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1、小学三年级语文上册第五单元自测题班别:姓名:成绩:小朋友们,今天要带你们一起走进知识的殿堂,去收获知识吧!书写要工整,有3 分卷面分哦!一、细细拼,认真写。别忘了选两个自己喜欢的词语来造句啊!(14 分)dng h u y zhu m o sh ngbo gu fng ch n p pxing w i hng gu n mnzrnbn li b x二、它们的样子好相似,组词时可要注意呀! (8 分)肢()没()拦()竖()枝()设()栏()坚()三、你要填的可是反义词,填完认真读一读。(6分)()口()声()()倒置左()右()舍()求()()()相间积()成()四、请用最美的词语来形容哦!

2、(9 分)()的雷声()的雨露()的大地()的江河()的图案()的气候()的石桥()的遗产()的花草树木五、句子被打落了,赶快给它们排排队吧! (6 分)()然后把色拉酱倒进盘子,用汤勺拌匀。()首先,我把苹果和香蕉去皮,切成一小块一小块。第 1页() 妈妈回到家,直夸我能干。()再把西红柿切成小小的薄片。()星期天中午,我在家里做水果色拉。()一盘美味的水果色拉做好了。六、这个单元学了好多有趣的课文,考考你学得如何?接受挑战吧!(15 分)1、孔子是我国古代伟大的家和家,一起来听听他的名言 .三人行 ,必有我师焉 .你还能写一句吗?2、 赵州桥又叫,是隋朝的石匠设计和参加建造的。大桥洞顶上左

3、右两边,各有两个,这种设计在建桥史上是一个。3、栏板上雕刻着的图案:有的刻着,嘴里吐出美丽的水花;有的刻着两条飞龙,前爪,各自;还有的刻着。4、的东西,缓缓上升,变成了天;的东西,慢慢下降,变成了地。七、认真读一读下面短文,再仔细回答下面的问题。(14 分)1975 年 8 月的一天,朱德同志到青岛市工艺美术厂视察。工人们为了表达对老一辈无产阶级革命家的爱戴之情,把朱德同志最爱看的那幅三峡夕行的贝雕画,精心包装起来,趁他去参观的工夫,放到了轿车上。第 2页回到住地,朱德同志 到 幅画, 明了原因,就 康克清把画送回去。康大姐奉命 着画到了工厂, 切地解 :“工厂同志 的心意,朱德同志放下了,但

4、 幅画要退 你 。朱德同志 我 告大家:第一条,党中央有 定,不准收送礼物。第二条,咱 国家正在建 , 当拿去 外 ”康克清同志走后工 美 厂 人 志 捧着 幅画来到工厂中 激 地 同志 朱委 把 幅画送回来啦“ 要送回来?”工人 都惊异地 。“朱委 咱 拿去 外 !”多么好的朱德同志啊!每当在 雕工作室看到三峡夕行 幅画,就想起朱德同志等老一 无 革命的崇高品德。1、本文共有()个自然段。(1 分)2、写出下列 的近 。 (2 分) 切()惊异() 戴()3、在第 4 自然段加上 点符号。(3 分)4、朱德同志送回画的原因的什么?(3 分)5、工人送画 朱德同志,是 了表达;每当在 雕工作室

5、看到 三峡夕行 幅画,就想起。(2+2 )十 . 个 元我 知道中国的 日有:春 、中秋、端午通 看 和上网,你 我国的 日一定又有了新的了解。你最喜 哪个 日?你是怎么度 的呢 ? 写写你“快 的 ”吧!要求:内容具体, 句通 ,感情真 。 (25 分)第 3页小朋友们,恭喜你答题结束了,但要取得好成绩,还要多检查几遍呀,赶紧开始吧!(翰香小学供稿)Class:Name:()1. Good morning!A.Morning !B.Hello !C.Hi !()2. Nice to see you again !.A.How are you ?B.Nice to see you , too

6、.C.How do you do ?()3.Good night,mom !A.Night !B.Good night !C.Good evening .()4.How do you do ?A.How are you ?B.Fine,thanks .C.How do you do ?()5.How many story books do you have ?A.I have 10.B.I can see 10.C.Thirty yuan.()6.Do you have new teachers?A.Yes,we do .B.Yes,we don t.C.Yes,we have .()7.Wh

7、o s your art teacher ?A.Mr Zhu.B.Miss Zhu.C.He s tall.()8.What s he like?A.He s tall and strong .B.Yes,he is.C.Mr Zhu.()9.Is your English teacher young?A.No,she isn t.B.Yes,she is .C.No,she is.()10.?Her name is Chen Jie.第 4页A.What s your name ?B.What s she name ?C.What s her name ?()11.? I like Chin

8、ese,math and English.A.What classes do you like?B.What do you like?C.What are you like ?()12.? We have English and P.E.A.What do you have on Mondays ?B.What do you have ?C.What do you have on Monday?()13.? Its Monday.A.What is it today ? B.What day is it today ?C.What day is today ?()14.? I watch TV

9、 and do my homework.A.What do you do ?B.What do you do in Mondays?C.What do you do on Sundays ?()15.May I have a look ?A.Sure.Here you are .B.Look !C.Here you are .()16.Our math teacher isCanada.A.fromB.inC.at()17.Ithree new teachers.A.hasB.amC.have()18.What sChinese teacher like ?A.youB.yourC.you r

10、e()19.My P.E.teacher isthin.A.tooB.soC.very()20.There aredays in a week.A.sixB.sevenC.eight()21.There aremonth( 月 )in a year(年 ).A.tenB.elevenC.twelve第 5页()22.I often watch TVSaturday .A.onB.inC.at()23.I like P.E.I don t lime music.A.butB.andC.so()24.This isapple.It isred apple.A.a , aB.an,anC.an, a

11、()25.Whatdo you like ?A.classesB.classC.class s六年级英语测试题Class:Name:()1. How are you ?A.Fine,thanks.B.Yes,it is.C.How are you ?()2. Nice to meet you !A.Fine,thank you.B.OK.C.Nice to meet you ,too !()3. How do you go to school ?A.I go to Canada by plane. B.I go to school by bike.C.What about you ?()4.

12、How do you go to the USA ?A.I usually go to school by bus. B.I go to England by ship.C.I go by plane.()5.?My home is near the post office.A. Where is your home ? B.OK.C.See you then!()6. See you at 2 o clock.A.See you then !B.The fifth floor.C.It s easy.()7.?You can go by the No.15 bus.A.It s not fa

13、r.B. How can I get to Zhongshan Park ?C.Sure.()8. Where is the hospital?第 6页A.Next to the cinema.B.Thank you .C.You re welcome.()9. Excuse me ,is there a cinema near here ?A.Yes,there is .B.No,it s not far.()10.?A.Yes,there is .B.No,it s not far.()11.A. Where is the cinema ,please ?B.Is it far ?()12

14、. How can I get to the hospital ?C.It s near the post office.? It s near the post office. C. Where is the library? It s next to the hospital. C.Go straight.A.It s next to the hospital.B.You can go by the No.201 bus. C.Thank you.()13.Thank you .A.Thank you .B.OK.C.You re welcome.()14. How can I get t

15、o the museum?A.Go straight.Then turn left.B.Thank you .C.It s east of the cinema .()15. Where is the post office ?A.Go straight.Then turn left.B.Thank you .C.It s east of the cinema .()16. What are you going to do this evening ?A.I m going to the cinema .B.I go to school on foot.C.Yes,it is.()17. Is

16、 it far ?A.No,it is .B.Yes , it is .C.Yes,it isnt.()18.do you go to school ?A.WhatB.WhereC.How()19. I go to schoolbike.A.onB. byC.get()20. Can I gofoot ?A.byB.atC.on第 7页()21.How can Ito the post office ?A.nearB. getC.for()22.me.A. ExcuseB. HowC.next()23.birthday to you !A. AfterB.HappyC.First()24. T

17、he hospital isthe left.A. atB.inC.on()25.is the bookstore ?A.WhereB.HowC.When四年级英语测试题Class:Name:()1.Good afternoon !A.Hello!B.Hi !C.Afternoon !()2.Nice to see you again !A.How are you ?B.Hello !C.Nice to see you , too.()3.Good night,moom !A.Good evening !B.Good night !C.Night !()4.How are you ?A.Fin

18、e,thank you .B.I am 10.C.Nine .()5.How do you do ?A.Fine ,Thank you .B.How are you ?C.How do you do ?()6.How old are you ?A.How are you ?B.I am 11.C.I have 11.()7.? I have 23.A.How many books do you have ?B.How many books can you see?C.How many book do you have ?()8.? I can see 6.A.How many lights d

19、o you have ?B.How many lights can you see ?C.How many light can you see ?()9.May I have a look ?A.Sure.Here you are .B.Look!C.Sure.Here are you .()10.? 50 yuan.A.How much is this schoolbag ? B.How many is this schoolbag ?C.How much are this schoolbag ?()11.Where s my seat ?A.It s near the door.B.It

20、s on the door. C.It s under the door.第 8页()12.Let s clean the desks and chairs.A.All right !B.Hello !C.It s nice .()13.What s this ?A.There is a board .B.It s a bee.C.It s bee.()14.? My name is Mike.A.Here are you ?B.What s your name ?C.How do you do ?()15.Who s the inventor of paper ?A.Chinese peop

21、le.B.Oh! Great !C.Hello!()16.Ia student. Youa teacher.A.am ,amB.are, areC.am, are()17.Thisa boy.His nameZhang Peng.A.is, isB.am, isC.is ,are()18.Letclean the fish bowl.A.IB. meC.my()19.This isapple.It isred apple .A.an ,anB.a,aC.an,a()20.Wea new classroom.A.areB.haveC.has()21.Therea bee in our class

22、room.A. isB.areC.am()22.have a new schoolbag.schoolbag is heavy.A.I , myB.I ,MyC.My , I()23.Put your English bookyour head.A.atB.inC.on()24.Theremany books in the desk.A.amB.isC.are()25.How manydo you have ?A.pencilB.pencilsC.pencils.三年级英语测试题Class:Name:()1.当向别人打招呼时,应该说:A.Hello.B.Good morning .()2.Ho

23、w are you ?的正确答语是:A.nameB.I m fine,thank you .()3.当想知道别人的名字时,应该说:A.What s your name ?B.See you.()4.字母 K 的小写是:A.kB.()5.Nice to meet you的意思是 :A. 见到你很高兴。B.你好吗?()6.向别人告别时,应该说:A.Good bye!B.Hi.()7.Jenny is aA.boyB.girl()8.Li Ming is aA.boyB.girl()9.Jenny lives in第 9页A.Canada.B.China.()10.字母 P 的大写是:A.PB.q()11.当向别人说谢谢时,应该说:A.Nice to meet you .B.See you later.()12.早上好的正确答语是:A.Good morning .B.See you later.()13.What s this ? It s aA.deskB.book()14.This is aA.teacherB.Danny()15.This is a boy.What sname ?A.hisB.her第 10 页


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