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1、词汇拓展,1.sunny(太阳)_ 2bad(更糟的/更坏的)_(最糟的/最坏的)_ 3hard(几乎不;几乎没有)_ 4Europe(欧洲的)_ 5across(横过;越过) _(十字路口)_ 6right(反义词:左边;在左边) _(反义词:错误的)_ 7free(自由)_ 8sheep(复数)_ 9height(高的)_,sun,worse,worst,hardly,European,cross,crossing,left,wrong,freedom,sheep,high,词汇拓展,10.build(楼房;建筑物) _(过去式)_ 11cheap(反义词:昂贵的)_ 12slow(反义词

2、:快的) _(快地)_ 13farmer(农场)_ 14painting(画;画画)_ 15lovely(爱;喜欢)_ 16natural(自然)_ 17visit(游客;访问者)_ 18mouse(复数)_ 19enjoy(有乐趣的;令人愉快的) _(快乐;乐趣)_,building,built,expensive,fast,slowly,farm,paint,love,nature,visitor,mice,enjoyable,enjoyment,重点短语,1.搭起;举起_ 2一点;少量_ 3对大声喊叫_ 4上上下下;起伏_ 5把弄醒_ 6冲大声叫嚷_ 7深夜不睡;熬夜_ 8跑开_ 9放风

3、筝_,put up,a little,shout to,up and down,wakeup,shout at,stay up late,run away,fly a kite,重点短语,10.对感兴趣be _ in 11在前面in _ of 12在乡下;在农村in the_ 13切碎_ 14许愿_ a_ 15点菜_ ones_ 16给带来好运_ 17最后_ 18捎个口信;传话_ a_,interested,front,countryside,cut up,make,wish,take,order,bring good luck to,take,message,in the end,重点句型,

4、1._ the weather _ Shanghai?上海的天气怎样? 2 _there,I usually walk out and _ on Bridge Road.要去那里的话,我通常步行外出,在大桥路向右转。 3_restaurants near here?这附近有一些饭店吗? Yes, _ one _ the post office.有。在邮局前面有一个。 4_ he_?他长得怎么样? He is _,and he _ short curly hair.他中等个,留着一头短的卷发。,Hows,in,To get,turn right,Are there any,there are,T

5、heres,in front of,Wha does,look like,of medium height,has,重点句型,5. _ noodles_?你想要哪种面条? 6 _ your trip last week?你上周的行程怎样? 7The guide taught us _ a model robot.导游教我们怎样制作机器人模型。 8_ you _ last weekend?你上个周末做什么了? I _ pingpong _ my good friend.我和我的好朋友打乒乓球了。 9I was _I _ to sleep early.我太累了,早早就睡着了。,What kind

6、of,would you like,How was,how to make,What did,do,played,with,so tired that,went,核心语法,1.现在进行时 2一般过去时 3There be句型 4.地点介词 5选择疑问句 6Would like,1There _ a great concert in the theater next Saturday evening.(2017,预测) Awill be Bwill have Chas Dis going to have 2There _ a book and some pens in the bag.Pleas

7、e give them to the old man.(2016,毕节) Abe Bare Cis Dhave 3It is important _ people _ learn team spirit.(2016,山东) Aof,of Bof,to Cfor,to Dto,to 4What _ news it is!Nobody _ it.(2016,呼和浩特) Aa surprising,believes Bsurprising,believes Ca surprised,believe Dsurprised,believe,A,C,C,B,5(导学号:05472021)Would you

8、 like some milk? _ AYes,please BThe same to you CHelp yourself DMy pleasure 6I was looking for a birthday gift for my mother,but I couldnt find _ suitable.(2016,南京) Asomething Banything Cnothing Deverything 7This work needs close teamwork._ will be achieved unless we work well together.(2016,苏州) ANothing BAnything CSomething DEverything 8(导学号:05472022)Is New Zealand a big country? No,New Zealand only has two islands.One is North Island,_ is South Island.(2016,凉山) Aother Bthe other Canother,A,B,A,B,


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