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1、防火计划,适用于所有在满堂管廊吊架木跳板平台上热工作的要求,目录,1 目的 2 范围 3 参考 4 计划和要求 5 看火人职责 6 检查与审核,1.0 目的,随着管廊上管线安装的开始,在吊架木跳板平台上的热工作与日俱增,为杜绝和减少火灾风险和损失,所有在木跳板脚手架平台的热工作都要遵守此规定。(热工作包括: 电焊、气焊、打磨切割等) With the piping erection on pipe rack, more and more hot works will be carried out above the suspension wooden platform, in order to

2、 reduce the fire risk and mitigate the lost, all hot work activity on wooden deck shall be strictly controlled according to this plan.,2.0 范围,凡是从事此计划范围内的作业的施工班组、工区,要求严格执行此类规定。 All construction team who involved in hot work shall be familiar with this plan and make adequate preparation prior to work

3、commencing.,4.0 计划和程序Plan and procedure,4.1 消防培训Fire prevention Training 凡是在木跳板平台上进行热工作的员工要求都参加防火和消防培训,所涉及工种:电焊工、管工、监督人员、辅助工种Employees involved working on the full boards scaffold platform are required to participate fire prevention and fire fighting program training, this includes: welder pipe fitt

4、ersupervisorsgeneral worker 热工作时必须安排指定的看火人全程看护,看火人必须参加防火培训并证明是合格人员。 Nominated / dedicated Fire Watchers are competent and participate fire prevention and fire fighting training. 所有参加该工作的员工要求通过培训或每日的工作指令会议熟悉该计划。Employees involved shall be familiar with this plan via training and TBT. 防火意识和更新培训应定期进行,保

5、证每季度至少一次。Fresh Training about hot work safety will be held frequently to improve awareness or according to analysis of field real condition. 员工要求清楚的了解并掌握:Employees must know the location and, have been trained in the correct use of: 正确使用消防设备,如使用灭火器、布置消防桶Fire extinguishing equipment. 如何回报火险和火灾事件How t

6、o report fire incident. 每个作业区的逃生路线和消防通道Escape routes and fire exits. 紧急集合点的位置Muster points. 警报响后,关闭正在使用的机械设备Equipment stopping once the alarm activate.,4.2 消防设备的配备Fire prevention facility and provision,要提供充足的消防设施,例如:灭火器、消防水桶、防火布、防火毯、接火盆等,所有设施都要求完好合适Sufficient fire prevention facilities such as: fire

7、 extinguishers, fire water barrels, fire retardant blanket, sparks containers /boxes, shall be adequate and sufficient. 4.2.1 木跳板平台上的灭火器和其它消防设备要按照以下要求布置Arrangement of Fixed fire prevention facility should be well organized as following 灭火器Fire extinguishers 沿着管廊方向,每间隔30米放置一具8公斤ABC干粉灭火器,灭火器布置方式交错布置,放

8、置挂在钢结构柱子处,易于拿取。即:一旦有火险,任何地点在15米范围内都有灭火器配置。 灭火器要求有项目的统一编号,放置地点要求明确标示。HSE监督人员要定期检查和维护灭火器,并在过期日前七天进行更换。Fire extinguishers (ABC powder 8kg) is to be placed next to column in a zigzag order along the pipe rack on the full board scaffolding platform, intervals between 2 fire extinguishers is less than 30m

9、eters, so it can facilitate the user to obtain within 15meters. Fire extinguisher will be hung on the steel column 50cm above scaffold board. Fire extinguisher( with inventory Number and location indication) is required to be periodically inspected by Area HSE supervisor and replaced by valid one, a

10、t minimum 7days before its expired date. Inspection records and maintenance records are to be kept in HSE Dept. 水桶的布置Water barrel 在每两个灭火器之间的柱子之处,放置消防水桶一具,水桶放在管廊边缘牢固固定,便于加水。各主管施工队要安排专人对所辖区域内的水桶定期加水,保持时常水满。At the middle of 2 fire extinguisher interval, water barrel (bucket) is to be placed next to the

11、 column. Barrels will be laid at edge of platform for easy water refilling. Construction team shall assign dedicated person to ensure all barrels is full of water, after water using out, it shall be refilled in a duly manner. 区域HSE监督人员要求每天监督消防水桶存水情况,并及时提供反馈与采取合理措施Area HSE supervisor is required to m

12、onitor the fire bucket status daily. 请参考下面布置图LAYOUT Of fixed barrels and fire extinguishers please see sketches,LAYOUT Of fixed barrels and fire extinguishers,水桶,灭火器,水车Water truck 施工经理应确保水车时刻状态完好,并制定合理的加水日程计划 Construction manager shall ensure water truck in a good service manner and establish water

13、filling schedule. 施工调度应按照计划安排水车提供水源,并且保证在紧急情况能及时调配。Equipment / vehicle dispatcher are responsible for routine water filling service done according to schedule, also to ensure the truck available and in a timely manner in case of fire emergency. 接火盆Sparks container / Tray 用铝皮或其它薄金属板做成开口的箱式形状,用于接纳飞溅的火

14、花,防止其落到木跳板及其它易燃物上 接火盆作为首要的火花接挡措施,去接纳收集火花。 Aluminum or other metallic panel could be fabricated into open-box in a rectangular shape, it looks like a metalic tray. this spark container will be placed under the welding / cutting position to collect falling sparks, avoiding sparks dropping on the woode

15、n deck, it could be as the first prevention measure to capture ignition particles. 每一名电焊工应配备至少一具接火盆Worker who carries out welding / gas cutting job will be equipped with this sparks container. 防火布Fire retardant blanket 防止火花直接坠落到木质跳板上,隔离火花和易燃物,防火布要求防火、阻燃不燃,这是一种非常有效的火花控制方式,也是一种强制要求采取的措施。To prevent spl

16、ashing sparks drop through the gap of scaffold boards and avoid any wooden board ignition by sparks, fire blanket or fire retardant material is a effective and mandatory measure to be taken when hot work carrying out on wooden deck. 焊接防风棚、木跳板上的防火遮盖都要求使用防火布Welding shelter shall be covered with fire r

17、etardant material, such as: steel panel, fire blanket. Flammable material is not allowed to use. Fire / spark screen could be made with metal skeleton with fire blanket to prevent sparks flying.,4.3 基本要求Basic safety require,以下5个步骤是在木质脚手架跳板上作业的强制也是基本要求: 首先清理动火影响区域的易燃可燃物 用水浇湿焊接点下方的木板 在焊接点下方铺防火布,大小根据作业

18、性质现场确定 在防火布上放置接火盆,接火盆原则上离焊缝越近越好 看火人和灭火器要到位,4. 4文明施工要求 Housekeeping,脚手架木质跳板平台上要 始终 保持干净, 无杂物、无施工垃圾。 各工区要求安排专人进行施工垃圾的清理,并且将文明施工任务落实到每名员工,要求每天下班之前都要进行文明施工. HSE和施工监督要求对该区域的文明施工情况进行监督,并且采取合理的措施。 施工经理要求提供专人对所辖区域的文明施工进行负责。文明施工小组成员的数量应根据现场实际来确定。,4.5 electric safety 用电安全,热工作所用的电线、电动工具、电焊等设备设施,每名使用者在作业前要对自己所用

19、工具、线类进行检查确认,确保合格并有当月色标。 禁止使用有缺陷的电缆、插座、插头或焊机. 禁止将电源线、电焊把线直接固定在钢结构框架、护栏、脚手架护栏等金属结构上,如需,必须采取合理的绝缘措施(如用软胶皮将电缆固定点包裹后再栓挂电缆,禁止使用铁线、钢丝、电焊条捆绑电缆)Insulation measure must be taken when the cable attached by metallic structure. 电缆要始终遵循“贴边、走直线、不挡通道”的原则,并且将电缆远离易燃物。 施工工长要求确保每名焊工、管工等用电作业的员工,在下班时必须将电器电源关闭。 电焊二次线线夹禁止夹

20、在脚手架杆上、钢结构柱子、梁等,要求将其夹在所焊接的部件上。Welding earthing cable shall be attached welding piece properly rather than attach scaffolding tubes, steel structures. 电焊把钳要求完好无损,在不焊接时,移除焊把上的焊条。Ensure all welding torches in intact without any defect, remove the welding rod after welding. 电焊把线所经过的路线要求无易燃物。 route of ca

21、bles shall be clear from the flammable / combustible material.,lighting system 夜间照明 Considering night work and working carrying out in dark / dim surroundings, lighting system is to be installed inside the pipe racks, to prevent any combustible material caught fire / ignition by high temperature of

22、halogen lamps or wooden board burnt by dropping lamps when it is energized. Following measures shall be taken: 考虑到夜间工作的环境比较昏暗,因此需要安装照明系统,照明系统要在管架内安装,防止易燃材料被高温的卤素灯点着,或木板被废弃的灯管烧毁。具体步骤如下: Competent electrician is responsible for lamp condition inspection and ensure them in good condition, particularly

23、to guaranty the electric wire core diameter is sufficient for the rated current, the bracket of the lamp could be properly fixed with steel wire or special accessory on the beams above wooden deck. 一名合格的电工会负责灯泡的检查,确保它们处于良好状态,特别是保证电力线芯直径有足够的额定电流时,灯的支架可以用钢丝或特殊的附件固定在木质的横梁上。 Joint inspection is to be do

24、ne by TP and JCC HSE the fire watch will return the fire protection equipment to its original location. The HSE Department will be notified if any fire extinguishers are used.动火完全结束后,需要认真检查,确定没有余烬或阴火。看火人将灭火设备送回原位。所有灭火设备的取用需要在安全部记录。,6.0 Inspection and audit,Construction supervisor is responsible for

25、this plan implementation and carrying out routine inspection, timely rectification and corrective action required once discrepancy observed. 施工监理负责制定和实施计划,并进行例行检查,一旦发现问题,则及时整改,并要求采取纠正措施。 HSE supervisor / officer shall carry out daily inspection on fire prevention control, to check all necessary prev

26、ention facility and watcher and ensure them in place. HSE主管/高级人员应当对消防控制日常检查,要检查所有必要的预防设施和看火人,并确保各项防火工作开展到位。 Special inspection will be done Weekly during walkthrough, corrective action is needed be taken immediately. 每周三安全巡检所指出的问题,要及时的修复整改。 Periodical internal audit (every 3 month) shall be done to check the hot work safety implementation for continuous improving. 每三个月要做内部审计,检查热工作的整改情况。,


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