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1、Section Writing 电子邮件写作技法指导 文体指导 电子邮件也属于书信体裁。它由下面几部分组成:1信头信头包括收件人的电子邮件地址、 发件人的电子邮件地址、 发信时间和主题。以下是需要填写的内容:在“收件人 (To:)”框中输入收件人的电子邮件地址。“主题 (Subject: )”框的内容应简明地概括信的内容,短的可以是一个单词,如 thanks,congratulations,greetings 等;长的可以是一个名词性短语,也可以是一个完整的句子,但一般不超过35 个字母。“主题”框的内容切忌含糊不清,要用关键词体现信的主要内容。2称呼语首行顶格写。通常用Dear.,其后一般用

2、逗号。3正文这是文章的主要部分, 在称呼语的下一行。 这部分的写作要求内容清晰、 有条理、语言简洁。根据来信写回信时,要求仔细阅读来信内容,如实回答来信中所提问题及相关信息,决不可答非所问。4结束语常写写信人对收信人的祝愿等。5签名在结束语的下一行。 亮点句式 1信件开头常用句式(1)写信给他人 Im writing to tell you about the discussion we had yesterday.我写信告诉你有关昨天我们进行的讨论。 Im writing to ask if you can come next week.我写信问一下你下星期是否能来。第 1页(2)回信给他人

3、 Your e- mail came to methis morning.我今天早晨收到了你的邮件。 I have received your letterof July 20th.我已经收到了你 7 月 20 日的来信。2信件结尾常用句式 Pleaseremember me toyour whole family.请代我向你全家问好。Looking forward to your next visit to China.期待你再次造访中国。 Expecting to hear fromyou as soon as possible.期待尽快收到你的来信。 With best regards

4、toyour family.向你全家问好。满分佳作构建 写作任务 假如你是 Linda,你和妈妈已做好去新西兰旅游的安排,请你给你的爸爸写封电子邮件,告诉他具体内容。1去新西兰旅游,以前没去过那里;2新西兰景色优美,阳光明媚;3步行穿越灌木丛,然后到海边;4坐船享受海边风光,品尝传统的毛利美食;5时间定在 10 月 1 7 日。费用约每人 3 000 元。 审题谋篇 体裁电子邮件时态一般将来时,将来进行时主题旅游及景点介绍人称第一人称第一段:选地点、道原因、定行程。结构第二段:择日期、算费用、谈希望。 遣词造句 .对接单元词汇第 2页1go on holiday去度假2beautiful sc

5、enery 景 美3plenty of sunshine阳光明媚4through穿越5enjoy享受6taste品 7set a date确定日期8spend.on.花 .巧用 元句式、 法(一 )完成句子1我已 看了好几 我 可以去度假的地方。(where 引 定 从句 )Ive looked at several places where we can go on holiday2 次旅行 划去新西 ,因 我 之前从未去 那儿。(because 引 原因状 从句 )The travel is scheduled to go to New Zealand because none of us

6、 has ever been there before.3据 新西 是一个 景 美、阳光明媚的国家。(sth.be said to be)New Zealand is said to be a country with beautiful scenery and plenty of sunshine.4我 可以步行穿越灌木 ,沿着沙 散步,坐船享受海上 光。 (and 连接并列 )We can walk through the bush,walk along the beach and enjoy the pleasant seascenery on a boat5我想旅程 用大 每人 3 0

7、00 元。 (that 从句 )I think that we each spend about ,3000 yuan altogether on the trip.6 次旅行令人 , 也正是我和 所期待的。(and 接的并列句 )This trip is exciting and its just like what I and mum expect(二 )句式升 1用 it is said that.句型改写句 3It is said that New Zealand is a country with beautiful scenery and plenty of第 3页sunshine

8、.2用现在分词作伴随状语改写句4We can walk through the bush,and walk along the beach,enjoying the pleasant sea scenery on a boat.3用 so.that.句型改写句 6This trip is so exciting that it is just like what I and mum expect! 妙笔成篇 【参考范文】Dear Dad,Ive looked at several places where we can go on holiday.The travel is scheduled

9、 to go to New Zealand because none of us has ever been there before.It is said that New Zealand is a country with beautiful scenery and plenty of sunshine.We can walk through the bush, and walk along the beach, enjoying the pleasant sea scenery on a boat.Also we can taste a traditional Maori dinner.Mum and I have set the date in October,between the 1st and the 7th.I think we each spend about 3, 000 yuan altogether on the trip.This trip is so exciting that it is just like what I and mum expect!Bye for now.Love,Linda第 4页


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