An Elementary Analysis of New Senior English For China.docx

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1、An Elementary Analysis of New Senior English For China Abstract Combining views of National English Curriculum Standard, this paper makes a brief analysis of New Senior English For China (students book). NSEFC stands out for its task-based pattern and learner-centered activity, which is highlighted

2、in the paper. /213089115Key wordsNSEFC, task-based, analysis, textbook evaluation.1Introduction English, as a international language, is widely used in different fields. It is taken by many countries as mother tongue, second language and has turned into an effective tool of communication among the v

3、arious countries and ethnic groups. English is made a compulsory course in many countries middle school education.For a course, a good textbook is needed in order to meet the need of globalization of the world economy and international communication. In senior middle school, we use the textbook Seni

4、or English For China for many years, which is mainly based on communicative or situational syllabus. In recent years, the researchers point out that there is a necessity to carry out course reform.As a result, different editions of English textbook appear, so does New Senior English For China (2007

5、edition). Classroom teaching activity needs materials as the media to improve the effectiveness of teaching. Proper or good textbooks are in desperate need. Analysis of textbooks and textbook evaluation serve for the English Language Teaching.2LiteratureReview2.1 Definition of Materials and Textbook

6、sMaterials, in broad sense, which refer to anything used by teachers or learners to facilitate the learning of a language. It usually includes the printed books, such as course-books or textbooks, grammar books , workbooks, teachers books, dictionaries as well as other authentic materials, like news

7、papers, photographs, advertisements, English programmes, discs ,electronic publications. The concept of material, however, in narrow sense, refers to textbook or coursebook .In the paper, we will mainly discuss textbooks as materials.2.2 The Role of Textbooks in ELTTextbooks play a important role in

8、 English Language Teaching. Good textbooks benefits both learners and teachers. Many educators confirm the advantages of textbooks. Learners tend to feel ease and safe when using a qualified textbook. We hold the view that good textbooks act as a guide to teachers and students that can help them tea

9、ch and learn more effectively .Good textbooks also relieve the teacher from the pressure of having to think of original material for every class. Textbooks will help inexperienced teachers develop skills in teaching. People compare a textbook to a light tower, a ladder, a map, etc. Teaching and lear

10、ning can not proceed smoothly without textbooks.2.3Textbooks and Syllabi Researchers represent six types of syllabi: a structural syllabus, a notional/functional syllabus, a situational syllabus, a skill-based syllabus, a task-based syllabus and a content-based syllabus. These syllabi are presented

11、beginning with the one based most on structure and ending with the one based most on language use. A task-based syllabus is that the content of the teaching is a series of complex and purposeful tasks that the students want or need to perform with the language they are learning. The tasks are define

12、d as activities with a purpose other than language learning, which is subordinate to task performance, and language teaching occurs only as the need arises during the performance of a given task. Tasks integrate language and other skills in specific settings of language use. Task-based teaching diff

13、ers from situational-based teaching in that while situational teaching has the goal of teaching the language content that occurs in the situation, task-based teaching has the goal of teaching Ss to draw on resources to complete some piece of work. The Ss draw on a variety of language forms, function

14、s, and skills, often in the individual and unpredictable ways in completing the tasks. Tasks that can be used for language learning are, generally, tasks that the learners actually have to perform in any case. In practice, these types of syllabi rarely occur independently of each other. Almost all a

15、ctual language teaching syllabi are combinations of two or more types of syllabi. Thus, we often mention the word multi-functional syllabi. Different textbooks emerge due to different syllabi.2.4 Views of Textbook Evaluation Hutchinsin and Waters (1987:96)give this definition, “Evaluation is a matte

16、r of judging the fitness of something for a particular purpose.” So ,textbook evaluation means judging the textbook according to the criterion whether it is suitable for the needs of students or the goal of teachers. In other words, textbook evaluation means assessing the strengths and weakness of t

17、he textbooks to improve its effectiveness. There are many types of criteria on textbook evaluation ,which are summed up as follows: ad hoc evaluation versus systematic evaluation ; external evaluation versus internal evaluation ; pre-use, in-use , post-use evaluation ; on-the-page evaluation versusi

18、n-the-use evaluation. Ad hoc evaluation is impressionistic evaluation based on intuitions, experience of classroom use or just first impression. Systematic evaluation is contrary to the former and it is based on specification of objectives, principles and procedures adopted or embedded in textbooks.

19、 Generally, evaluation of textbooks can be either ad hoc impressionistic or systematic. A systematic evaluation is often classified into external and internal evaluation. A external evaluation is a brief overview of the materials from the outside (cover, introduction, tables of contents ),which is c

20、alled macro evaluation, the external features of a textbook. External evaluation then followed by a closer and more detailed internal evaluation, which is also designated micro evaluation. The internal evaluation offers an in-depth investigation into the materials. The essential issue in the interna

21、l evaluation is to analyze the extent to which the factors in the external evaluation match up with the internal consistency and organization of the materials. An overall evaluation, involves in the parameters such as the usability factor, the generalizability factor, the adaptability factor and the

22、 flexibility factor, usually follows the systematic evaluation, that is external and internal evaluation. In the paper, the textbook analysis is mainly internal . 3Analysis of Textbooks3.1 The Components of TextbooksNSEFC is different from SEFC (Senior English For China) . In the Students Book, the

23、components include Warming Up, Pre-reading, Reading, Comprehending, Learning about Language, Using Language, Summing Up, and Learning Tip.(1) Warming UpThis part is based on constructivist views, adopt activities, such as questionnaire, discussion, looking at pictures to stimulate students interest.

24、 This part can help students understand the background of the unit better.(2) Pre- readingIn the part of Pre-reading, several questions are presented which are related to the theme of the unit as well as the reading material. By thinking about questions in this part, Ss can predict materials in the

25、text. Furthermore, they will have a short discussion about the following text.(3) ReadingThe main reading material of the unit is Reading part. This part contains important information about the theme. It also present most vocabularies and key grammar structures of the unit with a text of about 300-

26、600 words. The Reading texts of NSEFC provide good models for English writing, provide opportunities to study vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, and the way to construct sentences, paragraphs and texts. Lastly, reading partsintroduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite imaginative respon

27、ses and can be the springboard for well-rounded, fascinating lessons.(4) ComprehensionTwo or three exercises are involved in this part to check Ss understanding of the text. The design of this part aims to analyze the author s view, attitude, purpose and the main information or plots of the text.3.2

28、NSEFC and the National English Curriculum StandardNew Senior English For China embody five goals of New National English Curriculum. The five primary goals of knowledge, skills, emotional attitudes, learning strategies, and cultural awareness penetrate the textbooks.The standard takes into considera

29、tion the individual learners factors, the humanistic factors, the progress of the modern linguistics and SLA theories, the culture shift and many other unforeseen variants that can affect language acquisition. The new standard,aims for educating all students, and emphasizing quality-oriented educati

30、on and promote learner-centeredness, and respect individual differences; it develops competence-based objectives, and allow flexibility and adaptability and pays close attention to the learning process, and advocate experiential learning and participation; particular importance to formative assessme

31、nt is attached, and special attention to the development of competence is given.3.2.1Pay Great Attention to Knowledge Language knowledge is made up of Phonetics, Vocabulary, Grammar, Functions and Topics. NSEFC has no arrangement of teaching phonetics, but there are exercises related to phonetics in

32、 each unit, the aim of which is to consolidate the learned knowledge of phonetics, master right pronunciation, intonation and reading skills. The phonetics is based on English Pronouncing Dictionary ( 15th edition). Teaching of vocabularies is to make Ss have a mastery of meanings, collocation and u

33、sages of the words. The new words and expressions are in bold in the text, and collected in the table of vocabulary, which is convenient for the Ssto preview and review. According to the Curriculum, there is an increase of words inNSEFC . As to Grammar teaching, each unit has one grammar program , w

34、hich appears in some situations again and again. First, Ss need to find the Grammar, then generalize its rules by themselves. In the part of Discovering useful structures and Appendix Grammar, Grammar is introduced systematically.3.2.2 Emphasize the SkillsNSEFC emphasizes four skills of reading, wri

35、ting, listening and speaking for complete communication, and it highlights the necessity of integrating four skills coherently.When we learn our native language, we usually learn to listen first , then to speak, then to read, and finally to write. Listening and reading is the input or reception; spe

36、aking and writing is output , or production. These four skills are sometimes called the macro-skills, this is in contrast to the micro-skills, which are things like grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and spelling.The first step of learning a language is listening. You can not speak well without good

37、 listening training. Although it is the first if all skills, it is neither the easiest nor the most meaningless. In the listening part of NSEFC, learners can review a lot of English usages, such as vocabulary, grammatical structures, intonation, accent and our own interpretation . By hearing words a

38、nd expressions frequently, Ss can memorize more words even to imitate what he or she heard and use it with great confidence.Speaking is viewed by learners as the most desirable skill in face-to-face communication. In NSEFC, the design of speaking is unique with materials of different topics, differe

39、nt cultures to satisfy Ss needs.Writing is the 4th of the four language skills, and usually the one that we learn last. In the textbook, this part provides Ss with real situations, key words or outlines to help Ss write a short composition.These skills contribute to meaningful communication and the

40、development of learners communicative competence. In an age of globalization, the development of multiple language skills is a trend for integrated and contextualized teaching.3.2.3Develop SsLearning StrategiesLearners always use some strategies to make their learning more efficient. Strategies incl

41、udetransfer, translation, inference , etc. In NSEFC, the learning strategies are fully developed with various topics and activities, such as grouping the words, changing normal speech to reported speech, rephrasing the sentences. 3.2.4StimulateSsCultural Awareness The New Curriculum Standard of Engl

42、ish (the new NCSE) issued in 2001 proved that Quality Education has taken the place of exam-oriented education. A textbook which can provide Ss with as many as possible cultural elements is in need.Language is closely related to culture. In most cases, it expresses and embodies cultural reality . No

43、 one can learn a foreign language well or express his ideas appropriately in the target language without knowing the culture.Language, as a product of culture, helps perpetuate the culture, and the changes in language uses reflect the culture changes in return.How to increase Ss cultural awareness b

44、ecomes more and more important in teaching English. NSEFC chooses many topics about culture to broaden Ss vision, enrich their life experiences and promote the pragmatic competences. The final aim of Foreign Language Teaching will be fulfilled if the cultural infiltration is available.3.2.5Cultivate

45、 Emotional AttitudesThe purpose of encouraging Ss to learn foreign language, understand foreign culture is to form positive attitudes towards different cultures as well as developing patriotism. Affect and attitudes have a life-long influence on individuals. In NSEFC, heroes and heroines, from diffe

46、rent countries are introduced.It also talks about failure and success in order to encourage Ss or give them confidence.3.3TheAdvantages of NSEFC3.3.1Adaptability of Topics and Language The learners profit greatly from the contents of NSEFC. First, the topics are close to the Ss life. So, learners ar

47、e highly motivated by it. This textbook talks about friendship, heroes, relics, environmental protection, festival, literature, art, drama, architecture, etc. There are more than 50 topics involved in the textbooks. Take Friendship for example, which belongs to Unit 1,Module 1. This unit guides Ss t

48、o think about friends and friendship as well as getting on with others. The Reading part of this unit is about a girl named Andy who is a Jew. She makes friends with her diary because of loneliness during the Second World War. The aim of telling this story is to encourage the Ss to confront difficul

49、ties and suffers in life optimistically. Secondly, the materials for a certain topic are wide, novel, original and at the same time, embody the spirit of the epoch. For instance, in Unit 4, Module 1, the topic is earthquakes. It not only describes scenes before and after earthquakes, but also describes the feelings of human be


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