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1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级九教学形式讲授教 师丁涛单 位无为县尚礼初中课题名称人教社Go for it 9, Unit 10,By the time I got outside, the bus had already left,Section A , Part 1 and Part 2 .学情分析本单元主要是围绕着“narrate past events”这个话题来学习和掌握本单元的语法内容“Past perfect”。同时对愚人节这一风俗习惯的了解。本节课重在通过谈论Tina的一个早上和自己的事情,掌握和使用“Past perfect”。教学目标通过学生参与课堂听力训练、

2、课堂口语交流、编写情节故事,掌握过去完成时的用法,熟练运用本课句型和短语,学会谈论过去发生的事情。培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。同时培养学生良好的行为习惯。教学重点:叙述过去发生的事情教学难点:过去完成时教学过程教学设计:第一课一、arming-upCome into the classroom with a sad face and greet the students . Then say:“ I am very sad. Why ? I will tell you. This morning, I left my home with two books of mine. And put t

3、hem on my motorbike. Then rode it to school. When I got to school, I found I had lost the books. I felt very sad. You know they are my textbooks about computer. But now I lost them. So I am very sad. Ok , this is a bad thing that happened to me .what happened to you yesterday? Can you tell me what h

4、appened to you? Ok , lets talk about them. 二、Presentation1、(Teaching the Past Perfect by asking the students some questions about the things happened yesterday like this:)T: what do you think of yesterday? Happy or sad?S: _T: Yes, you had a happy /bad day. What did you do yesterday ? Can you tell me

5、 ? S: Played football.T: Only played football. When did you play football?(write play football on the Bb)S:_T: what did you do after you played football ?S:_T: Oh, you had played football by the time you _(write the sentence on the Bb)T: Ok, we know what happened to the student yesterday.(repeat the

6、 sentence on the Bb and have the students repeat)Then teach how to use Past perfect and what we should notice.Ask the students to give me some examples.2、 show the students the pictures and say:“ this is Tinas morning. Lets talk about what happened to her. Look at Picture 1. Was she anxious? (Ss: Ye

7、s.) Why ?(Ss: She got up late.) Yes, she got up late .she overslept this morning. (Teach the words “oversleep, overslept” let the students repeat she overslept this morning.) look at Picture 2. Where did she go after she got up? (Ss: She went to the shower.). Could she go in the shower? Why? (Ss; No

8、. Because someone was in it ). Can you describe the picture with a sentence? (Ss: When she got to the shower, someone had already gotten in the shower.) (let the students repeat the sentence.) Look at Picture 3, What happened?(Ss: By the time she got outside, the bus had already left )write the sent

9、ence on Bb and explain it teach “By the time ”look at Picture 4 . then what did she do?(Ss: she run to the school.) look at Picture 5 .Did she got to the school? (Ss: Yes.) What did she found when she got to the school? (Ss: She found she had left her backpack at home.) (Let the students repeat )Ok.

10、 Just now, we talked about what happened to Tina. Now let Tina tell them to us. Lets listen. Play the recording and let the students only listen. Then play the recording again and let the students finish 1bAsk three students to read the sentences for the class and let the other students correct thei

11、r answers.三、Pairwork Take turns being Tina. Look at the pictures in 1a and tell what happened to Tina this morning.Ask some students to act out.第二课一、Warm-upLast class we all know what happened to Tina this morning. We know when she got to the school, she found she had left her backpack at home. If y

12、ou were Tina , what would you do?(ask some students talk about it.)Ok. Now lets look at the pictures on page 71. These are things that happened to Tina. Can you describe them.(Let the students describe the pictures using Past Perfect)二、PracticeLet the students to tell a complete story that happened

13、to Tina and tell it to their partnersAfter some minutes ,ask some students to tell the story to the class.三、ListeningNow let Tina tell us what happened after she got to school. Play the recording and let the students listen. Play the recording again and let the students finish 2a.Check their answer.

14、Play the recording again and let the students finish 2b.Check their answer.四、PairworkOk. We know at last the teacher asked Tina to hand in her homework, but she had nothing. What do you think happened after Tina was late to class? Make up an ending for the story. Now work with a partner.After some m

15、inutes, ask some students to tell the class how they think the story ended. See whose ending most students agree with.五、Writing Ok. We know this morning Tina had a bad thing. Yes, everyone is usually busy in the morning. Do you still remember what happened to you one morning last week? Please write

16、and tell us something about it.Students write the stories what happened to themAfter some minutes, ask some students to read their stories for the class. 板书设计T: what do you think of yesterday? Happy or sad?S: _T: what did you do after you played football ?S:_By the time she got outside, the bus had

17、already leftShe found she had left her backpack at home.作业或预习Writing Ok. We know this morning Tina had a bad thing. Yes, everyone is usually busy in the morning. Do you still remember what happened to you one morning last week? Please write and tell us something about it.Students write the stories w

18、hat happened to them自我评价新教材的突出特点是尊重学生。以学生为主,创设情景,培养学生听、说、读、写四项英语能力。尤其是对农村中学而言,在课堂四十分钟内,创设语言情景,让学生开口,培养学生学会四项基本能力尤为重要。只有充分利用课堂四十分钟,尽量创设贴近学生生活和学习的情景,激发学生兴趣,充分调动学生学习积极性,积极主动地参与课堂教学,让学生能有时间、有机会自主学习,有机会运用所学知识来表达自己的思想,提高英语能力。本单元主要是围绕着“narrate past events”这个话题,让学生装掌握过去完成时的用法,以及学会谈论过去发生的事情。所以在教学设计上,重点在于引导学生参与课堂听力训练。在课堂上与学、与教师进行口语交流,根据已有的情节编写故事,目的是培养学生用生活中原始材料进行口语交际的能力和写作的能力,重点在于培养学生灵活运用语言的能力。把接近学生的日常生活和学习的内容作为训练内容,尽量开拓学生思维,把一定的语言知识升华到语言技能。组长评议或同行评议(可选多人):教学目标明确,重难点突出,教学方法直观易懂,教学效果很好。 评议一单位:尚礼初中英语教研组 姓名:谢发根 周虹 日期:2013-10-21


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