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1、五下检测题I 听力题1、 听音辨词(10%)1)clean play 2) clock please 3) plate eggplant4)brown grow 5) umbrella grandma6)China shirt 7) fish teacher 8) children shorts9)three that 10) thin there2、听,选图(10%)1) (-Which season do you like best? -I like spring best. There are beautiful flowers everywhere.I often go on a pi

2、cnic with my family.)2) (-When is Mid-Autumn Day? -Its usually in September or October. Ill eat mooncakes with my family)3) (When is Grangpas birthday? -Its on October 12th.)4) (-Are these rabbits eating?-No. Theyre playing with each other.)5) (-Its 7:30 p.m. Whats Chen Jie doing?-Shes listening to

3、music. Its 9 oclock. What are the students doing?)3、听对话,回答问题(选择A或B) (10%)1) When does Pedrofinish class in the morning?A.At 1 oclock B. At 11 oclock(-Pedro, when do you finish class in the morning?-We finish class at 1 oclock. Then we eat lunch at home.) 2)Why does Mike like winter? A.Because he can

4、 swim. Because he likes snow.(-Which season do you like best,Mike? -Winter.I like snow.3)When is the Easter Party? A. In Fall B. In April (-When is the Easter Party? -Its in April. Well have a trip ,too.4) What will you do on your mothers birthday? A. Ill cook noodles B.Ill sin g songs(-When is your

5、 mothers birthday? -Its on February the 28th. -What will you do foryour mom. -Ill cook noodles for her.5)Whose picture is this?A.Sarahs B.Zhang Pengs(-Wow! That picture of Beijing is beautiful.Whose is it?-Its Zhang Pengs.)II 口语题1、读单词 (24%)Th / three thirteen thin math(s) birth(-)day this that there

6、 mother father brother Ng / long sing ring young morning Nk / think thank pink drink Wh 、w / what wall white wait 2、读带有组合音素的句子(20%)Grandpa grows purple grapesGrandma grows brown potatoes .An English teacher is here. He wears a shirt and shorts The shirt is short.The teacher is nice. The chicken is c

7、heap.The fish is fresh.Clean the plate please.Put two eggplants in the playground. 3、话题交流(14%)选择课文单元的主情景图,请学生以对子问答交流。提示学生用LookThis is等句子进行描述,用Is,Can you、wh-等句子提出疑问,谈谈图中的意思。III、读写题(12%)同学们,下面是对你校501班同学周末活动的调查汇总表,请你根据表格内容完成书面报告。Weekends of Class 501How many students Activities28Get up before 8:00 a.m.

8、30Eat breakfast34Clean room 25Cook with family12Go to the library26Play sports9Have an English class36Go to bed before 9:00p.m.There are 36 students in Class 501. On the weekend, twenty-eight students get up early in the morning and all the students _early. Six students dont _.Its not healthy. Thirty-four students _. And twenty-five help their family _.Theyre helpful at home. Twelve students _and nine go to English classes. Theyre hard-working. Twenty-six students _. Sports can make us tall and strong. Just keep on!


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