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1、焉耆县第二中学20122013学年第二学期集体备课教案课题【Unit 4 Dont eat in class】科 目【英语】 年 级【七年级】 课 时【Period4】 授课教师【 】主备人【马月萍】 参 备 人【何晔、蒋丽萍、马月萍、樊迎春、马亮】一、教学目标:1、知识目标: out,go out,practice,dish,do the dishes,before dinner,on school night,on school days,see friend,practice the guitar.Can Dave go out on school night?No,he cant.2、

2、能力目标:1,To learn to talk about family rules. 2, to learn to use Imperative sentences. 3、情感目标:培养学生合作精神,了解语言的规范得体。二 、教学重、难点: learn to use Imperative sentences.三、教学方法:“五步、双重教学法”四、教具准备:课文录音 多媒体使用:无五、教学过程:(一)复习旧知Review the rules Use can,cant,have to,must,and dont to write about the rules at school.1.arriv

3、e late / class 4.speak English/English class2.listen/teacher 5.eat/ dining hall3.be noisy/libraryAsk Ss to write two sentences for each rule.(二)新课导学 1.Look at four pictures in Part 1. ask students to tell what they see in each picture by answering what the boy is dong in each picture.Write new phras

4、es on the Bb.then teach them.2 Ask students to match the pictures ad with the rules.Check the answers. (三) 自学新知ListeningPoint to the instruction in 1b. Let students listen to a conversation between Dave and Emily carefully.finish 1b and 1c.(四)检测新学pairworkStudents work in pairs and talk about the rul

5、es in their house. For example:S1: I have to do my homework after school, and I .S2: I cant go out on school night, and I . (五)巩固新知根据首字母提示完成句子1Please do the d_ after dinner.2.Please wash your hands b_ dinner.3.She p_ her guitar every day.4You can eat o_.六)课堂小结 1要求学生掌握本节课有关家规的短语,2 掌握祈使句的表达。(七)布置作业 1背诵单词3能力培养第三课时(八)板书设计 Unit4 dont eat in ciassgo out before dinner,do his homework on school night,do the dishes, on school days see friend, every Saturday practice the guitar after dinnerpractice the guitar. In the evening(九)教学反思如何突破重难点 你以什么方式激发学生的学习兴趣学法 【教师精心设计典例分析】 备注: 当前在2页 / 共2页


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