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1、Section Writing 剧本写作写作技法指导 文体指导 本单元的写作任务是戏剧剧本创作。 戏剧剧本属于记叙文。 在写作形式上以对话为主。应主要包括戏剧人物、人物的语言、舞台说明性文字等。一、基本结构1人物说明 写明主要出场人物。2人物对话 写出主要人物的对话。3舞台说明 写出一些舞台说明性文字,动作要符合人物的性格特征。亮点句式 1Can you show me a suit, please?你能给我拿一套西装吗?2Well, I will take it. 嗯,我要了。3I suppose a gentleman like you only carries very large bi

2、lls.我想像你这样的绅士只带大把钞票。4Its no trouble at all.一点也不麻烦。5Well, I wonder if you could permit me to have one day off嗯.,不知你能否允许我请一天假。满分佳作构建 写作任务 根据下面提示, 写一篇 100 词左右的戏剧, 介绍亨利带着 100 万英镑的支票去理发的过程。亨利正走在大街上, 看见了一家理发店, 决定去理他的长头发; 理发师用粗鲁的态度接待了他;亨利坐在椅子上等待;理发师问他是否付得起理发的费用;理发结束后, 亨利出示了百万英镑的支票;理发师十分吃惊, 并告诉他可随时光临。审题谋篇 体

3、裁戏剧话题百万英镑的其中一个微情景第 1页 一般 在 人称第三人称首段:旁白 构中段:理 Henry 粗 的 度尾段:理 Henry 的 度的 遣 造句 . 接 元词汇1be doing.when.正在做就在 2a sign for.的 志3whenever you like无 何 你喜 4It is ones honour to do.做是某人的荣幸5have ones hair cut理 6in a rude manner以一种粗 的 度7indeed确 ; 在8afford支付得起9change零 ;零 .巧用 元 法、句型(一 )完成句子1亨利正在大街上行走。Henry is walk

4、ing down the street.2他看到一个理 的 志。He sees a sign for a place that cuts hair.3无 什么 候,只要您想来就来。Please come here whenever you like4您 有很少的 要理!You only have too little hair cut!5 您服 是我的荣幸!It will be my honour to serve you!(二 )句式升 6用 be doing.when. 接句 1、2Henry is walking down the street when he sees a sign f

5、or a place that cuts hair.第 2页7用 even if 连接句 3、 4Please come here whenever you like,even if you only have too little hair cut!妙笔成篇 【参考范文】(Henry is walking down the street when he seesa sign for a place that cuts hair .He decidesto have it cut.)HHenryB BarberH:Good afternoon, Id like to have my hair

6、cut ,if I may.(The barber looks atHenrys hair and continues cutting another mans hair .)Er,Id really like a haircut.As you can see its much too long.B:(in a rude manner) Yes, I can see that.Indeed, I can.H:Fine, well , Ill have a seat then.(He sits in oneof the barbers chairs.The barber turns to loo

7、k at Henry.) B: Its quite expensive here, you know! Are you sure you can afford it? H:Yes.I think so.(After his hair is cut, the barber tells Henry how much he must pay.Henry shows the barber the bank note.)B:Why Mr.( looks shocked)H:Adams.Henry Adams.Im sorry. I dont have any change.B:Please dont worry! (wearing a big smile) Nothing to worry about! Nothing at all!Please come here whenever you like,even if you only have too little hair cut! It will be my honour to serve you!第 3页


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