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1、Section Writing 人物传记写作技法指导 文体指导 写人物传记, 主要是对其生平、 主要事迹和贡献进行介绍, 使读者对他们有一个更为清晰和全面的了解。1人物传记的一般结构(1)介绍人物的出生时间、地点。(2)介绍人物的主要经历、事迹或成就等。(3)介绍人物的主要贡献或者地位。(4)最后对人物作一定的评价。2人物传记的写作顺序传记多采用时间顺序来组织材料, 写作前可以根据获得的材料列一个简单的写作提纲,将值得写的内容列出来,然后进行筛选。3人物传记的常用时态介绍人物的生平事迹和成就等主要以一般过去时为主,对人物的评价常用一般现在时。 亮点句式 1She took an active

2、part in social activities.她积极参与社会活动。2She showed great interest in drawing, making up her mind to be a painter.她对绘画很感兴趣,决心成为一名画家。3It was in 2019 that he began to work as a doctor.正是在 2019 年他开始从事医生职业。4He fell in love with science anddevoted himself toit.他迷上了科学并且致力于它。5He lived a hard life before he bec

3、ame a great success.在他获得成功之前,生活比较清苦。6She finished middle school in 1965, after which she went to university.她在 1965 年中学毕业,然后上了大学。第 1页7The most important thing is that he is warm-hearted.最重要的事是他有一颗热心肠。8So strongminded- was he thathe could keep up until he succeeded.他意志很坚强,他会继续做下去直到成功。满分佳作构建 写作任务 请你就下

4、表所提供的信息用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍德国著名作曲家巴赫。姓名Johann Sebastian Bach生卒年代168517501.生于德国埃森纳赫市 (Eisenach)的一个音乐世家。 9 岁丧母,10 岁丧父。生平2.少年时期靠奖学金上学,1702 年毕业, 1703 年成为一名小提琴手,此后创作了许多曲子。3.晚年双目失明仍坚持创作。1750 年在莱比锡 (Leipzig) 去世。评价伟大的作曲家,西方文化史上最重要的人物之一。注意: 1.词数 100 左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 审题谋篇 体裁人物传记类记叙文时态一般过去时主题德国著名作曲家巴赫的生平人称第三人称结构第一

5、段:有关巴赫的基本信息和主要生平经历。第二段:对他的评价。 遣词造句 .对接单元词汇1musical音乐的2scholarship奖学金3violinist小提琴家4compose作(诗、曲 )5lose ones sight失明6create创作第 2页7works作品8composer作曲家9discourage sb.from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事10 keep on doing sth. 做某事11in the history of.在 史上.巧用 元句式、 法(一 )完成句子1九 ,他失去了母 ,第二年他的父 去世了。(and 接并列句 )At the age of

6、nine, he lost his mother,and the next year his father died2小 候,他靠 学金上学, 1702 年 。 (when 引 状 从句 ) When he was young,he went to school on a scholarship and graduated in 1702. 3不幸的是,晚年他双目失明。 (it 作形式主 )It was unfortunate that he lost his sight completely in his later life.4然而,他仍 持 作了很多作品。However,he still

7、 kept on creating many works(二 )句式升 1用状 从句的省略形式改写句2When young,he went to school on a scholarship and graduated in 1702.2用 unfortunately 一 改写句 3Unfortunately, he lost his sight completely in his later life. 妙笔成篇 【参考范文】Johann Sebastian Bach was born into a musical family in 1685 in Eisenach, Germany.B

8、ach had an unhappy childhood.At the age of nine,he lost his mother,and the next year his father died.When young,he went to school on a scholarship and graduated in 1702.And then in 1703,he became a violinist.And from then on,he composed a lot of works.Unfortunately,he lost his sight completely in his later life.However ,this didnt discourage him from working on music,and he still kept on creating many works.Bach died in Leipzig in 1750.As a great composer,Bach is one of the most important people in the history of第 3页western culture.第 4页


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