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1、集控室、电子间盘柜电缆接线 质量控制工序卡TERMINATION FOR CCR AND EER QUALITY CONTROL PROCESS CARD序号NO操作要领与方法Operation main points质量标准或要求Quality standard控制点Control point控制点计 划Control point plan控制点负责人superintendentWHRS01控制电缆在接线之前,具体负责的技术人员一定要对图纸进行仔细的审核,审核工作内容包括:相关的控制原理图、厂家资料和接线施工图。Before termination, technician should ch

2、eck the drawing carefully, include schematic diagram,producer data and termination drawing通过认真审核图纸来确保接线图纸的正确性。Make sure the drawing is correct. W02准备好接线图纸,负责接线的技术人员对接线人员进行详细的安全、技术交底,并培训考试合格,做好全程交底培训记录。Prepare termination drawing, technician should tell the workers safety, technical disclosure, and t

3、hey should pass the exam. Make a record.交底不清、考试不合格,严禁上岗。You can not work if technical disclosure is not clearly or you fail exam.W03人员分工,实施“专人、专柜、挂牌”接线法,接线人员备好所需的施工工具及劳动防护用品。Divide the work by “specially-assigned person, specially-assigned panel, sign”, termination person should prepare tools and sa

4、fety equip.专人:受过培训,且考试合格的某位施工人员;专柜:指定的某盘、某台或某柜;挂牌:专为跟踪、控制接线工艺质量而设计的接线标识牌。specially-assigned person: constructor who pass by training and exam.specially-assigned panel: specified panel, stage or cabinet.Sign: a sign for termination quality control.W04电缆接线前在盘柜的门背后右上方贴上接线工艺卡,在工艺卡上用黑色记号笔填写:接线图纸审核人的姓名和联系

5、电话,接线人的姓名、班组、联系电话以及接线人所接的电缆编号,做到接线图纸审核和接线施工责任落实到具体的人,并具有可追溯性。Before termination, paste a operation card on the panel, the card should be wrote on the name and phone number who checked the drawing, the termination staffs name, phone number, and all the cable tag. Make sure specific person that in cha

6、rge termination work.对接线图纸的正确性、接线施工的正确率和工艺必须制定奖惩措施来控制。We control the drawing correction, termination correction and quality by reward and punishmentW05接线人员首先根据接线图纸查找核对电缆数量、规格型号、编号。电缆核对不清时,做好记录,并及时向技术人员汇报进行查对。Termination person first check cable quantity, type, tag. If not clearly, make a record and

7、report to technician timely.电缆未核对好时,严禁整理电缆。You cant banding cable before check one by one.R06电缆核对无误后,根据盘内端子排位置和电缆在主桥架上的位置进行电缆排列、整理。电缆整理时,需与周围盘柜接线人员协商好,避免电缆在主通道上交叉。Arrange the cable according to the terminal location and the cable location in the cable tray. consult with other person avoid cable and

8、cable crossing.电缆标识要清晰完整,不得与其它电缆混淆。Cable should be marked clearly and intact, dont mix up with other cable.H071. 电缆整理时,首先由主桥架最上一层开始向分桥架上引出,待上一层整理完毕,再逐层整理;Cable arrangement, the first by the main frame the first layer began to points on the bridge derivations, for one layer after finishing, then up s

9、tep by step;2. 使用塑料扎带绑扎时,每两根电缆用一根扎带,最多一根扎带绑扎三根电缆。使用绑线时,要整齐一致,松紧适度;Cable dressing with plastic tie,one tie for two cable ,one tie at most for three cables, when ,when using cable string should be neat;3. 带有钢带的电缆,要在分支架上统一的位置剥除钢带,并用自粘带缠绕35圈,钢带要处理光滑、整齐。Cable with steel string should be opened and cut at

10、 branch cable tray, using self-adhesion 35loops,steel string should be rubbed smoothly1. 电缆夹层的电缆整理时一律从主桥架下方引出,电缆严禁交叉凸起,电缆排列整齐、弧度一致、美观。Mezzanine cable arrangement are the main frame when from beneath the derivation, it is strictly prohibited to cable cross convex, cable in order, radian consistent, b

11、eautiful.2. 电缆绑扎固定间距每隔一道横撑绑扎一道。Cable dressing fixed gap should use string every same distance.3.严禁使用破损的绑线和扎带。Strictly prohibit using damaged tie and stringW08当盘内电缆较多时,电缆固定可采用分层方式,第一层固定在柜体支架上,下一层固定在第一层的电缆上,以此类推。when there are too much cable in the panel , cable fixed can adopt hierarchical way, the f

12、irst layer fixed in the cabinets support, a layer of fixed on the first floor of the cables, by parity of reasoning要求接近端子的电缆布置在内侧,接较远端子的电缆布置在外侧Requirements of the cable decorate in close to terminal inside, by far the cable on the terminal layoutW09电缆整理到盘底座下,根据接线端子位置,再分批分区进行整理。同一类型的盘绑扎位置及方式必须一致。如发现有

13、问题时,及时向技术人员汇报。接线人员不得随意确定整理方式。Cable dressing under the base, according to the terminal blocks position, and partial partition for finishing. The same type of plate assembling position and way shall be consistent. If have problems, termination workers should report to engineer termination workers shal

14、l not be arbitrarily determined to change the way.严格按照制定好的整理方式施工。 Strictly according to make good the order way constructionW10盘柜(台)的电缆在制作终端头前一定要将电缆完全整理后加以固定,方可制作电缆头。Cables terminal head fabricated will be fixed after dressing cable completly, can make cable head.电缆头以上线芯完全散开、拉直,注意不要损伤线芯和屏蔽线(层)。Cable

15、 heads above wire core completely away, pull straight, be careful not to damage wire core and shielding wireH111. 电缆皮剥除时,应剥一根整理一根,不得同时将多个电缆标牌解下,以免混淆。Open cable should one by one that dont must not at the same time to open cable sign for avoiding mix up2. 电缆剥皮位置由技术人员现场统一规定,接线人员不得随意确定。Cable opened loc

16、ation should be told by engineer. electricians dont open cable by themselves without engineer agreed.3. 电缆剥皮时,施工人员应仔细谨慎,用力适当,不得伤及芯线绝缘层。Cable is opened carefully without hurting core4. 电缆皮剥除完后,要进行修理,使其高度一致,再将电缆芯线散开,逐根拉直,用力要适当,以免拉断芯线。The cable skin after opening to adjust , make its height consistent,

17、 by root made straight, and the strength should be proper, in order to avoid the damage core wires5. 电缆做头时,先将塑料带对折,然后在电缆根部顺时针绕至与电缆同径,微呈喇叭状,再用塑料粘胶带缠绕1圈,然后用与电缆粗细配套的黑色热缩管缩紧。A cable, first the plastic with folded in half, and then in the cable clockwise around to the root and cable with diameter, micro

18、is bell shape, then use plastic adhesive tape winding 1 lap, and then use the form a complete set with the cable degree black heat shrinkable tube tighten.6. 电缆头制作完,逐个将其固定,然后用线绳把临时电缆牌挂好,线绳长度要适合,以便更换正式的电缆牌。Cable head after fabrication, one by one fixed, then use the temporary cable card even hang up,

19、 even length should fit, to replace official cable card.1.剥除位置要合理一致,高度适合。Open cable location to reasonable consistent, height should appropriate2.电缆刀切痕适度一般为皮厚度的3/4。Cable knife cut mark moderate and the thickness of the skin is commonly 3/43.电缆头包扎要松紧适度,高度一致,整齐美观、固定牢固。 Cable head wrap reasonable to mo

20、derate, height consistent, tidy and beautiful, fixed firmly.4.电缆头制作时要避免出现蜂腰或者鼓腰现象。Cable head to avoid making over surface phenomenon.5.所有热缩管长度一致,切割整齐。热缩管的高度与塑料带平齐。All heat shrinkable tube length is consistent, cut and neat. Heat shrinkable tube of height and plastic belt leveled6.电缆头固定要牢固,排列整齐。Cable

21、 head should fixed tightly and neatly7.电缆头以上线芯完全散开、拉直,注意不要损伤线芯和屏蔽线(层)。Cable heads above wire core completely away, pull straight, be careful not to damage wire core and shielding wireH121.芯线根据电缆排列,成束绑扎,可先用绑线临时绑扎,待整束完成后更换扎带绑扎。绑扎间距一致,粗细合适,过度自然美观。 According to the cable core wires arrangement, into a b

22、unch of binding, and can use first tied with string temporary binding, and for the bundle of finish after the replacement firm with locally. Binding spacing consistent, degree of appropriate, excessive natural beauty2.线束拐弯处要平滑、成型整齐美观。Cable bunch turning to smooth, molding tidy and beautiful3.有线槽的盘柜,

23、线束先进线槽。但无论盘柜有无线槽,芯线都须从线束背部引出,抽芯线时,相互间应保持平行,并留有余度,抽线位置线束无外观交叉。线束不宜过粗或者过细。同一盘内有多个芯线束时,应合理分配。Cable trough plates channel, put in the channel. But whatever plate channel with a wireless slot, core wires must be drawn back from the wire, every core wires, should keep each other parallel, and remain more

24、degrees, every line position without appearance cross wiring harness. Harness should not be too thick or carefully. The same disc have fixed core wires beam, should be reasonable distribution1. 线束绑扎间距一致。Wire bundle dressing consistent neat, beautiful, well-balanced.2.抽线整齐、美观、匀称、悦目。down-lead cable cl

25、ean, beautiful, symmetry, and pleasing to the eye2. 3.线束直径一般不大于50mm。Cable bunch diameter are rarely more than 50 mmW131.对线必须按照规定的顺序进行。同类盘可分为主动盘和被动盘,即先接一方为主动盘,后接一方为被动盘,被动盘必须找主动盘对线,主动盘要积极配合对方对线。According to the regulation of line must be of the order. Similar plate can be divided into the active panel

26、 and the passive panel, the first termination panel is active panel, followed one of the parties is a passive panel, passive panel must find active panel to check cable, active plate should actively cooperate with each other to the line2.对线一般采用通灯法进行,工作前应检查确定使用通灯是一对,约定好接地端(或某根芯线),闪亮次数,用对讲机联系,校好线后及时套好

27、端子头。Usually, lamp test is used to check wire. Before check wire, confirm the times of flare and wire of earthling. Use walky-talky to check wire if necessary. Put on mark in time after check was finished.3. 对线时,每根导线必须处于开路状态,不允许导线间连通或者短路。4. During wire checking, all the wires must be in a condition o

28、f open-loop, no happening of termination between wire and short circuit.1. 通讯工具配备齐全,电池电量充足。通讯工具保证语言清晰。Communication tools equipped, the battery power is enough. Communication tool to keep clear language2.电缆对线时需确认正确后,方可进行下一根。Cable checking make sure that the correct then checking another cableW141.根据

29、端子排位置将芯线抽出,留足长度后多余部分剪掉,用剥线钳剥去绝缘,剥线时不应损伤芯线。According to drawing, fetch wire out to correlative module and Cut redundant wire. Decorticate wire insulation layer with wire stripper, and not to damage copper core. 2.导线弯曲后套上号头,号头字符的阅读方向要与其对应的二次线的号头方向一致。接至端子内,用螺丝刀拧紧,且每个端子一般不超过两根芯线。After bending wire, put

30、on ferrule and connect it to terminal and make it fastened by screwdriver. There are no more than two wires in every terminal.3.接线时必须认真,仔细核对,避免整理错位,导致芯线交叉混乱,接线正确、牢固。3. When the termination must be serious, check carefully and avoid finishing dislocation, suitable to cross chaos, its correctness, fir

31、m.4.备用芯线应留足够长度,备用芯应套电缆编号字头,固定美观牢固。The length of spare wire is enough, The mark of spare wire is beautiful and in order.5.电缆芯线要避免有接头,若必须时,应焊接并处理好绝缘,做好记录。5.Cable core to avoid the joint, if needed, should be welding and deal with the good insulation, make record.6.接线螺栓、垫片齐全,接线片压接紧固。芯线与端子接触良好,不得有松动现象。B

32、olt and washer are all ready. Connections between wire contact and terminal are all right.7. 电缆线芯从线束引至端子排要做到保持平行、间距相等、均匀排列并弯成一个半圆弧,半圆弧要统一使用模具弯制。进入端子排线芯的直线段长度统一成60mm,回弯半径取15mm,端子排外部裸露的线芯严格控制在1mm以下;如端子排离线槽距离较近,可统一采用“S”形弯曲后接入端子,“S”形弯曲圆弧大小须一致。From wire cable core leads to terminal row to do keep paralle

33、l, equal spacing, uniform arrangement and bend like a half arc, half arc to unified use mould. Into the terminal of straight section length united into 60 mm, half arc radius 15 mm, terminal line of the external bare wire control in 1 mm the following; Such as terminal row near the slot, can user th

34、e S shape after bending access terminal, S shape bending arc size should be consistent.8.备用线芯的长度以能达到盘内最远处接线端子为准,并用扎线扎紧固定好,铜芯不得外露,(以每根电缆的备用芯为一组,做好标记,以便备用)。The length of the spare wire should be reach the farthest terminal, and firm line tied fixed good, copper-core can not appear, (in every cable cor

35、e is a set of spare, do mark, in order to set aside).9.总屏蔽层及对绞屏蔽层均应接地。电缆接地采用单端接地,在盘侧接地将引出的黄绿双色屏蔽线平均分成3道,按花状进行编织,线芯采用接线鼻子压接方式,裸露线芯穿出压接区前端1mm处,不得将绝缘层压住,压接好的线鼻子外不得出现松散的线芯。最后统一整理接到盘内接地铜排上。Total shielding layer and wring shielding layer should are connected to ground. Cable grounding the single end groun

36、ding, on the disk side of yellow green grounding will lead to double color shielding wire average into three way, according to take shape to weave, wire core crimping the nose wiring way, bare wire core wear a crimping area 1 mm in front, may not live insulating layer pressure, pressure meet good li

37、ne the nose will appear loose wire core. Finally unified arrangement received them onto a grounding copper platoon.10.电缆接线完毕,应清理盘、台、柜内,使之清洁,线槽盖板完整,然后更换正式的电缆牌,线绳长度要适合。Cable wiring finished, must clean dish, Taiwan, ark inside, make clean, slot cover complete, then replace official cable CARDS, even l

38、ength should be suitable for.1. 导线弯曲方向、弯曲弧度一致美观。Wire bending direction, curve radian consistent and beautiful.2. 电缆接线时,接线片压接紧固,排线整齐美观。芯线表面无氧化层、伤痕。When cable wiring, wiring crimping tighten, line tidy and beautiful.3. 接线正确率必须保证达到100%。The accuracy of wiring must be 100%4. 电缆芯线与端子接触良好,接线正确牢固。Connection

39、s between wire contact and terminal are all right.5. 电缆芯线号头要求正确、清晰、不褪色。Cable ferrule correct , clearly, not faded.6. 正式的电缆 牌的线绳长度要统一,一般为牌子挂好垂下50mm左右,线绳使用1.5mm白色尼龙绳。The length of formal cable tag strings to unify, generally hanging around 50 mm, use 1.5 mm white nylon cord.7.如设备厂家特殊要求接地,按产品说明书执行;无特殊要

40、求时,按照设计图纸施工,屏蔽层接地应可靠,接地线无间断、损伤。If the equipment manufacturer special requirements for grounding, according to the product instruction execution; No special requirements, according to the design drawing construction, shielding layer should be reliable grounding, no interrupted, damage.WW见证点W Witness

41、point H停工待检点 H Shutdown to behave R记录点R Record point S连续监控点S Continuous employ编写人Write people: Wang yujing 审核人Audit people: 批准人Approval:工程师ENGINEER:张占超 ZHANG ZHANCHAO电话Phone call: 9909959523质量控制点签证单Quality control points visa list 项目名称Project name电缆接线Cable termination机组Unit工序卡名称Process card name集控室、

42、电子间盘柜电缆接线CCR cable wiring专业Professional热工I&C控制点名称Control point name电缆接线准备Ready to cable termination性质Properties W H R S监督检查内容Supervision and check the content评价Evaluation签字/日期Signature/date图纸审核正确性Drawing review correctness施工人员交底及培训情况Construction personnel training and work劳动力组织及分工Labor organization

43、and the division of labor现场满足施工条件Meet the construction site conditions该控制点已实施监督,允许进入下道工序。The control points already implementation surveillance, allow into the next working procedure.责任人/日期Responsible persons/date: 专业QC/日期Professional QC/date:注:该表中的责任人指质量控制工序卡中控制点的责任人Note: this table of the persons

44、responsible quality control working procedure in the card to the person responsible for the control points质量控制点签证单Quality control points visa list项目名称Project name电缆接线Cable wiring机组Unit工序卡名称Process card name集控室、电子间盘柜电缆接线CCR cable termination专业Professional热工I&C控制点名称Control point name电缆整理Cable dressing

45、性质Properties W H R S监督检查内容Supervision and check the content评价Evaluation签字/日期Signature/date电缆数量、规格型号、编号是否齐全。Cable number, specification, Numbers are complete or not.电缆标识要清晰完整。Cable logo to clearly and complete.电缆排列整齐、弧度一致、美观,绑扎一致、固定牢固。Cable in order, radian consistent, beautiful, binding agreement, f

46、ixed firmly.该控制点已实施监督,允许进入下道工序。The control points already implementation surveillance, allow into the next working procedure.责任人/日期Responsible persons/date: 专业QC/日期Professional QC/date:注:该表中的责任人指质量控制工序卡中控制点的责任人Note: this table of the persons responsible quality control working procedure in the card to the person responsible for the control points质量控制点签证单Quality control points visa list项目名称Project name电缆接线Cable wiring机组Unit工序卡名称Process card name集控室、电子间盘柜电缆接线CCR cable wiring专业Professional热工I&C控制点名称Control point name电缆头制作Cable head making性质Properties W H R


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