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1、2020 年 4 月周村期中试题六年级英语试题初中英语六年级英语试题本卷须知:本次考试依照答题情形字迹是否工整,卷面是否整洁,答题是否规范设卷面分.卷面分最大值为5 分,采纳加分的方法按0、 1、 3、 5 四档计分。第一卷选择题共 70 分一、听力测试25 分一听录音选出句中所含有的单词。录音中每个句子听一遍。 1. A. MarchB. AprilC. May 2.A. funB. relaxingC. exciting 3.A. schoolB. hereC. home 4.A. basketballB. footballC. chess 5.A. busyB. tiredC. happ

2、y二听录音,依照图片内容选出与所听句子相关的图片,每个句子听一遍。6.7.ABCABC8.9.ABCABC10.ABC三录音中有五个咨询句,每个咨询句听一遍,然后从每题A 、B 、 C 三个选项中选出能回答每个咨询句的正确答案。 11. A. In the music room.B. On Sunday morning. 12.A. Yes, I do.B. No, I m not. 13.A. It is funny.B. That sounds good. 14.A. I like school.B. My dad has a car. 15.A. Do you like the movi

3、e? B. Good idea!C. We are happy then.C. I often do it.C. He plays his guitar.C. By bus.C. There it is.四录音中有五组对话和五个咨询题,每组对话和咨询题听两遍,然后从每题A 、B、 C 三个选项中选出能回答每个咨询题的正确答案。 16. A. Comedies.B. Action movies.C. Thrillers. 17. A. Ride a bike.B. Play the piano.C. Ride a horse. 18. A. Watches TV.B. Does the home

4、work.C. Play computer games. 19. A. A pen.B. A bike.C. A knife. 20. A. In January.B. In August.C. In December.五录音中有一篇短文和五个咨询题,短文和咨询题听两遍,然后从每题A 、B、C三个选项中选出能回答每个咨询题的正确答案。 21.A. She is 5.B. She is 15.C. She is 50. 22.A. June 1st.B. July 1st.C. June 21st. 23.A. Yes, she is.B. Yes, she can.C. Yes, she do

5、es. 24.A. History.B. English.C. Chinese. 25. A. Because she wants to go to China to teach English( 教英语 )some day.B. Because he only thinks it s very interesting.C. Because he wants to go to China to teach Chinese some day.二、单项选择20 分一从每题A 、B 、C、 D 中选出划线部分读音不同于其他三个的选项。 26. A. whenB. chessC. subjectD.

6、letter 27.A. fifthB. FridayC. MissD. think 28.A. guitarB. MarchC. drawD. cant 29.A. oftenB. monthC. rockD. job 30.A. danceB. actionC. strictD. second二从每题A 、B 、C、 D 中选出能填入句中空白处的最正确答案。 31. Mr Li often helps memy English.A. toB. withC. atD. for 32. September is themonth of a year.A. eighthB. ninethC. n

7、inthD. tenth 33. My sister can t playbasketball, but she an playviolin.A. the, theB. the, /C. a, theD. /, the 34. Shemathits too difficult(难).A. doesn t like, becauseB. doesn t like, andC. don t like, becauseD. likes, and 35. We have an English concert every yearJuly 17.A. inB. atC. onD. to 36. is y

8、our Chinese teacher? My Chinese teacher is Mr Wu.A. WhyB. WhatC. WhoD. How old 37. Pleaseme about your music club.A. sayB. talkC. speakD. tell 38. Do you like music or art?.A. Yes, I do.B. No, I dontC. I like it.D. I like art. 39. Alan is a lazy boy and he usuallyupeight oclockweekends.A. goes, at,

9、onB. gets, on, atC. goes, in, atD. gets, at, on 40. My mothervery busy these days. She feels very.A. is, tiredB. has, tiredC. does, tiredD. is, happy 41. Tom says he likes Chinese history. It is very.A. boring and difficultB. boring and interestingC. exciting and interestingD. relaxing and boring 42

10、.musicians do you wantyour rock band? Six.A. How much, forB. How many, forC. How about, forD. How many, with 43. Do you know the? Yes, it s 8778680.A. ageB. timeC. colorD. number 44.My grandfather likeandvery much.A. tomato, chickenB. tomatos, chickensC. tomatoes, chickenD. tomato, chickens 45.Miss

11、Zhao teachesEnglish. We all likevery much.A. we, herB. we, sheC. us, herD. us, she三、完形填空。 10 分Hi, fr iends. I m Sally. Do you want to know 46you. On Saturday morning I usually get up48my weekends? Well, let me47breakfast very late. Afterthat I do myhomework. I have49English homework and math homewor

12、k. I don t have50homework. On Saturday afternoon, I help mom do housework or help dad with the garden. OnSunday morning I need to51very early52I go to see my grandparents in New Yorkwith mom and dad.53I can go to see scary movies with my grandpa and eat nice food.Sometimes I give my grandpa a haircu

13、t( 理发 ).54the afternoon I have to come back55home because I can t be late for school on Monday morning. 46. A. forB. onC. aboutD. around 47.A. to tellB. tellC. tellingD. to telling 48.A. and haveB. haveC. but haveD. eat 49.A. doB. doingC. doesD. to do 50.A. someB. anyC. muchD. other 51. A. go to bed

14、B. get to bedC. get upD. go home 52.A. butB. andC. becauseD. so 53.A. ThereB. HereC. At homeD. At school 54.A. AtB. InC. OnD. With 55.A. atB. forC. toD. /四、阅读明白得15 分阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选出一个最正确选项。AI am a lion. My name is Nancy. I have a big head and a big mouth. I have two little ears and

15、four long legs. I am yellow. Myfavorite colour is green. I like green trees. I like the forest. My favorite food is meat. I like to eat little animals. I live in the zoo now.My house is a big cage(笼子 ). I don t like the zoo. I get up in thecage. I have breakfast, lunch and supper in the cage. I slee

16、p in the cage. I am very lonely(孤独的 ). My friends are in the forest. I want to go out. I want to live with my friends in the forest. 56. A. Nancy is a.A. tigerB. monkeyC. lionD. elephant 57.Nancy lives in thenow.A. forestB. mountainC. zooD. school 58.Nancy s favorite colour is.A. yellowB. greenC. bl

17、ueD. red 59.Nancy likes to eat.A. meatB. fishC. fruitD. bread 60.Nancy likes to.A. live in the cageB. live in the zooC. live in the forestD. live in the parkBJack and Sally are brother and sister. They are twins. They like to swim and ride a bike. They like to fly kites, too. They often run with the

18、 kites near the river. The kites fly very high. They look very happy. But not all of their favorite games are the same. Jack likes to play football and Sally likes to play basketball. Jack likes to jump high, he thinks it is easy. But Sally thinks itis very hard. Sally likes to make something, but J

19、ack can t.wellSallyandcanJacksingcanverythrow the yo-yo very well. Sally wants a go. Jack can help her. 61. They both like.A. swimmingB. riding a bikeC. flying kitesD. all of them 62. Where do they often fly kites?.A. Near the riverB. On the hillC. Near the housesD. At school 63. What kind of ball g

20、ame does Sally like?.A. FootballB. BasketballC. VolleyballD. Pingpong 64. What does Sally like doing?.A. Making thingsB. Playing footballC. Watching TVD. All of them 65. What does Jack like doing?.A. Playing footballB. Making thingsC. SwimmingD. Both A and C第二卷非选择题共 50 分五、单词拼写10 分1.There are tmonths

21、 in a year.2. When is your b? It s February 5th.3. What s the dtoday? It s April 26th.4.I really like Jackie Chan s mRush Hour .5.Jack, do you have an e-mail a?6.Scott is a singer. People love to lto him.7.His class(讲课 ) is b. We don t like it.8.People usually eat dat home in the evening.9.What a bd

22、ay it is today! I help my mother do a lot of things.10. Tcomes after Wednesday.六、句型转换12 分1.She often goes to movies with her friend on weekends.( 对划线部分提咨询 )she oftento movies with her friends?2.I like action movies best.( 对划线部分提咨询 )movies do you like best?3.Bill has breakfast at seven.( 改为否定句 )Billb

23、reakfast at seven.4.I like watching TV very much because it is interesting.(对划线部分提咨询 )you likeTV very much?5.You have a beautiful sweater.(变为感叹句 )you have!6.His birthday is February 15th.( 用 March 15th 改写成选择疑咨询句 )his birthday February 15thMarch 15th?7.She plays football for two hours on Saturday aft

24、ernoon.( 对划线部分提咨询 )shefootball on Saturday afternoon?8.What s the timenow?(改为同义句 )Whatnow?七、依照汉语意思用英语完成句子。 13 分1. 萨姆,你们什么时候举行艺术节?Sam, when do you?2. 他想加入象棋俱乐部。Hethe chess club.3. 她乘 17 路公共汽车到赛特酒店去上班。, he takes the number 17bus to the Sai Te Hotel.4. 请写信告诉他们关于你们都市的情形。Pleaseabout your city.5. 我的姑姑会讲一点法语。My auntFrench.6. 你能猜出他是干什么的吗?what his job is?7. 我们学校的长城之旅需要人手帮忙。WeGreat Wall School Trip.八、书面表达15 分写一篇短文介绍姚明。他是一个闻名的篮球运动员。他每天6 点起床,6:30 和朋友一起跑步,回来之后他洗澡,8 点钟吃早餐,8:30 他听音乐,9:30打篮球。词数60 70 左右。


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