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1、六年级毕业模拟练习试卷(五)一选择:1.()Its time.A. go homeB. to go to homeC. to go homeD. go to home2.()Its hot,.A. take off your coatB. give my coat to youC. put on your coatD. show me your coat3.()umbrella is new.is old.A. Your, MyB. Your, MineC. Yours, My D. Yours, Mine4.()These flowers are forA. IB. myC. meC. mi

2、ne5.()His trousersblue, mineblack.A. are, is B. is, areC. is, isD. are, are6.()is this? ItsA. What, Jim B. Who, Jims C. Whose, Jim s D. Where, Jim7.()My fathera new radio.A. isB. there isC. hasD. look8.()Lookthe blackboard. Listenme.A. at, inB. after, toC. at, toD. to, at9.()We go to schoolsix thirt

3、ythe morning.A. at, on B. in, atC. at, inD. at, on10.()Mr. Green isfather.A. Jim andKateB. Jim and KatesC. Jim and Kates D. Jims and Kate s11.()This isapple. Itsred apple.A. a, aB. an, anC. an, aD. a, an12.()Are you and Li Ming in the same class.-A. Yes, he is. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, they are. D. Yes

4、, we are.13.()-What colour is it?-Itsorange. It sorange pen.A. a, anB. an, anC. /, anD. an, /14.()Jim and Igood friends.A. beB. isC. amD. are15.()IChinese. YouChinese, too. You and I students.A. am, are, amB. am, are, is C. am, are, areD. are, are, is16.()This isradio. Itsold radio.A. a, anB. an, aC

5、. a, aD. an, an姓名17.()a book and two rulers on the desk.A. There is B. Have C. HasD. There are18.(), are you Tom?-No.-第 1页A. Sorry, Excuse meB. Excuse me, SorryC. Sorry, SorryD. Excuse me, Excuse me19.()How many toyssee?A. you can B. he can C. can heD. are you20.()Helen, give the clothes to. I can p

6、uton.A. me, it B. I, theyC. me, themD. I, them二用 am,is或 are 填空(不需要的用“ / ”表示):1.ILi Lei. SheLucy. She and Igood friends.2.Whatthese over there? Oh, theymy sweaters.3.your book red? Yes, it.4.your book and pen red? No, theynot.5. your books red? Yes.6.My clothesblue. Hisyellow.7.Lucy and Lilytwins.The

7、yAmerican.Theylookthe same.8.Miss Gaoour English teacher. Shehas a son.9.His nameSun Huimin. Hein our class.10.The students of Class Threeon the hill now.三用 a,an 或 the填空(不需要的用“/ ”表示):1.This is Ann. She hasapple. Itsred apple.2.Can you seeteacher in the classroom? Which one?3.Where istescher s desk?

8、Its nearwindow.4.We can find“f ” in the word“family ”.5.Whatstime? Itsfour o clock.6.Whosman in Picture One?7.Wherescat? Its undertable.8.Dont look atme. Look at teacher.9.students of Class One are playingfootball.10.It s seven twenty inmorning. Its time to go toschool.11.Li Lei is athome. He wants to go toclassroom.12.What colour isbird? Itswhite. Itswhite bird.第 2页


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