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1、Section Writing 辩论报告写作技法指导 文体指导 辩论报告属于应用文文体之一, 同时又具有议论文的特点, 是对某个话题的辩论。一、基本结构辩论报告一般分为三部分:1开头 开门见山,说明辩论的主题、参与者等信息。2主体 列举正反两方面的观点、见解或主张,并给出论据。3结尾 得出结论或给出自己的观点。二、语言特征1文章短小精悍,语言精练,准确易懂;2时态常用一般现在时。亮点句式 1开头常用语Recently we have had a discussion/debate.Some people are in favor of.Other people are against.Ther

2、e are different opinions among people as to.Different people have/hold different views/opinions on this problem.2正方观点Some people hold the opinion that.Some are for/in favour of the idea that.They think that.People who are for the idea think that.3反方观点Some of them hold a different view/hold the oppos

3、ite opinion.Some people argue that.People who are against the idea think that.4个人观点In my opinion/ From my point of view ,.第 1页As far as I am concerned,.As for me, I agree with the former/the latter. 分佳作构建 写作任 最近你市 了一 唐代文化 址。是否 当开 ?人 展开了激烈的 。 你就此写一篇100 左右的 告,并 表自己的看法。 成开 开 利用以吸引更多的游客来旅游 光。反 开 保持原 ,妥善

4、保 ,以免遭人 破坏。你的 点参考 :开 : explore;旅游 : tourism注意事 :1不可逐条翻 ;2可适当增加 ;3 写要流利、 范;4文章开 已 出,不 入 数。Recently,citizens in our city have had/held a heated debate on whether we should explore the cultural relic,which was discovered in our city._ 篇 体裁 告时态以一般 在 主主 文化 迹开 人称以第三人称 主第一段: 明 的主 构第二段: 成开 和反 开 的 点第三段:自己的 点

5、遣 造句 第 2页. 接 元词汇1rare adj.稀罕的;稀有的2valuable adj. 重的;有价 的3in_search_of 找4think _highly _of看重;高度 价5cultural_relic文化 迹6be_worth_doing 得做. 巧用 元句式、 法(一 ) 完成句子1有些人 个主意 价很高。Some people think_highly _of the idea.2他 个文化 迹 得开 。They think the cultural relic is_worth_exploring3开 将会使人 更多地了解我国 大的 史。Exploring will

6、make people learn_more_about the great history of our country.4更重要的是, 个珍 的文化 迹可以吸引更多的游客到我 的城市。 What s more,this_valuable_cultural_relic can attract more visitors to our city.5 会提升我市的旅游 。This will improve _the_tourism of our city .6文化 迹不能遭到人 的破坏。The cultural relic cannot_be_destroyed by people.7在我看来,

7、我 和 家 , 找更好的方法来更好地利用 一稀有的文化 址。As far as I am concerned , we should talk with the experts in_search_of_a_better_way to make_good_use_of_this_rare_cultural_relic (二 ) 句式升 8用非限制性定 从句合并句子2、3They_think _the_cultural_relic_is_worth_exploring,which_will _make_people_learn_more_about_the_great_history_of _o

8、ur_country.9用非限制性定 从句合并句子4、5What s_more,this_valuable_cultural_relic_can_attract_more_visitors _to_our_city,which_will _improve_our_tourism.第 3页10用 only in this way 开头的倒装句改写句6Only_in_this_way_can_it _not_be_destroyed_by_people.妙笔成篇 _【参考范文】Recently,citizens_in_our_city_have_had/held_a_heated_debate_o

9、n_whether_we_should_explore_the_cultural_relic , which_was_discovered_in_our_city . Differentpeople havedifferent opinions.Some people think highly of the idea. They think the cultural relic is worthexploring , which will make people learn more about the great history of our country. What s more,thi

10、s valuable cultural relic can attract more visitors to our city, which will improve our tourism . However,others hold an opposite opinion,thinking that we should keep it as it is and protect it properly . Only in this way can it not be destroyed by people.As far as I am concerned, we should talk with the experts in search of a better way to make good use of this rare cultural relic.第 4页


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