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1、新实验新目标(Go for it)九年级英语 Unit 9 When was it invented? 责编教师 司国林时间: _年_月_号 老师签名:_ 家长签名_学号/考号_ 姓名_ 评价结果_第三课时Section B (1a2c) P71分层学研测(Learning-StudyTest Level Platform) .引学(Self-directed learning) (课前预习、课堂研讨、课后复习,日过关及检测用)(5)自学感知(Self-service learning and Study)1.会默写单词及短语:脆的;易碎的_ 咸的;含盐的_ 酸的;酸味的_厨师_ 撒;洒_ 错

2、误地_ 薯条的历史_ 一个叫.的厨师_ 退回_ 心情不佳_ 在上撒盐_ 最后,终于_end2.句子:薯条是由于错误发明的._他撒了很多盐在上面,因此他们很咸._ 合作交流 (Cooperation and Commuuication)(3): 讨论表口感的形容词sweet; sour; salty; crispy; soft; hard; bitter; hotFill in the blanks using the correct forms 1.The soup is too _. There is too much _ in it. (salt)2. I dont like _ coff

3、ee, because I dont like sugar at all. That means I dont like _.(sweet)3. Lemons are too _ to eat. I dont like the _ of fruit. (sour)4. Children like potato chips because they are c_. 区别短语(3)1.by mistake 错做了某事,不是故意做某事的 Eg: 他把盐误放进茶里。翻译:_.2. by accident 偶然地,意外的Eg:他偶然碰见了汤姆。翻译:_.填空:I took her umbrella _

4、because they are the same style. She became an actress _. The history of potato chips根据问题,用上合适的连词,复述并写出薯片的发明史。(8)1. How were potato chips invented? 2. Who were them invented by?3. When were them invented? 4. Why did the customer send back his plate of fried potatoes?5. What did George do to solve th

5、e problem?(cutthin, cookcrispy, sprinklesalty)6. Whats the result? (love,order) . 导练(Guide Practice)(课前预习、课堂研讨、课后复习,日过关及检测用) A.基础层(Basis Level )(努力生、中等生、优等生必做,供课前预习和课堂自主学习检测用翻译下列句子。1. 由于错误薯条被发现了._.1. 薯条是被一个叫 George Crum 的厨师发明的._.3. 一天在George Crum 工作的餐馆吃饭的一位顾客把他的一盘炸土豆送回来了,因为他说他们被切的太厚了. _4. George 的情绪

6、不好. _.5. George 想让顾客高兴. _.6. 他把他们烹调了很长时间直到他们是脆的._.7. 他在上面撒了很多盐,因此他们真的很咸._ _.8.这位顾客喜欢他们,还要了很多._.B. 拓展层(Extension Level) (中、优等学生做,供开展合作学习用)(A)用所给词的适当形式填空。(3)1. The soup is too _(salt), I dont like it. 2. Sony is _ (thin) boy in the class.3. Who were they _(discover) by? 4. Do you think the alarm clock

7、 is an_(annoy) invention?5. Its _(use) for scooping really cold ice cream.6. What do you think is the most useful _(invent)?7. Tea _(not bring) to the Western World until 1610.8. The potato chips were invented by a chef _(call) George Crum.He was a chef _ was called Geoge.(who) (B)单项选择( )1. A knife

8、is used for _ things. ( A. cutting B. cut C. cuts D. to cut)( )2. Anna is _ to choose her own clothes.A. allowed B. allows C. allowing D. allow( )3. He finished the homework _. (A. in the end B. on the end C. by the end D. at the end)( )4. Pens _ writing. ( A. used to B. are used as C. are used by D

9、. are used for)( )5. _ are used for seeing in the dark.A. The shoes with adjustable heels B. The battery-operated slippersC. The heated ice cream scoop D. The flying disk( )6. -I cant wake up in the morning. What shall I do? -Buy _, it may help.A. a light bulb B. a microwave oven C. an alarm clock D

10、. a binoculars( )7. -Your city looks beautiful! -Yes, lots of trees and grass _ last year.A. are planted B. have planted C. were planting D. were planted( )8. -Where is Mary? -I dont know.She _ in the cinema an hour ago.A. saw B. sees C. is seen D. was seen( )9. I took the wrong train _, I didnt eve

11、n know it until half an hour later.A. by mistakes B. by mistake C. with mistake D. with mistakes( )10. The bridge _ by the farmers themselves in 1982.A. built B. was built C. build D. was build( )11. Keys _ used for _ the doors. (A. is, opening B. is, opened C. are, opening D. are opened) ( )12.He w

12、ill come back _ January.A. in the end ofB. by end ofC. at the end of D. for the end of ( )13. About 5000 cars _ in the factory last month.A. have produced B. were produced C. was produced D. will be produced( )14. Everyone knows Thomas Edison _ a lot of useful inventions.A. invents B. invented C. di

13、scovers D. discovered( )15. We have decided _ a picnic in the bush this Sunday. (A. have B. to have C. has D. had)( )16. He lived in a place _ Gum Tree. (A. called B. which is called C. named D. All above)( )17. Look around while _ the street.A. cross B. crossing C. crossed D. to cross( )18. A talk

14、on Chinese history _ in the school hall next Monday.A. be given B. has given C. will be given D. will giveC. 能力层(Ability Level)(中、优等学生做,作为课堂最后评价成果用)A)补全对话 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意义连贯、完整。A: Good morning.1_? B: Yes, please. I am looking for a mobile phone, but I have no idea. A: We have got all

15、 kinds of mobile phones here. 2_,Motorola, Samsung or Siemens?B: I really know little about them.3_?A: Mm, Motorola is more popular these days, I think B:4_?A: Its made in Tianjin . B: How much is Motorola?A: 1600 yuan. . The newer, the more expensive.B: I want one, newer but too expensive.A: 5_? It

16、 looks nice and works well.B: Whats the price of it?. A: 900 yuan. B. Ok. I will take it. Thank you.B)词语运用:根据短文内容,从下面方框中的12个单词中选出10个单词,并用其适当形式填空,使文章完整。where talk value small hopeful which disadvantage deal low meet little say In your lifetime you spend the most time being with or 1_ with yourself. B

17、ut you have the 2_ understanding of yourself. When you are going upwards in life, you usually think of yourself higher than what you are. When you are going downhill, you usually think of yourself 3_ than what you are. How can you get a thorough(全面的) understanding of yourself? First, get a correct i

18、dea of yourself. That is to 4._, you must know both your advantages and5_. You may look forward6_to the future, but be sure not to expect too much. You may be brave enough to7_ difficulties but you should be clear8_ to put your efforts. As long as you have a perfect knowledge of yourself, there wont

19、 be difficulties you cant get over. Second, admire yourself. No matter you are a huge mountain or a 9_ stone, you represent (代表) a state of nature which has its own10_. Admiring yourself will give you confidence. As soon as you get full confidence, you will be able to fight and overcome any difficul

20、ty.检测(2)( )1.Something must _ to save our city, because there is so much pollution.A. do B. have done C. be done D. be doing( )2.-This kind of rice tastes nice. -Yes, it_ in Yuanyang, Henan Province.A. was grown B. has grown C. is grown D. is growing( )3. -Did you go to Jacks birthday party? -No, I _.A. am not invited B. wasnt invited C. havent invited D. didnt invite( ) 4. The rubbish smells _.(A. well B. badly C. terribly D. terrible)( )5. The police found the lost car _. (A. with mistakeB. by accidentC. by mistake D. with accident学习收获:


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