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1、单 项 选 择(一)( )1. How do you go to _ work? I usually take _ bus.A. the; a B. /; a C. a; a D. the;( )2. We have five kinds of schoolbags. Which one do you like? _ of them. I think they are too small.A. None B. Neither C. Either D. All( )3. “Its really very kind _ you to help me with the housework on Su

2、ndays,” said Granny Liu.A. with B. forC. ofD. from( )4. Shall I tell Sally about it? No, you _. Ive told her already.A. shouldnt B. mustnt C. neednt D. cant( )5. The Changjiang River is the _ river in China. A. short B. shortest C. long D. longest( )6. We are having a meeting in this room. Look! The

3、 desk is too messy! Sorry! I will _ the books _ soon. A. put; away B. get; away C. take; away D. move; away( )7. How about _ in the river with us? Sorry I cantMy parents often tell me _ that.A. swim; dont do B. swim; to do C. swimming; not do D. swimming; not to do( )8. -What is your plan for holida

4、y? - I _ Oxford University with my parents. I cant wait to see it. A. visitB. am visitingC. have visitedD. visited( )9. They have never seen the film, _?A. havent they B. did they C. didnt they D. have they( )10. The Science Center is an interesting place _ you can watch movies and play games.A. whi

5、ch B. where C. who D. when(二)( )1. -How do you go to _ school? -I usually take _ bus.A. the, a B./, a C. a, a D. the, ( )2. Is there _ in todays newspaper? Oh, no, nothing. A. interesting something B. something interesting C. anything interesting D. interesting anything( )3. -How about _ in the rive

6、r with us?-Sorry I cant. My parents often tell me not to do that.A. swim B. swims C. swimming D. swam ( )4. He had bread for breakfast this morning, _ he?A. hadnt B. didnt C. wasnt D. doesnt( )5. - Do you know _? - Next year. A. will when he come here B. when he will come here C. where will he come

7、here D. when he comes here.( )6. Excuse me. Could you tell me if you _ our party tomorrow evening?A. will come B. come C. comes D. to come( )7. I have been to that tall and modern building _ my father works. A.whichB.where C. thatD. when( )8.Tony, you must stop watching TV and do your homework. I _

8、it already. A. finished B. have finished C. finishes D. am finishing( )9. Is that your best friend Simon? No, it _be him. He flew to London yesterday.A. mustnt B. may not C. cant D. neednt( )10. She always does her homework _ than her brother. A. more careful B. careful C. carefullyD. more carefully

9、(三)( )1. Lucy and her friend_ at the airport in half an hour. They are going to Shanghai. A. met B. meet C. have met D. will meet( )2. We will have to get _ ready before the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games comes. A. anything B. nothing C. something D. everything( )3. In spring, we have _wet weather that

10、we bring an umbrella with us all the time. A. so B. such C. much D. many( )4. The old man came into the room with a little boy _ was carrying a big bag. A. who B. which C. that D. whose( )5. Do you know _ to repair the bike? There is something wrong with my bike. -There! There is a bike shop at the

11、corner of the street. Maybe they can help. A. how B. when C. where D. why( )6. Pauls parents were worried that he _ too much time on clothes.A. spent B. costC. paid D. took ( )7. He stopped _ his test paper because it was time to hand it in. A. write B. wrote C. to write D. writing( )8. During her f

12、irst day in China, Lily asked _. A. whether she could use chopsticks B. whether could she use chopsticks C. if she can use chopsticks D. if can she use chopsticks( )9. The newly born baby should be looked after as _ as possible. A. carefulB. carefullyC. carelessD. carelessly( )10. Bob, remember to t

13、ake the milk. It is sent _breakfast. -Yes, Mum. A. in B. for C. at D. on(四)( )1. What _ fine weather! Shall we go for _ walk? A. a; a B. /; aC. /; /D. a; the( )2. Have you read todays newspaper? Yes, but there isnt _. A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything( )3. If you want

14、 to keep healthy, you should eat _ meat and _vegetables. A. much; little B. little; fewer C. more; less D. less; more ( )4. Guangzhou is quite different from what I expected!Yes. Over the years, Guangzhou _ a lot. A. changes B. has changed C. changed D. had changed( )5. We should try our best to mak

15、e a contribution _ our country. A. to B. on C. for D. about( )6. How long do you spend _ computer every week? Two hours. A. to play B. play C. played D. playing( )7. Everybody knows where _. A. will the 16th Asian Games be held B. was the 16th Asian Games held C. the 16th Asian Games will be held D.

16、 is the 16th Asian Games holding( )8. Mr. Chen has worked in England for ten years, _? A. has he B. hasnt he C. did he D. didnt he( )9. I will never forget the days _ we worked together. A. when B. which C. that D. where( )10. Must we hand in our homework now, Miss Li? No, you _. You may hand it in

17、next Monday. A. mustnt B. cant C. neednt D. shouldnt(五)( )1. Have you got any plan for National Day? - Well, _ October 1st, I plan to go shopping with my cousin. A. in B. for C. on D. from. ( )2. - Wheres John? - Hes gone to the _ office. A. teachers B. teachers C. teachers D teacher( )3. -What did

18、she say just now? -She asked _. A. whose bag is over there B. which bag did you likeC. where she can put her bag D. what was in your bag( )4. - How do you like this piece of cloth? - _ comfortable. How much is it? A. It feels B. It is felt C. They are felt D. They feel( )5. - Is the meeting-room _ t

19、o hold 200 people? - Dont worry. It can hold more than 250 people. A. big enough B. bigger enough C. enough big D. enough bigger( )6. He is a big football fan. Nobody can keep him _ football games on TV every week. A. watches B. to watch C. of watching D. from watching( )7. Do your classmates all li

20、ve near the school? No, _ live quite far from the school.A. any student B. a few students C. none of the students D. all the students( )8. - Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon? - Im afraid I cant. My uncle _ from Canada. I promised him to show him around the city. A. has come B. co

21、mes C. is coming D. will come( )9.- Whats the number of the students in your school? - Im not sure. I think there are _ students.A. five hundred B. five hundreds C. five hundreds of D. five hundred of ( )10. - Have you decided where to go for our holiday, Dad?- What about the island _ we spent last

22、summer holiday? A. which B. that C. when D. where单 词 拼 写(一)1. English is a very u_ language for us to study and work in the future.2. I think you must make a m_. She is Ms Lin but not Ms Zhang.3. Nowadays, most students in China are the o_ child in their family.4. I am not happy because Jenny didnt

23、i_ me to her birthday party.5. We need to r_ the book to the library in 7 days, or you will get fined.(二)1. You neednt pay for the ticket, it is f_ for the children.2. Dont t_ the monkeys in the zoo. Its dangerous.3. Tom is only 4 years old. He is not old e_ to go to primary school.4. - What is this

24、 knife made of? - Its made of m_ and wood.5. Mum, have you seen my new MP3? I cant f_ it.(三)1. Our s_ tonight is a famous scientist, Professor Gill. Im sure we can learn a lot from his speech.2. The shop is o_ from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day. It is still close if you go there so early.3. Will you j

25、_ us? We will be more confident if you are on our team.4. He has a very good h_ of going to bed early and getting up early.5. Guangzhou Asian Games will be a very e_ game. We are all looking forward to it.(四)1. Did you play a j_ on others on April Fools Day?2. Hurry up! I dont want to m the beginnin

26、g of the film Avatar(阿凡达).3. Summer is the best s for swimming. The beaches are very nice and the scenery is beautiful.4. More and more people go cycling in their f_ time.5. I think farmers are the most hard-working people in China. Do you a_ with me?(五)1. Beijing is the center of economy and c_ of

27、our country. 2. Dont read in the sun, its h_ to your eyes.3. Its not good for the youth to d_ on their parents too much. They should make a living by themselves.4. B_ it or not, I have passed the exam.5. Look at the cloud, its l_ to rain. 完 成 句 子 (一)1. 但愿他能戒掉抽烟的习惯。 I wish he could _ _ _.2. 对于Mary来说,

28、5点起床是很困难的事情。Its very _ _ Mary _ get up at 5 oclock.3. 如果有什么问题,我会打电话给你的。 If I _ any problems, I _ _ you.4. 为了迎接亚运,去年广州市新建了许多体育馆。 Many new sports stadiums _ _ to meet Asian Games in Guangzhou last year.5. 夏天到了,天气正变得越来越热了。 It is getting _ _ _ when the summer comes. (二)1. 许多工作必须在经理回来前完成。 A lot of work _

29、 _ _ before the manager came back.2. 老师问汤姆为什么迟到。 The teacher asked Tom _ _ _ late.3. 她年龄太小了,不能照顾自己。 She is _ young _ _ _ herself.4. 那些工人一到汶川就开始工作了。The workers started working _ _ _ they _ in Wenchuan.5. 吃饭后你应该休息一会. You should _ _ _ after meal.(三)1. 人们每年都给山里的孩子们买许多书。Lots of books _ _ for the poor chi

30、ldren every year.2. 爸爸已经把房子清洁过了,对吗? Dad has cleaned the house, _ _.3. 我们都太累了,不能再继续干下去。 We are _ tired _ go on working.4. 在广州,我们必须注意防止噪音污染。 In Guangzhou, we should _ _ _ noise pollution.5. 带上3D眼镜看电影是很有趣的。 _ is interesting to _ 3D glasses to watch movies.(四)1. 在我们的城市,到处可见绿树和鲜花。Green trees and beautifu

31、l flowers _ _ _ everywhere in our city.2. 她不仅学习努力而且心地善良。She is hard-working _ kind.3. 据我所知,在冰上行走是很困难的。As I know, to walk on ice.4. 你能给我展示如何使用这台MP4吗?Could you please show me this MP4?5. 父母亲应该阻止孩子玩暴力游戏。Parents should their children violent computer games.(五)1. 早上8点之前,这项工作一定要完成。 The work _ _ _ _ 8 oclo

32、ck in the morning.2. 他们在岛上玩得多么开心啊! _ _ _ _ they had on the island!3. 她是一个新妈妈,她不知道怎样照顾孩子。 She is a new mother. She doesnt know _ _ _ _ of the baby.4. 我的表哥一回来,就会去青岛度假。 My cousin will go to Qingdao for holiday _ _ _ he _ back.5. 和同学相处得好是很重要的。Its important to _ _ _ _ your classmates.参 考 答 案单 项 选 择(一) 1-

33、5: BACCD 6-10: ADBDB(二)1-5: BCCBB 6-10: ABBCD(三)1-5: DDBAC 6-10: ADABC(四)1-5: BCDBA 6-10: DCBAC(五)1-5: CCDAA 6-10: DBAAD单 词 拼 写(一)1.useful 2.mistake 3.only 4.invite 5. return(二)1. free 2.touch 3. enough 4. metal 5. find(三)1.speaker 2. open 3. join 4. habit 5. exciting(四)1. joke 2. miss 3. season 4.

34、free 5. agree(五)1. culture 2. harmful 3. depend 4. believe 5. likely完 成 句 子(一)1.give up smoking 2.difficult for; to 3.have; will call 4. were built 5. hotter and hotter(二)1. must be finished / done / completed 2. why he was 3. too to look after/ care for 4. as soon as , arrived / got 5. have / take

35、a rest(三)1. are bought 2. hasnt he 3. tooto 4. pay attention to 5. It, wear(四) 1. can be seen 2.not only, but also 3. it is difficult(hard)/its very difficult/hard4. how to use 5. prevent/keep/stop/, from playing(五) 1. must be finished/completed before 2. What a good time 3. how to take care 4. as soon as comes 5. get on/along well with6


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