APQP启动会议(doc 11).doc

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1、APQP Kick-Off Meeting APQP启动会议(Pre Production Meeting)The purpose of this meeting is to develop a common understanding concerning the total requirements of the part/material by assuring that proper communication and buy-in occurs between GM and the supplier. This form encompasses questions from the

2、AIAG Advanced Product Quality Planning and GM APQP Manual GM-1927 manuals. Its intent is to ensure advanced product quality planning activities occur at the appropriate time and establish customer requirements for part qualification, part availability, quality, packaging, scheduling, and tooling inf

3、ormation. Current revisions of all GM documents listed can be found in the GM Supply Power web site.本次会议旨在建立双方在对零件、材料的所有要求方面的一致理解。下表包含了产品质量先期策划和通用手册的问题。其目的在于确保先期质量策划活动按进度展开,并明确顾客关于零件认可,零件获取,质量,包装,计划和工装方面的信息。GM相关文件的当前版本可在GM Supply Power网站上获得。This document should be completed by the supplier and provi

4、ded to the SQE prior to the meeting date.本文件应在会议前由供应商填写完成并提交给SQE。.DATE日期:PROJECT/PROGRAM项目名称 :SUPPLIER供应商:PART NO零件号:零件号MANUFACTURING LOCATION制造场所:制造场所PART DESCRIPTION零件描述零件描述:Introduction: Present the Common APQP Kick-Off Meeting Overview (Pre-Production Meeting) presentation to the supplier (refer

5、ence GM APQP-3 GM1927-15 Kick-off Meeting Presentation)介绍:向供应商介绍通用启动会议简介(参考启动会议介绍)Section 1.AIAG APQP Phase 1.0 related questions Customer Requirements的第一阶段有关的问题 第一部分 顾客要求1. Does the supplier understand the applications and intended end use of the parts/materials , including all factors critical to

6、the customer?for all customer? 供方是否理解所有顾客的零件、材料的的应用和最终用途,包括所有对顾客重要的方面? Yes 是 No 否Explain:理由:2. Does the supplier have the latest information about program timing (example: Drawing release, Prototype series, Matching, Pilots/MVB, SOP)? Review Program Milestones with supplier 供方是否有关于项目进度的最新信息(如:图纸发放,系

7、列样件,匹配,试生产,开始正式生产)?与供方评审项目节点。 Yes 是 No 否Explain:理由:Key Project Milestones关键项目节点Dates日期Key Project Milestones关键项目节点Dates日期3. Does the supplier have and understand the QS-9000 or TS16949 Manual, FMEA Manual,SPC Manual, Measurement Systems Analysis Manual, Quality System Analysis Manual, PPAP Manual an

8、d the Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Control Plan Manual ?Manual?供方是否有并理解或TS16949,FMEA,和控制计划手册? Yes 是 No 否Explain:理由:4. Has the supplier provided all information listed in the Required Quality Information letter as outlined in the RFQ package?供方是否提供文件包中的“要求的质量信息”清单中列出的所有信息? Yes 是 No 否E

9、xplain:理由:5. Does the supplier have and understand all the requirements listed in the Supplier Quality Statement of Requirements and has page 5 been signed and returned GM1927-3供应商是否有并理解“供应商质量要求申明”(GM1927-3)中的各项要求,并返回已签字的第页? Yes 是 No 否Explain:理由:6. Are returnable containers required? 是否要求重复使用料箱? Yes

10、 是 No 否Explain:理由:7. Are there any packaging issues to be resolved? 包装方面的问题是否已解决? Yes 是 No 否Explain:理由:8. Does supplier agree to provide product in clean dunnage/containers? 供方是否能用清洁的隔板、料箱放置产品? Yes 是 No 否Explain:理由: NoExplain:AIAG APQP Phase 2.0 related questions Section 2. Product Design / Developm

11、entAIAG APQP第二阶段相关的问题第二部分 产品设计、开发8a9. Does the supplier have ALL of the latest drawings and specifications (SOR, SSTS, CTS, STD) ?)? 供应商是否有所有的最新图纸和技术规范(要求声明,分系统技术要求,零件技术要求,标准)? Yes 是 No 否Explain plans to obtain:说明获取计划:Review and list technical information in the following table i.e. performance requ

12、irements, material specifications, validation requirements etc:在下表中评审并列出技术信息如性能要求,材料规格,验证要求等List of all Technical Info列出所有技术信息10. Has an Analysis Development Validation (ADV) plan been provided if specified in the SOR? 如SOR中要求,是否提供了分析开发验证计划(ADV)? Yes 是 No 否Specify planned date: 说明计划日期:8b11. If commu

13、nication link for math data exchange is needed have appropriate contacts been taken? 如果需要进行数模信息的交换,是否建立了相关的沟通渠道? Yes 是 No 否Explain:理由:9a12.If GM is design responsible, has a Design-FMEA review been done between supplier and the GM Engineer ?Engineer? 如果通用负责设计,供方是否和通用工程师一起进行了设计的评审? Yes 是 No 否Specify

14、planned date:指定计划日期:9b13.If Supplier is design responsible, has a Design-FMEA been done? Are actions in place to reduce high RPNs? Has a review with the GM engineer been completed ?completed? 如果供应商负责设计,是否进行了?是否采取措施以降低高?是否与通用工程师一起进行了相关评审? Yes 是 No 否Specify planned dates:指定计划日期:Note: Design responsibl

15、e supplier to complete AIAG A-1 Design FMEA Checklist; specify completion date注:负责设计的供应商完成设计的检查表,指定完成日期: 9c14. If supplier is responsible for system, has a system FMEA been completed and been reviewed? 如果供应商负责系统开发、生产,是否已完成系统 并进行了评审? Yes 是 No 否Specify planned dates:指定计划日期:9d15. Has a design review be

16、en done by the supplier and reviewed with the GM product engineer ?engineer? 供应商是否进行了设计评审并与通用产品工程师一起进行评审? Yes 是 No 否If No , explain:如为否,原因:If yes, has design review been approved by engineering and drawings/specifications revised as appropriate ?appropriate?如为是,设计评审是否已被工程批准,适当时图纸、规范是否已作相应修改? Yes 是 N

17、o 否If No, specify plans: 如否,指定计划:If No, specify plans to include revisions in drawings/specifications如是,指定修改图纸、规范的计划10a16. Have KPCs and Product Quality Characteristics (PQCs) been identified and included in drawings/specifications? Is the supplier aware of the KPCs and PQCs? Is the suppliers intend

18、ed process able to meet the capability requirements of the KPCs ?KPCs and PQCs? 和PQC(产品质量特性)是否已识别并包含在图纸、规范中?供应商是否明确和PQC?供应商计划的过程是否能满足和PQC的能力要求? Yes 是 No 否Explain:理由:10b17. Does the supplier understand the critical nature of dimensions that interface with the customers application of their mating par

19、ts ?parts? 供应商是否理解其与其它件相配合的关键尺寸对顾客使用的影响? Yes 是 No 否List all kNo 否knowwn Interfaces:列出所有已知的配合:181a. Are there any Prototype requirements 有无样件要求? Yes 是 No 否List them in the space below:在下面空格中列出:Prototype Due Dates样件提交日期Quantity数量Supplier Promised Date供应商承诺日期Comments说明11b19. Does the supplier understan

20、d the requirements of GP-11? 供应商是否理解的要求? Yes 是 No 否Explain: 说明:20. Will the appropriate control plan developed for use during each build i.e. Prototype, Pre-Launch, and Production? 是否开发了样件、试生产和生产阶段的控制计划? Yes 是 No 否Explain: 说明:21. Are controls for KPCs, PQCs and KCCs clearly identified? 是否明确了KPC、PQC和

21、KCC? Yes 是 No 否Explain:说明:If no explain the process to control Critical Features (KPCs, PQCs and KCCs) 如否,说明控制关键特性的过程(KPC、PQC和KCC)22. Per the SOR, what amount of design and/or test is required by supplier? 根据SOR,供方需要进行多少工作量的设计和/或试验?11c. Has a Prototype Process Control Plan been developed for use dur

22、ing the prototype run ?run? Are controls for KPCs and KCCs clearly identified? 是否开发了样件生产期间使用的样件过程控制计划?是否明确对和的控制? Yes NoExplain:If no explain the process to control Critical Features (KPCs and KCCs) and list the date the Prototype Control Plan will be completed如否,说明控制关键特性(和)的过程,并列出样件控制计划的完成日期。12a. Do

23、es the supplier understand the requirements for product validation written in the technical specifications (SSTS/CTS)?供应商是否理解技术规范(分系统、零件技术要求)中关于产品验证方面的要求? Yes NoExplain:12b. Has the supplier understood ISO14001 demands, GM environmental demands for product and process and made plans to fulfill them?

24、供应商是否理解ISO14001及通用关于产品和过程的环境要求,并制定满足该要求的计划? Yes NoExplain: APQP Phase 3.0 related questions Proocessduct Design / Development第三阶段有关的问题过程设计、开发13a. Review Key Activities from the APQP Project Plan and Timing Chart (See attachment GM APQP _ & GM APQP _). Does the supplier understand ALL items listed on

25、 the APQP Project Plan ?Plan? Has the supplier filled in the APQP Timing Chart for these parts? 按通用附件评审项目计划和进度表中的关键活动。供应商是否理解在项目计划中列出的所有项目?供应商是否填写了这些零件的进度表? Yes NoExplain:13b. Specify your planned reporting frequency to GM in addition to the 4 minimum Supplier Program Reviews required on the APQP Pr

26、oject Plan (form): _指定除了项目计划表中列出的最少次供应商项目评审以外,计划向通用报告的频次14a. Has a preliminary Process Flow Diagram, , preliminary PFMEA and preliminary Control Plan been completed prior to this meeting as required in the Required Quality Information letter contained in the RFQ package ?package?在此次会议前,是否已完成中“要求的质量信

27、息“中要求的初始过程流程图,初始和初始控制计划? Yes NoSpecify completion date指定完成日期:Flow chart流程图PFMEAControl plan控制计划14b. Has error proofing been considered during PFMEA creationcreation?在过程中是否考虑了防错? Yes NoIf No, explain plans如否,说明计划 14c. When will the Production Control Plan be ready ?ready? Planned date何时完成生产控制计划?计划日期:

28、 _Note: Specify the date each of the following AIAG checklists will be completed:注:说明下面各检查表完成日期A-6 Process Flow Chart Checklist过程流程图检查表: _A-7 Process FMEA Checklist过程检查表: _A-8 Control Plan Checklist:控制计划检查表 _15. Is any new equipment, tooling, gages, special fixtures or test equipment needed to produ

29、ce this part? 是否需要新设备,工装,量具,检具或试验设备? Yes NoComment说明:Review the tooling and gage breakdown and comment above.评审工装和量具分解表加以说明。16. General Motors requires 1.67 Ppk minimumPpk minimum (short-term) process capability and 1.33 Cpk minimum (long-term) process performance on critical characteristics (KPCs a

30、nd KCCs) (Refer to the AIAG SPC and PPAP manuals). All characteristics must conform 100% for the life of the part/material.对关键特性(和),通用要求最低的短期过程能力和的长期过程能力。所有特性必须在该零件、材料的生命周期中满足要求。Are any print, material specifications or process control plan changes needed to meet these requirements?是否需要更改书面的材料要求和过程控

31、制计划以满足上述要求? Yes NoExplain:17. Has the supplier confirmed that their suppliers will follow the APQP, PPAP and Run Rate processes?供应商是否确认其分供方将遵守APQP, PPAP和按节拍生产的过程? Yes NoExplain:AIAG APQP Phase 4.0 related questions-ValidationAIAG APQP第阶段有关的问题验证18. Production Part Approval Process-PPAP生产件认可过程18a. Doe

32、s the suppier understand the requirements for Full PPAP ?PPAP?供应商是否理解完全认可的要求? Yes NoExplain:18b. Does the supplier have all forms required for PPAP? Note: Submit copies供应商是否有要求的所有表格?注:提交拷贝 Yes NoExplain:18c. Define preliminary characteristics (KPCs/KCCs) for capability study in PPAP明确在中进行过程能力研究的的初始清

33、单: _18d. Define the number of samples to be submitted along with PPAP documentation _ samples per _ cavity (total # cavities)明确在文件提交时需提交的样件数。每个模腔提交个样品(共个模腔)18e. Does the supplier understand the GM 1411 Interim PPAP form ?form?供应商是否理解临时批准表? Yes NoExplain:Briefly explain how and when the form is used简

34、要说明该表何时使用,如何使用18f. List the GM person that you will send PPAP documentation and samples to列出文件和样件将提交给GM的相关人员 Name: _19. GP-12 Early Production Containment 早期生产遏制19a. Does the supplier understand the GP-12 procedure and when it should be in place ?place?供应商是否理解的程序及何时实施? Yes NoExplain:If no, explain p

35、lans to gain an understanding above如否,说明理解上述要求的计划19b. Does the supplier understand the GP-12 exit criteria ?供应商是否理解的退出条件? Yes NoExplain:If no explain plan to gain understanding如否,列出计划19c. What is the date that your GP-12 plan will be in place and for how long说明-何时实施,实施多长时间: _Note: The GP-12 Procedur

36、e can be found in the PPAP Manual, GP-12 is synonymous to the Pre-Launch Control Plan as described in the PPAP manual.注:可以在手册中找到-程序。与手册中描述的早期生产控制计划一致。20. Run Rate GP-9按节拍生产20a. Does the supplier understand the requirements for Run Rate ?Rate? 供应商是否理解按节拍生产的要求 Yes NoExplain:Explain when the Run Rate i

37、s to be performed ?performed? 说明何时进行按节拍生产_ How long must the process run for该过程持续多长时间: _20b. Does the supplier have all the forms needed to perform the Run Rae process ?process?供应商是否有进行按节拍生产所需的所有表格? Yes NoExplain:List the form number to be used列出将使用的表格号码. _20c. List the default length of time the Ru

38、n Rate must be performed for列出默认的按节拍生产的运行时间: _20d. What is the suppliers contracted 5-day capacity; include all shifts列出供应商天的合同生产能力,包括所有班次: _23. Fill in the following material status information for parts from serial/production tooling:按序列/生产工装表填写材料状态信息Material Status材料状态Required Date要求日期Promised Da

39、te 承诺日期Comments日期Parts for Matching (scribed) (GP6)匹配用零件(划线)()Material from serial/production tooling/serial material with dimension/function OK序列/生产工装表上材料的尺寸、功能合格Run Rate approved parts按节拍生产批准的零件22. List plant(s) that you will ship production material to列出生产材料将要发往的工厂: _24. Does the supplier underst

40、and the procedures that apply when problems occur at a GM plant ?(eg. PR/R GP-5, Containment level 1 & 2, New Business Hold, Global Sourcing)供应商是否理解当在工厂发生问题时的相关流程(如,一、二级控制发运,停止新业务,全球采购) Yes NoPlan unknown processes对不了解的过程的计划日期If no, list procedures/processes you are not familiar with and what your p

41、lan is to become familiar with them above如否,列出你不熟悉的过程并制定熟悉计划SECTION 3. PROCESS DESIGN/DEVELOPMENT第三部分 过程设计/开发 Key Activities from the APQP Project Plan GM 1927-1 and Timing Chart GM 1927-2 APQP项目计划GM1927-1和进度表GM1927-2中的关键活动24. Does the supplier understand ALL items listed on the APQP Project Plan? 供

42、应商是否理解APQP项目计划中的各个项目? Yes 是 No 否Explain:说明:25. Has the supplier filled in the APQP Timing Chart for these parts? 供应商是否针对这些零件填写了APQP进度表? Yes 是 No 否Explain:说明:26. GM Global APQP requires 4 Supplier Gate Reviews. In addition to these 4 reviews, specify your planned reporting frequency GM全球APQP要求4次供应商项目评审。除了这4次评审外,说明你的计划报告频次: 27. Have the following preliminary documents been completed? 是否初步完成下列文件?Process Flow Chart If No过程流程图 如否 Yes 是 No 否Specify completion date:说明完成日期:Process FMEA过程FMEA Yes 是 No 否Specify completion date:说明完成日期:Control Plan控制计划 Yes


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