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1、 五年级(上)单元练习(一)(Unit 1 Whats he like?)Class _ Name _ Mark _ Listening 听力部分(50分)一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分)( )1. A. young B. old C. new( )2. A. polite B. clever C. helpful( )1. A. happy B. sorry C. windy( )1. A. am B. is C. are( )1. A. whats B. whos C. wheres二、听录音给下列图标上顺序。 (分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、听录音判断对错(分)

2、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、听录音选择准确的答句(分)( ) 1.A .He is Mr. Young . B. Shes Miss White. C . He is old .( ) 2 .A .Yes ,she is . B .Yes ,he is . C .Yes, it is( ) 3 .A .She is the head teacher. B .She is strict . C .He is my father .( ) 4 .A .No ,she isnt . B .Shes tall and thin . C .He is tall and thin . (

3、)5 A .No, I do. B .Yes, I am C .Yes, I do .五听音,选词填空把句子补充完整(10分)Chinese, hard-working, helpful, clever, strict I have a robot! Hes really_. He can speak _and English. He is _. He is very _. He is _,too. Writing 笔试部分(50分)六、看图片,根据所给字母拼写正确的单词(10分) lod_ nfnyu_ ny0gu_ opitel_ hpapy_七、把下列句子填在相应的图片中(分)A. Sh

4、es our English teacher. Shes kind.B. Hes tall and thin. Hes our PE teacher. C. This is my grandma. Shes old.D. That is my baby brother.E. He is a clever boy.1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )八、单项选择。(分)1. -_ your mother like? - Shes short.A. what B. Whats C. Who2._they hard-working? A. Is B. Am C. Ar

5、e3. Shes young, _ shes pretty, too . A. but B. and C. or4. _ helpful? -No, she isnt. A. Is he B. Is she C. Whos5. Whos _ music teacher? - Miss He .A. you B. your C. we九 从右边选出相应的答语。(分)( )1.Is Mr. Zhang strict?( )2.Is Miss Wang funny?( )3.Whos that woman?( )4.Whats your uncle like?( )5.Do you know Amy

6、?A. No, I dont.B. No, he isnt.C. No, she isnt.D. Hes tall and strong. E. Shes the head teacher.十、 阅读短文.Im a Chinese boy. My name is Li Jun. Mike is my English name. I have a new English teacher, Miss Fang. Shes tall and thin. Shes strict, but shes kind. Her class is really fun. We all like her.A.判断句子正(T)误(F) (6分)( )1. Li Jun is from the UK.( )2. Li Juns English teacher is new.( )3. She is strict but kind.B. 根据实际情况回答问题。(4分)1. Whos your English teacher? _.2. Whats your father like? _.3. Is your Chinese teacher strict? _.


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