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1、Section Writing 英文广告写作技法指导 文体指导 一般来说,一篇广告可分标题(the headline)、文字说明或广告正文(the bodytext)、图像 (the illustration)和厂商名称 (the signature)四个部分。1广告标题,往往是广告中最重要的部分。它起着引起读者的好奇心,吸引读者注意力的作用。下面是标题常用的几种表达方式:(1)一语道破商品的优越性;(2)用迂回的手法,引起人们的好奇心,使人想看个究竟;(3)有鲜明的针对性,使读者感到是为他们而写的;(4)现身说法。采用消费者对消费者说话的形式,多采用第一人称,读起来使人倍感亲切。2正文:正文

2、一般分为四步。(1)紧紧围绕所推出的产品,介绍它的特性、质量、原材料,以及和同类产品相比最出彩的地方;(2)强调该产品带来的好处,承诺售后服务等等;(3)促使客户采取行动、购买产品;(4)告诉读者购买产品的联系方式。3广告的文字应尽量做到:(1)既要新颖,又要口语化;(2)尽量使用简洁、明了的语言;(3)多用较短的单词和句子;(4)用词要准确,不用模棱两可的词句;(5)主要宣传内容,如商品名称、牌号、特点等应在标题和正文中反复强调;(6)为了加强广告的吸引力,有时用谐音词或押韵的词句,来加强宣传效果。 亮点句式 1The products sell wellall over the world

3、.这些产品畅销全球。2Liying Camera attracts people by its modern and various models and also,第 1页it is small in size and light in weight.“丽影”相机以其款式新颖、 品种多样、体积小、重量轻等性能而吸引顾客。3Do you want to hear fast-moving water crash onto the big rocks below?Doyou want to see colorful birds, flowers and butterflies?Pleasejoin

4、 us,the Blue Sky Travel Agency.你想聆听碧水飞流直下, 撞击巨岩的声音吗?你想欣赏鸟语花香,彩蝶飞舞吗?请联系我们 蓝天旅行社。4Call any time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.周一至周日随时来电垂询。5The earlier you get one,the faster you will improve your English.越早买,你的英语水平就能提高得越快。6When you buy one,you ll get another onefor free.买一赠一。7Our products are of high

5、 quality and can be offered by everyone.我们的产品质优价廉。满分佳作构建 写作任务 假设你是 Haizi Clothing Store 的经理李华, 你打算在某英语电视台上给自己的商品做广告。请根据以下提示写一篇英文广告。Spring Salesweaters60 yuanbags20 yuansocks5 yuanshoes30 yuanT- shirts25 30 yuan注意: 1.词数 100 左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 审题谋篇 体裁广告时态一般现在时主题产品介绍人称第三人称第 2页第一段:点明主题。结构第二段:介绍商品。第三段:

6、发出号召。 遣词造句 .对接单元词汇1big/great sale大甩卖2goods/products商品3various/a variety of各种各样的4as well as和,以及5regret后悔,遗憾6at a good/reasonable price价格合理.巧用单元句式、语法(一 )完成句子1海子服装店正在春季大减价!Haizi Clothing Store is on spring sale!2我们有各种颜色的运动衫,它们每件60 元。 (and 连接并列句 )We have sweaters in all colours and you can get one for j

7、ust 60yuan.3我们有漂亮的包,每件仅需20 元。We have wonderful bags for only 20yuan each.4我们有各种颜色的袜子, 每双仅售 5 元,还有鞋子,每双仅售 30 元。(and连接并列句 )We have socks in all colours for just 5 yuan a pair , and we have shoes for 30 yuan a pair.5男子 T 恤每件 30 元,女式 25 元。T- shirts for boys are 30yuan, and T- shirts for girls are 25 yua

8、n.6快来海子服装店 (选购 )吧!你不会后悔!Come to Haizi Clothing Store!You won t regret it!(二 )句式升级7用简单句改写句 2We have sweaters in all colours for 60yuan each.第 3页8用 as well as改写句 4【导学号: 52352019】We have socks in all colours for just 5yuan a pair,as well as shoes for 30yuan apair. 妙笔成篇 【参考范文】Haizi Clothing Store is on

9、spring sale ! We have all kinds of goods here.Everything is at a very good price.Do you like sweaters?We have sweaters in all colours for 60 yuan each.Do you need bags?We have wonderful bags for only 20 yuan each.We have socks in all colours for just 5 yuan a pair, as well as shoes for 30yuan a pair.T-shirts for boys are 30 yuan each,and T- shirts for girls are 25 yuan.And there s much more,too!Come to Haizi Clothing Store!You won t regret it!第 4页


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