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1、教学设计(原创)初中九年级英语课题:英语(新目标)九年级 Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks (Section A)作者:张娜 工作单位:河北省唐山市乐亭县蔡庄初中设计理念:本课的设计以英语新课程理念为指导,利用信息技术与网络平台为学生构建了一个“听、说、读、写”的立体交流、互动学习的语言学习新环境,能使学生不受时间和空间的限制,及时得到新的目标语言,使原来的教学重难点变得乐于接受。创设的每个情境都是身边事,鼓励学生积极参与社会公益活动,关注并帮助他人,树立正确的价值观:珍爱自己,关爱他人。教学目标:1. 知识和能力:学习谈论如何提供帮助和做社会公益

2、事业的志愿者2. 过程和方法:通过小组活动,共同探究新的语言功能,进一步提高学生综合运用语言的能力。3. 情感态度和价值观:关注身边人和事,热心社会公益事业,感受参与的快乐重难点:1. How to make conversations using phrasal verbs and act them out;2. Talk about offering help and volunteering.方法:Task-based Language Learning and Student-centered Learning媒体设计:Multi-media computer(多媒体课件)教学过程:S

3、tep 1: Warming upListen to an English song “Say You, Say Me”The students listen to the song and try to sing along with the recording together.T: I think we can have an enjoyable lesson. Are you confident of yourself?Students: Yes, we are. We are brave and confident enough to express our own ideas in

4、 English. (设计目的:在课前播放并跟唱英语歌曲,能调节学生的学习情绪;简练的鼓动语言能激励学生自信且快乐地参与学习)Step 2: Pre-task1. Free talkT: Look at these children, they are happy, too. Maybe they are singing. Who is the man? Can you introduce Cong Fei?Class: Cong Fei.S1: He was a singer.S2: He died of cancer.S3: He helped 178 children from poor

5、 areas.S4: He was honored as one of the ten people who “moved the whole country”in 2005.(设计目的:丛飞热心社会公益事业,救助失学儿童的感人事迹家喻户晓,学生为他感动,也会因为自己能用习得的语言进行介绍而感到自豪)T: Good! Lets enjoy an article.Cong Fei was a 36-year-old singer who spent at least 3 million yuan on paying the tuition fees of 178 children.Unfortu

6、nately, he died of cancer. He was honored as one of the ten people who moved the whole country in 2005. He spent all his time helping children in need.The students follow a girl whose spoken English is excellent and read the article together. (设计目的:给口语好的小助手一个展示空间,充分发挥榜样的作用)2. Leading-inT: Cong Fei i

7、s well-known because of his great deeds. He will be remembered forever by most people. We are common, but we could do small things to help people around us. This class, we are going to talk about offering help and volunteering. The students pay close attention to the teachers words.(Make sure that t

8、he class are getting ready to learn new concepts.)(设计目的:教师动情的导入语,自然地引入本课的中心话题:“offering help”and “volunteering”明确提示本课重点)Step 3: New concepts ( phrasal verbs)1. T: Please look at the two poor girls. Would you like to say something?(Express their ideas individually.)S5: Look at the empty bottle. I thi

9、nk they make money by picking up and selling waste things.S6: I dont think they have a homeS7: Maybe they expect to go to school.T: They are homeless. What could we do to help them? S8: I could give them my pocket money to help them.T: Its kind of you. We could give away backpacks, books and clothes

10、 to them. Then the students read and memorize, “homeless,and give away.” (设计目的:把新的目标语言设计成直观的图片,能帮助学生领悟并运用。)2. T: There are some other children who need help.Look at the big bowl. Its empty. Please say one sentence to describe their feelings. S9: They are hungry.S10: Maybe they are dreaming of a big

11、dinnner.S11: Id like to help them. Lets give away some money to them.S12: Id like to invite them to my home and cook delicious food for them.T: Yes. We could give out food at the food bank to help stop hunger( The students learn new phrases by heart)3. T: Compared to them, we have better lives.So we

12、 should take care of ourselves and get on well with friends. Then offer to help other people in need. The students make conversations in pairs.S13: The boy is ill in hospital. What could his friend do?S14; He could bing gifts to visit him.S13: Or he could sing a song to him. S14: Yes, we should enco

13、urage him to be brave.T: We could cheer them up. (The students learn “cheer up” by heart.)(设计目的:在仿真的情境中,有大量的生生互动、师生互动,既是一个学习、实践新的目标语言的过程,也是一个生生、师生间思维碰撞、情感交流的过程)4. T: Your excellent answers have cheered me up. I have a surprising picture as a gift for you. It used to be a beautiful park with trees, f

14、lowers, and lovely birds. But now it is Several students describe the picture like this,S15: There is a lot of garbage.S16: Over there, we see some people chatting under the trees. Dont they see the garbage?S17: Id like to do something. I could pick up the garbage.T: Everyone would feel comfortable

15、in clean places. We could clean up the park.Memorize the new phrasal verbs as quickly as they can.(设计目的:在每位学生发言时,其他学生边听边记,语言“输入”与“输出”同时进行,互相鼓励帮助,然后在短时间内记忆目标语言,提高学习的效率。)Step 4: Task CircleTask 1: BrainstormThere are some other ways you could offer help.Think of a phrase or a sentence to fill in the t

16、able.Other ways to offer helpOutsideAt homeAt schoolThe students work in pairs.For example,S18: Id like to work outside. I could hand out advertisements about Clean-up Day.S19: put up signsS20: help young children readS21: go to the Old Peoples HomesS22: help grandparents wash feetS23: volunteer in

17、an after-school study program, etc(At the same time, the class do Exercise 1a)(设计目的:中学生思维活跃,“头脑风暴”为他们提供了一个广阔的空间,把Section A部分的动词短语设计成图片链接,学生小组合作学习新短语时,教师巡回指导,及时捕捉学生的需求,帮助学生在网上查阅课件中未提供的短语)Task 2: ListeningDo1b, 2a and 2b.Every student has a pair of earphones. They can listen to the recording once, twi

18、ce, or even more. They can also use “Pause” as needed.Then check the answers.The teacher walks around the classroom and helps the Ss.(设计目的:学生戴上耳机,根据自己的情况在电脑上操作,可以控制录音的播放次数,能够调动学生内在需求。)Task 3: Further discussion T: There are so many ways to offer help. Why not set up a volunteer project? Then you can

19、 volunteer as often as possible.Some students have written down the information below.Name Loves CouldLi HuipingreadingLin PeianimalsZhu MingmusicThe students work in groups. According to the model (3c), take turns being one of the people in the table. Ask for and give advice in groups.They can choo

20、se two or three names to make conversations and act them out.(设计目的:自然地过渡到本课的又一重要目标语言“volunteering”,让学生畅所欲言,既宽松又能启发他们运用语言,不断创新,不断学习的内在动力,为3a Reading作铺垫)Task 4: Reading (3a)T: Read the article about volunteers. Then sum up the information about every volunteer.For example, Xu Huiping loves , she puts

21、her love to Because The students listen and read the article by choosing the way they like. Then work in groups to finish the task.S24: Huiping says that not only does she feel good about helping others, but also she gets to spend time doing what she loves to do.(设计目的:学生运用阅读技巧,先略读,再细读,倡导合作,既能提高兴趣,又能

22、互帮互助,提高学习效率。听录音时效果同“Task 2”)Step 5: Coopering workT: As the saying goes, “Helping others will benefit yourself as well”. The more people you help, the happier you would feel.Most students would like to volunteer at the 2008 Olympics.Here are two tasks for you: 1. What kinds of volunteer work could y

23、ou do for the Olympics in 2008 in Beijing? Please fill in the table.NameThings I like to doVolunteer work I could do(Work on the computer)As for Task 1, fill in the table, then share their ideas with partners.S25: I love speaking English and my spoken English is very good. I will help foreigners kno

24、w a lot about China at the 2008 Olympics.2.写一封信给学校的奥运志愿者俱乐部(Olympic Volunteers Home)的主持人 Mr. Wang, 自荐做一名志愿者,推荐理由如:爱好广泛;曾参加过许多课外活动;自信;敢在众人面前说话;乐于助人等 内容包括:1. 自荐原因; 2. 为北京奥运做什么;3. 表达良好的愿望Task 2: The class enter sentences.S26 reads her letter:Dear Mr. Wang,Im writing to ask for the job as a volunteer. I

25、 have lots of hobbies and doing good things for others is one of them. I have taken part in kinds of after-school activities. Im good at every one of my subjects at school and Im always ready to help people. Because Im confident of myself, Ill never be shy while speaking in front of other people. I

26、will be a tour guide and show the beauty of Beijing and our motherland to the foreigners. I hope our athletes will get the most medals. The Olympic Volunteers Home will certainly get much better.Yours, (教学目的:关注2008奥运,根据自己的爱好,争做一名志愿者,学生可以把想法,通过键盘发表到“BBS”论坛上,也可以“楼上”“楼下”的互动交流,给学生足够的空间展示自己的学习成果,提高写作技能,巩

27、固重难点)Step 6: Homework1. Finish the Exercise 4 on P622. Write a letter to the Olympic Volunteers Home. Introduce two friends of yours by using the target language. Choose one of the tasks, write a short article, make sure there is no mistake in their articles with the help of the other partners. (教学目

28、的:学生自由选择,体现作业分层,巩固目标语言,体验合作学习的快乐,使每位学生参与社会公益活动、争当奥运志愿者的心愿得到延展。)板书设计Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks! (Sectioin A)Topic: offering help and volunteeringPhrasal verbs: give away hand out stop from hunger cheer up sick kids = cheer them up clean up give out hand out put up set upTarget language:

29、Id like to volunteer outside. I could A: I love to read. What kind of volunteer work do you think B: You could 教学反思:(1) 教学设计注重整合教材,任务设计循序渐进,由学习性任务逐渐过渡到利用目标语言去做事情,教师充分考虑了学生的个体差异,给学生留有选择的空间,遵循了课堂教学的科学性原则及面向全体学生的原则。(2) “赠人玫瑰,手有余香”,由丛飞的感人事迹到你我身边的平凡小事,再到关注08奥运这一国家大事,本课自始至终有一根美好的情感之线游走在师生之间,本课的预设充分关注了课标所提出的情感态度目标的实现。5


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