的贡献,他们值得大家的尊敬。教学重点:1. 引导学生阅读理解短文,学习、掌握五种感知觉的感念及其相互作用的关系2. 引导学生用英语流利描述图片的内容3. 引导学生积极回答文章后面的问题教学难点:1. 引导学生如何用英语准确、流利表达五种感知觉的作用及相互影响2. 引导学生如何用英

6、语准确、流利回答文章后面的三个问题教学方法:根据教学任务、教学分析及教学目标等,拟采用以下方法,突出重点、突破难点。1. 自主阅读 2. 分组讨论 3. 探究和展示教学工具:多媒体电脑及粉笔和黑板教学思路:本节课的教学涉及到的内容与每个人的身体器官紧密相联,为学生非常熟悉,所以教学时,首先在黑板上展示课题名称:The world of our senses。提问:What does the word “sense” mean? 引导学生对sense的理解,明确学习的内容。然后提问:How many senses do we have? 引导学生结合自身探究学习内容。这时,使用多媒体展示五种不同

7、的感知觉器官,引导学生描述它们及其作用,从而激发学生的学习热情。接下来提问:Do you think these senses affect one another? How? 由此将学生引入对文章的阅读。待学生充分阅读和理解文章后,教师再一次提问:Do you believe in your senses all the time? 引导学生讨论这些图片,用英语描述图片内容及感知觉的不同理解。最后提问:What do you think of our senses to us? What do you think of disabled people? 引导学生回答后面的问题,同时认识感知觉

8、的重要性,学会尊重残疾人。教学步骤:Step 1. Lead-in 1. Greeting and tell the Ss what will be studied in this period. 2. Present the title of the unit The world of our senses on the blackboard. 3. Ask the Ss this question: What does the word “sense” mean? If some students dont know it, ask the other students to teach

9、them. This way, help the Ss understand the word so that they will learn this lesson easily. When all the students know the word, the teacher can ask the following question.4. How many senses do we have? In order to help the students recognize the senses and answer this question correctly, the teache

10、r play the power points. When the students all know the five senses, the teacher can ask the next question. 5. Do you think these senses affect one another? How? As some students dont know the answer to the question, tell them to read the passage on Page 1. This way, take the students to the lesson

11、for this period step by step. Step 2. Reading 1. First, ask some students to read the passage, and then ask all the class to make comments on their reading, telling the class to pay attention to their pronunciation, intonation and other things. 2. Play the record in the multimedia computer, and ask

12、the class to imitate the record. This way, help the students to read correctly, smoothly and fluently. 3. Ask the class to read the passage freely so that they improve their reading ability through practicing. 4. Ask some other students to read the passage to see if they can read correctly, smoothly

13、 and fluently after practicing. If some student cant still, ask the class to help him or her. 5. Ask the class to read the passage together so as to help the students learn team work. Step 3. Comprehension I. Ask the class some question about the passage to help them understand it more fully. 1. How

14、 many sense do we have? 2. What are they? 3. What will your sense of taste work if you hold your nose when you eat? Why?4. Why do blind people have a stronger sense of touch? 5. How can people with hearing problems understand each other? If some students can find the answer to these questions, ask t

15、he class to tell them so that the class themselves can be helped while helping others. II. Words and phrases hearing n. 听觉,听力raised adj. 凸起的dot n. 点,小圆点confuse vt. 使糊涂,使迷惑confuse sb. 使某人糊涂,使某人迷惑be / get confused 弄糊涂了one another = each other 互相,相互hold ones nose 捏住鼻子sign language 手势语言,手语III. Pattern s

16、entences1. If you hold your nose when you eat, your sense of taste will not work as well as usual. 如果吃饭的时候捏住鼻子,那么味觉就没有平时那么敏感。此句有二重复合句构成:第一重复合句为If连接的主句前面的整个部分,表示主句动作发生的条件,为条件状语从句;第二重复合句为when连接的部分,表示条件从句中动作发生的时间,为时间状语从句。e.g. If you talk to your friends when the teacher is teaching in class, you will n

17、ot understand your lessons. 如果上课中跟朋友说话,那么你就听不懂课。2. However, even if we have good senses, they can still confuse us. 即使我们拥有很好的感知觉,他们仍然可能使我们迷惑。此句为让步状语主从复合句。even if 连接让步条件句,常理解为:即使e.g. Even if it rains tomorrow, I will get there on time. 即使明天下雨,我也要按时赶到那儿。Step 4. Discussion First, ask students to descri

18、be the pictures below the passage. As different student may see a different thing in the picture, then teacher ask discuss the following questions.1. What do you think of our senses to us?2. Do you think you can believe in your senses all the time? Why?Through the discussion, help students realize t

19、hat our senses are very important to us in our life, education and work. We should try our best to protect them. However, we cant believe in our senses all the time because they cheat us sometimes. Therefore, we should use our mind as well as our hands to do experiments before we believe a thing.Ste

20、p 5. Investigation and presentation I. InvestigationTell the students that the people who have lost the ability to use one of their senses will feel very painful. However, many disabled people in the history home or abroad have made great achievements. Then tell the students to make investigations o

21、nline of great disabled people in pairs or groups. Disabled people who have made great achievements in history.Ask the students to pay attention to the following facts: 1. Who is the person?2. What sense has he or she lost?3. What has he or she achieved? II. PresentationAsk students to present what

22、they find from the Internet to other pairs or groups first, and then present to the class. When they have present their findings, teacher can ask the following question:What do you think of disabled people?This way, help the students understand that disabled people may be strong in other senses and

23、they can also make great achievements. Therefore, we have no reason to look down upon them but try our best to help and respect them highly.Step 6. Summary In this period, we have learnt:1. five senses and their relations 2. our attitude to our senses3. our attitude to disabled people 4. language kn

24、owledge hearing, raised, dot, confuse, sign language, vase, hold ones nose, even ifIf when , .Even if , Step 7. Homework 1. Prepare and tell a story about our sense confusing us. 2. Pre-read the passage Fog on Page 23. 板书设计The world of our sensesWelcome to the unitI. Answer the following questions.1

25、. What does the word “sense” mean?2. 1. How many sense do we have? 3. What are they? 4. What will your sense of taste work if you hold your nose when you eat? Why?5. Why do blind people have a stronger sense of touch? 6. How can people with hearing problems understand each other? II. Learn the words

26、 and phraseshearing n. 听觉,听力raised adj. 凸起的dot n. 点,小圆点confuse vt. 使糊涂,使迷惑one another = each other 互相,相互hold ones nose 捏住鼻子sign language 手势语言,手语II. Pattern sentences If when , .Even if , 课后反思本节课为模块三第一单元第一节课,其教学任务就是Welcome to the unit。其目的就是引导学生学习、认识和了解我们的感知觉,为本单元后面的学习做一个铺垫。在平时教学中,许多老师认为,Welcome to th

27、e unit内容不具体,没有什么容可教,于是经常将它与其它板块合并一起教,或者根本就不教。这对于教学资源是一种浪费和损失,也是对学生的成长不负责任。于是我们坚决反对这一做法,而是根据教学任务的具体内容,将本节课的教学分为三个部分:第一部分引导学生认识、了解人们的五种感知觉,通过阅读,培养学生学习兴趣及阅读理解能力。第二部分引导学生认识感知觉的欺骗性,意识到在今后的生活中不能全凭直观认识事物,而应该通过思考、甚至实验达到对事物的正确认识。第三部分引导学生学习、懂得当失去某种或某些感知觉之后,而其他的感知觉会增强,于是可以利用其他感知觉取得成就。因此,在生活中不能轻视残疾人,相反应该主动帮助残疾人

28、,尊敬残疾人。为了有条理地完成教学任务,本节课分为七个步骤:第一步 引入。通过师生问答和多媒体展示,帮助学生了解本节课的内容,激发学习兴趣。第二步 朗读。运用多种方式引导学生对文章进行朗读,纠正学生的语音、语调等,培养学生的英语阅读语感和能力。第三步 理解。通过对文章的提问,引导学生关注文章中的细节,理解文章中的基本信息。注意重要词汇、短语的学习。同时,学会理解掌握重要句型,培养学生理解、运用能力。第四步 讨论。通过讨论,引导学生仔细观察图片,运用英语描述所见的内容。一方面培养了学生学会观察的能力、运用英语进行表达的能力。另一方面,通过讨论,引导学生正确认识感知觉,培养学生正确的认识观。第五步

29、 探究和展示。引导学生通过探究,了解历史上国内外一些知名的残疾人。通过了解他们的成就惑对人类的贡献,引导学生在生活中不能轻视残疾人,而应该去帮助和尊敬残疾人。第六步 总结。通过简单的总结和回顾,帮助学生对本节课所学的内容进行系统化和内化,提高学习效率。第七步 作业。一是根据教学内容设计了讲故事的练习,一方面是帮助学生巩固、运用本节课所学习的内容,另一方面引导学生将学习与生活实际结合起来,达到学用结合的目的。二是要求学生预读课文,在深化理解感知觉方面知识的同时,提前预习课文,为第二天的教学做好准备。这样,既引导学生学会了学习方法提前预习,又为第二天教学做好了铺垫,有利于教学效果的提高。通过这七个步骤的教学,顺利完成了教学任务、强化了教学重点、突破了教学难点,达到了预设的教学目标。整个教学过程中,贯彻了以教师为主导、以学生为主体的教学思想。采用引导学生自主学习、分组讨论和探究展示的教学方法,尤其是教研成果“话题虚拟”教学法的运用,学生积极主动进入角色,既激发了学生的学习兴趣额,又培养学生的学习能力。始终着眼于学生的未来发展,充分体现了以学生的发展为中心这一教学理念。但是,尽管师生对这节课感到满意,而由于学生英语基础参差不齐,还可能有少部分学生没有完全跟上教学,没有完全达到教学要求。因此,在下节课中,还应该花费3-5分钟的时间,帮助学生复习。


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