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1、Section Grammar 复习状语从句 语 境 自 主 领 悟先 察原句后自主感悟1.When he retired at the age of 26,he had won 106 gold medals in major competitions across the world.2.But even though he had won everything it was possible to win in his sport,Li Ning retired with the feeling that he had failed.3.If you go into a school o

2、r university anywhere, the chances are you will see students in Li Ning tracksuits with the familiar logo.4.Whenever Chinese athletes step out onto the track during the 2019 Olympics, they will be wearing Li Ning tracksuits.1.句 1 和句 4 都是 状 从句, when表示“当 候”,whenever 表示“每当 候”。2.句 2 由 even though引 的 步状

3、从句, even though意 “尽管,即使”。3.句 3 由 if 引 的条件状 从句, if 表示“如果”。 语 法 精 要 点 拨一、 状 从句1when,while 和 as引 状 从句(1)when 从句的 作和主句的 作可以同 生,也可以先后 生,从句 延 性 或非延 性 。When I lived there,I used to go to the seashore on Sundays.我住在那里 ,星期天常到海 去。(2)while 从句的 作与主句的 作同 生, 从句的 延 性 。Please dont talk so loudwhile others are worki

4、ng. 人工作 , 高声 。(3)as 从句的 作与主句 作交替 行或同 生,可翻 “随着;一 一 ”。第 1页He hurried home,looking behind as he went.他匆忙回家去,一 走一 回 望。As time went on,its getting warmer and warmer.随着 的推移,天越来越暖和了。2till 和 until在肯定句中主句 是延 性的,而在否定句中主句 是非延 性的; till 不可位于句首,而until 可以。You may stay heretill/until the rain stops.你可以待在 里直到雨停。I wo

5、nt see him till/until his anger has cooled down.等他怒气消了,我再去看他。Until you told me, I had no idea of it.直到你告 我,我才知道 件事。名 点津 not until 置于句首 主句要用部分倒装。Not until nine oclock yesterday eveningdid we finish the work.直到昨晚九点,我 才完成 工作。3before 和 since(1)before 本意 “在之前” , 可引申 “ 未就,不到就;趁; 没来得及就” 。before 引 状 从句的常用句型

6、: It was 段 before 从句 (一般 去 ) 了多久才It will be 段 before 从句 (一般 在 )要 多久才He had put the broken vase awaybefore his mother came back.他趁 没回来就把打碎的花瓶收拾好了。It was some time beforewe realized the truth. 了一段 我 才了解了真相。It will be half a year before I come back.半年之后我才回来。(2)since 意 “自从以来”,主句用完成 。since 引 的从句如果用非第 2页延

7、 性 , 常理解 某一状 的 止; 若用延 性 或状 , 理解 某一 作的开始。 since 引 状 从句的常用句型: It is/has been 段since.自从以来多久了。He has written to me frequentlysinceI got sick.自从我病了以后,他 常 我写信。It is three years sincehe came to our school.他来我 学校已 三年了。It is three years sincehe smoked.他戒烟已 三年了。4引 状 从句的名 一些表示 的名 , 如 the moment,every time,each

8、 time,the first time ,the last time,the next time,the minute,the instant 等可以用来引 状 从句,起 的作用。The moment I saw her,I knew there was something wrong.我一看到她,我就知道出事了。Every time I was in trouble,he would come to help me.每次我 于困境,他就会来帮助我。5表示“一就”的引 as soon as, immediately, directly ,instantly, the moment/minut

9、e/instant,nosooner .than . , hardly/scarcely .when . 等都可引 状 从句,表示“一就”。The boy burst into tearsimmediately he saw his mother. 个男孩一看到他 就放声大哭。名 点津 no sooner.than.; hardly.when. 构中,no sooner 与 hardly 置于句首 ,其后的句子用部分倒装。No sooner had we arrivedat the station than the train left.我 一到 站,火 就离站了。即 1 句 法填空第 3页W

10、hen they heard the news,they were very surprised. While/When I was working in Beijing , I learned a lot from Mr.Zhang.As you grow older,youll know better and better about yourself.We didnt discuss the problem until he came back. I have heard a lot of good things about you since I came back from abro

11、ad. 【导学号: 71812043】二、条件状语从句引导条件状语从句的连词有: if ,unless, as/so long as, suppose/supposing (that)(倘若;如果 ),provided/providing (that)( 倘若;如果 ), on condition that(条件是 ),in case(以防 )等。Unlesshe studies hard,he will never pass the examination.除非他努力学习,否则永远不能考及格。We can overcome the difficultiesas long aswe are o

12、rganized.只要我们组织起来,我们就能克服困难。You can use this roomsuppose/supposing thatyou keep it clean and tidy.如果你能保持房间干净整洁,你就可以用这间房间。即时训练 2单句语法填空 If no actions are_taken(take), many rare animals will die out in the world.He is sure to come unless hehas some urgent business. Provided/Providing(provide) he doesnt

13、come,what shall we do?三、让步状语从句1引导让步状语从句的连词有: although,though,while( 尽管,虽然 ),evenif/though,whether .or .,疑问词 -ever 与 no matter疑问词等。Even if it should rain tomorrow,we will continue our work.即使明天下雨,我们也要继续工作。Whether you go or not, I will go to visit my teachers.不管你去不去,我都要去看望我的老师。Whatever/No matter what

14、you want to do,please look before you leap.不管你想做什么事,请三思而后行。第 4页2as 引导的让步状语从句需采用部分倒装,有时 though 引导的让步状语从句也采用部分倒装。Try as he might,he couldnt solve the problem.尽管他尝试了,但还是无法解决这个问题。Child as he is,he knows a lot of the history of China.虽然他只是个孩子,他懂得许多中国历史方面的知识。(注意 child 前不用冠词 )Young though he is, he knows h

15、ow to deal with such a thing.他虽然年轻,但懂得如何处理这件事。即时训练 3单句语法填空 Although/Though/While they are poor, they buy a great many books.【导学号: 71812044】No matter what he says,I wont believe him any more.Whoever you are, you must obey traffic rules. Hard as/though I tried to explain, he still didnt understand. We

16、ll start our meeting on time whether he comes or not. 语 法 应 用 落 实.单句语法填空1It will be at least two months before we meet again.2However angry you feel, you shouldnt shout at your children.3She says that shell have to close the shop unless business improves.【导学号: 71812045】4The head of the company promi

17、sed to deal with the matter the moment hereturned to his office.5As time goes by, his music is becoming more and more popular.6Poor as/though they are, they still do their best to help those homelesschildren.7 Immediately(immediate) they heard the good news, they couldnt help laughing in the classro

18、om.第 5页8 You must continue to do the work although/though you have some disagreements about the question.9Parents today do their best to leave possessions for their kids,whether they arerich or poor.10Provided/Providing(provide) you fail a second time,dont get disappointed,but try again.单句改错 (每小题仅有

19、1 处错误 )1Im sure it wont be long until we find out the truth.until before2Whatever tough the task is,I will finish it on time.Whatever However3Although they are expensive,but they last long and never go out of style.去掉 but4Unless you change your attitude,I will tell you the way to solve the problem.Unless If5How long is it when we last spent the holiday in the countryside together?when since第 6页


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