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1、Unit 2A 组一、汉译英1在操场的左边on_the_left_of_the_playground2在我的右边on_my_right3在食堂的前面in_front_of_the_dining_hall4在校门旁边next_to/near_the_school_gate5在学校的中间in_the_middle_of_the_school_6教学楼the_classroom_building7科学楼the_science_building8体育馆the_sports_hall9办公室大楼the_office_building10在图书馆后面behind_the_library二、用所给词的适当形

2、式填空1 There are(be) forty- six students in the class.2 There re thirty-one students in my class. Sixteen girls andfifteen(fifteen) boys.3 There aren t any(any) computers here.4 Where are the offices? They are(be) behind that building.5 Is there an(a) office near the sports hall?6 In our(we) school, t

3、here are twenty students in a class.7 There are three buildings(building) in our school.8 There is a computer on the teacher s(teacher) desk.三、单项选择(B)1. _ people are there in your family? There re five.A. How oldB. How manyC. WhereD. How(C )2.Look, the hospital is next _ our school.A. ofB. inC. toD.

4、 on(B)3.Daming is behind Tony. So Tony is _ Daming.A. next toB. in front ofC. in the front ofD. behind(D )4. What is eight and five? It s _A. elevenB. fourteenC. twelveD. thirteen(C )5. Is there a science lab in your school? Yes, there is _ behind the library.第 1页A. anB. anyC. oneD. a(D )6.There _ a

5、 football _ two pictures in Tonys room.A. have; andB. is; /C. are; andD. is; and(B)7.There is a big tree _ Mary s house.A. underB. in front ofC. onD. in(B)8.There is _ library in the building._ library is very big.A. the; AB. a; TheC. the; TheD. a; A四、句型 1 There are some trees in front of our school

6、.( 改 数形式 )There is a tree in front of our school.2 The sports hall is behind_the_library ( 画 部分提 )Where is the sports hall?3 Are there any computer rooms in your school ? (改 肯定句 )There are some computer rooms in my school4 Is there a book in your bag ? (作否定回答 )No, there isnt5 On the right of the cla

7、ssroom is an_office ( 画 部分提 )What is on the right of the classroom?五、根据 片及 提示拼写 Please lookat the (1) picture( 片 ). There (2)are(有 ) some(一些 ) things( 西 ) in it.(3) On(在上面 ) the desk there (4) is(有 ) a pencil box( 笔盒 ). A chair is (5) near(靠近 ) the desk. A bag is (6) behind(在后面 ) the chair. Books ar

8、e not on the desk. They are in the bag. Pens and pencils are (7)in(在里面 ) the pencil box. There are two balls( 球 ) next to the bag.B 组一、根据句意及 提示拼写 1 Twelve and twelve is twenty- four (24)2 There are two libraries (图书馆 ) in our school.3 Lingling is infront ( 前面 ) of Daming.4 My office is between(在之 )

9、your classroom and the dining hall.5 These are their(他 的 ) pictures.6 Our school is behind(在后面 ) that tall building.7 Where is at the school dining_hall ( 堂 )?8 How many buildings( 建筑物 ) are there in your school?9 Jenny and Mike are in Class 2 with (和 ) me.10 There are a lot of students on the playg

10、round(操 )二、句型 1 There are no science labs in the school.( 改 同 句 )There arentany science labs in the school.第 2页2 The library is in front of the dining hall.(改为同义句 )The dining hall is behind the library.3 There are some offices in front of our classroom.( 改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答) Are there any offices in fron

11、t of your classroom? No,_there arent4 Lily s desk is next_to_Lucy s (对画线部分提问)Where is Lily s desk?5 There are three oranges on the desk.(对画线部分提问)How many oranges are there on the desk?三、补全对话A: Excuse me. (1)_ E_B: It s behind the dining hall.A: Where are the classrooms? (2)_ B_B: No, they aren t. (3

12、)_ D _A: And where is the sports hall?B: (4)_ C_ There are many students in it. (5)_ A _A: Thank you.四、完形填空This is our classroom. It is _1_ nice big room. The windows( 窗 ) _2_ big and the wall is white. There is a blackboard _3_ the front of the classroom. On the back( 后面的 ) wall there is a map _4_

13、China.There is a big desk. It is _5_ the teacher. There _6_ forty small desks and chairs in theroom. They are for _7_ students.What s on the _8_ desk? There are some flowers. _9_ are for our teacher, Ms Lin. Sheis a good teacher. We like _10_(B)1.A. anB. aC. theD. one(C )2.A. isB. amC. areD. be(B)3.

14、A. onB. inC. underD. of(C )4.A. forB. inC. ofD. to(B)5.A. ofB. forC. inD. to(B)6.A. isB. areC. amD. be(C )7.A. ourB. oursC. usD. we(B)8.A. teacherB. teacher sC. a teacher sD. our teachers(B)9.A. ItB. TheyC. YouD. We(A )10.A. herB. hers第 3页C. himD. she五、任务型阅读My name is Xu Jin. My brother is Xu Lei. W

15、e re Chinese students at a middle school. There are three buildings in our school an office building, a classroom building and a library building. There are 50 class- rooms in the classroom building. A science lab is behind the classroom building.Our house is next to our school. In front of the hous

16、e there is a small garden( 花园 ). We often read in the garden. And we often sing( 唱歌 ) in it too. Our father is a manager. He works at a hotel. He has a nice car. Behind the house there is a garage(车库 ). His car is in it.(A) 根据短文内容,在图中标出建筑物的名称。(B) 根据短文内容,补全句子,每空一词( 含缩写 )。6 Xu Jin is a student from China 7 In the classroom building there are 50 classrooms8 Xu Jin and Xu Lei oftenread and sing in the garden.9 Xu Jin s father is a hotel manager10 Xu Jin s father scar is in the garage.第 4页


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