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1、Section Learning about Language核 心 要 点 探 究 result in 致 (教材 P34)These crowded conditions resulted in a lot of conflicts and severalfights. 些 的状况 致 多冲突和几次争 。When you do something with faith, it will result in success当.你有信心去做某事 ,就会成功。Lack of population control can result in poverty.不 行人口控制会造成 。result f

2、rom由于的原因result n. 果;后果as a result 果as a result of由于的 果Many illnesses result from lack of exercise. 多疾病是由于缺少 所致。As a result,costs will be reduced by as much as 90%.因此,成本将会降低90%之多。He was lateas a result ofthe snow.由于大雪他 到了。【 学号: 28422038】完成句子他的 重的 致了重大的 失。His costly mistakesevere loss. 果我 不得不 菜地 水。,we

3、 have to water the vegetable garden.由于 生爆炸, 井 部坍塌了。The roof of the mine caved inthe explosion.【答案】resulted inAs a resultas a result of第 1页postponevt.推迟;延迟(教材 P35)My parents suggested to postponeour visitto the pyramids becausewe didnt have enough time to see them before we left Egypt我.父母建议延迟参观金字塔,因为

4、在离开埃及之前我们没有足够的时间去看它们。Well have to postponethe meeting until next week.我们将不得不将会议推迟到下周举行。At worst, the storm will make us postponethe trip.最坏的估计是暴风雨会使我们推迟行程。明辨异同 delay/postpone/put offdelay指“暂时阻挠或阻挡,稍后可再继续进行”。正式用语,语义较强,指“有意识地延至将来某一特定时间”,在postpone多数情况下,后面说明改在何时进行。put off与 postpone大致同义,但较通俗口语化。选词填空 (del

5、ay/postpone/put off)The steamer wasby bad weather.The meeting has beento Friday.Letsthe matter till some other time.【答案】delayed postponed put off语 法 专 项 突 破 精要点拨 宾语宾语是用来表示动作、 行为的对象的, 是动作的承受者。 宾语由句子来充当时称为宾语从句。 一个句子中不一定只有一个宾语。 宾语通常位于及物动词或介词之后。一、充当宾语的词或句子宾语类型例句Please accept my invitation.名词请接受我的邀请。代词No

6、 one can achieve anything without effort. 没有人不努力就能第 2页有所成就。If you add two to five , you get seven.数词2 加 5 等于 7。Do you really mean to resign?不定式你真的打算辞职吗?Do you mind my standing here?动名词我站在这儿你不介意吧?Do you know what he did?从句你知道他所做的事吗?二、宾语中应该注意的问题1动名词作宾语有些动词和动词短语后只能跟动名词作宾语,常见的此类动词和短语有:advise,consider,ad

7、mit,allow ,suggest,finish ,appreciate,mind,imagine,deny,enjoy,keep,practice, permit,miss,excuse,escape, avoid, risk,cant help,put off , get down to,give up,look forward to 等等。例如:Considering Tom (to be) fit for the office, the boss considered taking him on.认为汤姆称职,老板考虑雇佣他。We really appreciated her off

8、ering to help.我们确实感激她的主动帮忙。2动词不定式作宾语有些动词和动词短语后只能跟动词不定式作宾语,常见的此类动词和短语有:arrange,afford, agree,ask, dare, decide,determine, resolve,demand,guarantee,desire,endeavor,fail ,pretend,want(想要 ),would like ,should love,be supposed等等。例如:We managed to get what we wanted.我们设法得到了我们需要的东西。If I fail to appear by 7

9、oclock ,I will not be coming at all. 如果我七点钟不到,我就不会来了。3有些动词后可以跟不定式作宾语,也可以跟动名词作宾语,两者意思不第 3页同,使用时要注意区别。to do sth.记着去做某事(未发生)rememberdoing sth.记得做过某事(已发生)to do sth.忘记做某事(未发生)forgetdoing sth.忘记做过某事(已发生)to do sth.后悔去做某事(未发生)regretdoing sth.后悔做了某事(已发生)to do sth.尽力做某事trydoing sth.试着做某事to do sth.打算做某事meandoi

10、ng sth.意味着(要)做某事to do sth.停下正在做的事去做另一件事stopdoing sth.停止做某事to do sth.不能帮助做某事cant helpdoing sth.禁不住去做某事注意 在 hate,like ,love,prefer 等动词后,表习惯性一般性的动作常用动名词;一次性具体的动作多用动词不定式。I like watching TV ,but I dont like to watch this TV play.我喜欢看电视,但我不喜欢看这部电视剧。4直接宾语和间接宾语(1)有一些动词后面常跟两个宾语,即直接宾语和间接宾语。宾语的位置一般在谓语动词后面,间接宾语

11、(通常是 sb.)通常在直接宾语 (通常是 sth.)的前面。例如:He is very generous and always gives the poor money他.很慷慨,总是捐钱救济穷人。Would you please do me a favor?能帮我一个忙吗?(2)接双宾语的动词动词间接宾语直接宾语动词直接宾语to间接宾语give,show,send,bring,offer,read,pass,lend,leave,hand,tell ,write ,teach,promise,award,owe 等等。第 4页He gave a book to his son as a b

12、irthday gift.他给儿子一本书作为生日礼物。动词间接宾语直接宾语动词直接宾语for间接宾语make,buy,do, get, paint,save,sing 等等。I bought a pen for my daughter yesterday.昨天我给女儿买了一支钢笔。动词直接宾语 to间接宾语explain,suggest,declare,announce等等。Our teacher explained the meaning of the sentence to us.我们老师把句子的意思解释给我们听。动词间接宾语直接宾语比较典型的动词: cost(付出代价 )His care

13、less driving cost him his life.他的粗心驾驶让他付出了他的生命。动词间接宾语 of直接宾语rob,cure, remind, inform ,warn 等等。I informed her mother of her safe arrival.我告知她母亲她已安全到达。动词直接宾语 from间接宾语常见的动词: stealHe was accused of stealing money from a bank.他被指控从一家银行偷钱。注意:a当双宾语均为代词时,通常是直接宾语位于间接宾语之前,中间由to 或for 连接。Please give it to me请.把

14、它给我。b当直接宾语为不定代词时,直接宾语既可以置于间接宾语之前,也可以置于间接宾语之后。My mother will get some for me.My mother will get me some.第 5页我妈妈将会给我一些。c带双宾语的动词由主动语态变为被动语态时可选两个宾语中的任何一个作为被动语态的主语,而将另一个宾语作为“保留宾语”写入被动语态句子中。如果选直接宾语作为被动语态句子的主语,则要在被动语态句子的“保留宾语”前加上合适的介词。My father bought me a dictionary last week.(主动 )A dictionary was bought

15、for me by my father last week.( 被动 )我父亲上周给我买了一本词典。5当主语是物时, require,need,want(需要 ),be worth 跟动名词主动形式表示被动含义。在require,need,want 后还可以用不定式的被动形式,即to bedone。The film is worth watching a second time.这部电影值得再看一次。应用落实 .完成句子1我本想给你写信,但被一些事耽搁了。I,but something always kept me.2我认为学好英语是必要的。I think it necessary.3这个男孩

16、走进教室,没有被注意。The little boy entered the classroom without4我想要别人因为我的内在而喜欢我。I want to be liked and loved for5我对昨天没能参加你的会议感到歉意。I apologized foryesterday.【答案】1.meant to write to you2.to learn English well3.being noticed4.what I am inside5.my not being able to attend the meeting.用所给词的适当形式填空1Tom devoted wha

17、t he had to(set) up his own company.第 6页2My daughter enjoys(play) the piano.3Remember(buy) some stamps, wont you?4Do you really mean(leave) home?5The trees and flowers need(water)6Do you mind my(open) the door?7We dont allow(smoke) here.8Im very sorry I missed(see) my aunt off at the airport.9She couldnt help(cry) at the bad news.10 Young Tom pretended(write)a letter when his teacher came in.【答案】1.setting2.playing 3.to buy 4.to leave 5.watering/to bewatered 6.opening7.smoking8.seeing9.crying10.to be writing第 7页


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