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1、The Simple Past Tense (一般过去时),Whats the Simple Past Tense?,一般过去时是表示过去某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态,Simple past tense. (一般过去时),1. 主要表示过去时间存在的状态,am / is / are,was / were,e.g. I am happy every day.,was,I happy yesterday.,Home,Things are different from yesterday.,Year by year, day by day, time passes by quickly. How

2、time flies! Things are different even from yesterday.,I was a student nine years ago.,was,now I am a teacher.,am,Yesterday the room was messy.,It is clean and tidy today.,was,is,You were a baby then. Now you are a student.,are,were,the general past tense 1,表示过去时间存在的状态 主+ was/were + 形容词/名词/其他词(不包括动词)

3、,There was a wasteland in 2002,Now there is a park.,There were no trees on the land, now there are many trees.,was were,is are,Rays sister,Yesterday, Rays sister fine. She sick.,Today, she sick. She fine. s,was,wasnt,is,isnt,Rays friends,Rays friends happy Yesterday? No, they .,they happy today? Yes

4、 they . s,Were,werent,Are,are,The short form,wasnt = was not werent = were not,Lets look at our classroom.It is different from last Friday.Please say about it.,The book shelf,now,last Friday,The blackboard,now,last Friday,The floor,today,last Friday,The door,today,last Friday,按所给出的时间改写句子: 1. I am a

5、new student. (four years ago) 2. She is a beautiful girl. (at that time) 3. You are good at English. (in 2010) 4. We are happy to go outing every Sunday. (when I was five),was,was,were,were,选择正确的单词填空:am, is, are, was, were.,Yesterday it _ Wednesday. Today it _ Thursday. Tomorrow it _ going to be Fri

6、day.,2. The kitchen _ messy yesterday. I _ cleaning the kitchen now. Now it _ clean again.,was,is,is,was,am,is,3. Tim _a naughty boy, but now he_ very polite and helpful. Look he _ helping a young student. He _ going to be in Grade 6 next year.,4. There _ many pencils in my bag. But there _ only one

7、 pencil now. Where _ they?,was,is,is,is,were,is,are,Be动词用法歌,我用am你用are,is用于单数他她它, 凡是复数都用are。,现在时, am, is, are,过去时, was和were,Be动词后接形名他。,Its time to have a rest. Now lets watch a video about the general past tense.,点此链接,Simple past tense. (一般过去时),2. 表示过去发生的动作,行为动词,过去式 (一般在词尾加ed),e.g. I finish my homewo

8、rk every day.,finished,I my homework yesterday.,Home,主语 + 动词过去式 +其他,now, every day,yesterday, last year,行为动词过去式的构成方式 1.直、去、双、改四字诀:,Regular verb (规则动词),(1) 直接在词尾加 ed,(2) 以 不发音的e 结尾,去e加 ed (直接加-ed),(3)重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有 一个辅音字母,双写这个辅 音字母,再加 ed,(4)以辅音字母加 y 结尾,将 y 改 i , 再加 ed,2. 不规则变化要硬记,规则动词:规则动词过去式的构成有四条规则:,

9、1. 一般在动词原形末尾直接加上-ed,rain rained callcalled listenlistened finishfinished cleancleaned wantwanted playplayed waterwatered paint-painted jumpjumped visitvisited learnlearned shoutshouted staystayed watchwatched talktalked,2. 在不发音的字母e结尾的动词,直接加-d,diedied joke-joked dance-danced closeclosed livelived,4.

10、末尾是辅音字母+y结尾的动词,先变y为i,然后再加-ed。,studystudied trytried cry cried,3. 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节,先双写这个辅音字母,再加-ed。,stopstopped wrap-wrapped skipskipped,不规则动词:,is(am) was arewere have(has) had do(does)did getgot give gave feelfelt drinkdrank come came go went smellsmelt sweepswept wearwore readread putput telltold,d

11、rawdrew grow grew throwthrew fly flew eatate forgetforgot make made take took catchcaught buy bought ride rode swim swam run ran see saw,carry _ study _ work _ ask _ stop _ shop _ live _ visit _ need _ are _ do _ take _ see _ go _ make _ come _ grow _ fall _,Turn the following verbs into past form v

12、erbs,carried,studied,worked,asked,stopped,shopped,lived,visited,needed,were,did,took,saw,went,made,came,grew,fell,行为动词过去式 的读音,1. 三大原则,(1)清清:以清辅音结尾的动词 加-ed后,也读轻辅音 /t/;,(2)浊/元浊: 以浊辅音结尾的动词 加-ed后,读作浊辅音/d/;,(3)t/d后面读/id/:以t, d结尾的动词 加 ed后,读/id/。,2. 不规则变化按读音规则拼读。,regular verbs: 规则动词,watch watched dance dan

13、ced practice practiced play played clean cleaned stay stayed study studied visit visited,irregular verbs: 不规则动词,do did,go went,have had,比一比,看谁读的准,/t/,/d/,/id/,Home,hold the World Expo , in 2010,China held the World Expo in 2010.,Do you know?,have a daughter , in May,Yao Ming had a daughter in May.,D

14、o you know?,die , on June 25,Michael Jackson died on June 25.,Do you know?,I get up at 6:30 in the morning, then I wash my face and have breakfast. At 7:00 I go to school. Classes begin at 8:30. There are four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon. After school my classmates and I have som

15、e sports, and we play games, too. In the evening I do some reading . At about nine oclock I go to bed. I really have a happy day.,Write about the story of my Saturday, using the past tense.,1. The clouds _ (change) into red yesterday afternoon. 2. Tim _ (shout) at his mother yesterday. 3. Lily and T

16、om _ (stay) in Wuhan last year. 4. We _ (be) good friends when we were five. 5.I _ (get) an email from Peter this morning. 6.This morning, Peter _ (visit) me. 7. Just now I _ (surf )the Internet .,changed,shouted,stayed,were,got,visited,surfed,Fill the blanks with the proper forms of the verb.,按要求改写

17、句子.,1. the past tense 肯定句: 主 + 动词过去式 + We surfed the Internet yesterday evening. 否定句: 主 + didnt + 动词原形 + we didnt surf the Internet yesterday evening. 一般疑问句: Did +主+ 动词原形 + ? Did you surf the Internet yesterday evening ? Yes, we did. / No, we didnt.,2. You should finish your homework first everyday.

18、,summary,一.一般现在时 1.I _(get) up at 6 every day. 2.He_ (not like) apples. 3._(be)there any meat on the plate? 4._you _(have) a computer? 5._he _(like) fishing? 6.What_(be) your hobby?,get up,doesnt like,Is,Do,have,Does,like,is,二.一般过去时 1.I _(get) up at 5 yesterday. 2.He _(be) at home yesterday. 3.Yeste

19、rday it_(rain). I_(not go) out and play. I _(feel) very sad I _(stay) inside all day. 4._you_(water) the flowers yesterday? 5.What_he _(do) yesterday evening?,got,was,rained,didnt go,felt,stayed,Did,water,did,do,三.一般将来时 1.I _(write) you a letter next week. 2.What_I _(do)? 3.There_/_(be) a sports mee

20、t soon. 4.We_(go) there by bus next Monday morning. 5.They _(fly) to Wuhan tomorrow. 6.Uncle Wang_(come) to supper this evening .,shall write,shall,do,is going to be,will be,shall go,will fly,will come,四.现在进行时 1.Listen! The baby _(cry) 2.The students _(listen) to the teacher. 3.Dont speak loudly. The baby_ (sleep). 4.Look.The girls_(dance) under the tree. 5.Whats your mother doing now? She_ _(cook) in the kitchen. 6._your brother_(watch) TV now?,is crying,are listening,is sleeping,are dancing,is,cooking,Is,watching,


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