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1、2019 年中考阅读模拟测试(十二)一、完形填空Lisa and Mike were celebrating their anniversary ( 周年纪念日 ). Thecouple used to be sweet. But now1had changed since they gotmarried. The once lovely couple had turned bitter(痛苦 ). They fought overEvery little thing.2of them hated the way things had changed.Lisa was3for Mike to

2、come home. She hoped that Mikewouldremember their anniversary. She _4imaginedthat her husbandwouldbringher flowers. In this5, theycouldremember the old happiness again andforget all the6 .But her imagination was cut short( 打断 ) when the phone in the bedroom7 .Lisaanswered to the soundofa man,Hello,

3、Madam, Im callingfromthe policestation. Is this Mr Mike Greens8?Yes, it is!Imsorry, Madam. Butthere was a traffic accident and a man has9 . We gotthisnumber from his wallet( 钱夹 ). We need you tocome and identify( 辨认 ) his body.Lisawasshocked (震惊 )!10could this happen!Shed have died for another chanc

4、e to mend every?little fight!She lay and cried11the floor in pain. She lost her chance. For ever!12 , there was a noise at the doorway. The door opened and Mike came in. My dear, itsa13 day today. My wallet was stolen.Thats the best14Ive ever heard. Lisa said with a smile as her eyes were15 .1.A. in

5、terestsB. thingsC. habitsD. friendship2.A. AllB. OneC. NoneD. Both3.A. searchingB. singingC. waitingD. starting4.A. evenB. alwaysC. hardlyD. sometimes5.A. timeB. dayC. wayD. fact6 . A. fightingB. feelingC. decisionD. love7.A. soundedB. rangC. knockedD. made8.A. officeB. addressC. speakingD. number9.

6、A. lostB. leftC. diedD. hurt10. A. HowB. WhenC. WhereD. What11. A. aboveB. onC. besideD. to12. A. LuckilyB. SlowlyC. QuietlyD. Suddenly13. A. niceB. badC. coolD. warm14. A. newsB. adviceC. lieD. information15. A. lookingB. puttingC. wateringD. turning二、阅读理解(A)What do people usually put in their livi

7、ng rooms? Perhaps you will think of something such as a TV. a coffee table or a sofa. But French designers Mathieu Lehanneur and Anthony Van Den Bossche didnt think that was enough. They wanted to add something new in peoples living rooms. So they created a do-it-yourself ecosystem ( 生态系统 ) namedLoc

8、al River. The system lets its owner grow fish and plants inside tanks(缸 ) in their living rooms.第 1页In the DIY fish and gardening ecosystem, the plants on top of the tank feed on the waste ofthe fish below. It makes the water clean so the fish can go on living.In this way, the fish andplants in the

9、Local River can keep the balanced environment,and only need a little help fromthe owner. The system is also called fridge-aquarium(冰箱水族馆 ) by some people becauseowners can use the fish and plants as food. That is to say, owners are able to grow fish and plantswithin theLocal River before eating them

10、. Almost any plant can grow on top of the tanks andmost freshwater fish are able to live in the tanks below.The Local River ecosystem from Paris comes in small and large models. It is a relaxingthing to have in your home.1.From the passage we know the system lets its owner grow _A. fish and plantsB.

11、 fish and cropsC. plants and tortoisesD. flowers and grass2.The plants of the system feed on _A. the fishB. the waterC. the fish wasteD. the fish food3. Why is the system called fridge-aquarium by some people?A. Because the tank can be put in the fridge.B. Because owners can grow fish and plants in

12、it.C. Because owners can eat the fish and plants in it.D. Because owners can grow and eat the fish and plants in it.4. Which of the following is True according to the passage?A. All fish are able to live in the tanks below.B. The designer Mathieu Lehanneur comes from France.C: The Local River can ke

13、ep the balanced environment by itself.D. In the DIY fish and gardening ecosystem, the plants grow under the tank.5. What is the best title of the passage?A. Fish and plantsB. Fridge-aquariumC. Balanced environmentD. Local River ecosystem(B)Mobile phones are more important than ever in the daily live

14、s of students,but how theyuse them has changed greatly in the past six years. While phones are still widely used for communication, a recent study has found that most students think talking on mobile phones is nowold-fashioned.LondonUniversityresearchers surveyed 1,055 youngpeople aged 13 to 18 abou

15、t theirmobilephone habits. Theresearchers divided mobilephoneuse intocommunication andentertainment.Communication included talkingonthe phone andwritingmessages usingtexting(短信 )or chattingsoftware. Entertainmentwas made up of playinggames, watchingmovies, listening to music and surfing the Internet

16、. The findings were then compared to a 2019 study, to see what changed. The results are shown below:Perhaps most surprising is how little time students spend talking on their phones these days. Six years ago the average student spent 36% of their mobile phone time making or receiving calls. In 2019,

17、 only 10% of time was used for talking. When students use their phones to communicate, more and more often it is done by using chat software like QQ or WeChat.Communication is still an important function of mobile phones. But now mobile phonesare being used more for entertainment than for communicat

18、ion,said Dr Harry. Lectre, the第 2页research leader.6. What was the most popular mobile phone activity in 20197A. Talking.B. Texting.C. Playing games,D. Watching movies.7. In total, what percentage of time did students use their mobile phones for communication in 2019?A. 16%.B. 28%.C. 35%.D. 71%.8. Wh

19、ich of the following is True about watching movies on mobile phones? A. It has increased most over the past six years.B, 14% of students now watch movies on their mobile phones.C. It was the most popular type of mobile phone entertainment in 2019.D. Students now spend more time watching movies than

20、talking on their phones.9. Which mobile phone activities were more popular than surfing the Intemet in 20197A. Chatting and watching movies.B. Chatting and listening to music.C. Playing games and watching movies.D. Playing games and texting.10. The passage can best be described as a/an_ .A. reportB.

21、 strayC. advertisementD. argument三、任务型阅读(A)We go to school every day to become a better person. So how can we becomepowerful and start changes inour own life? Perhaps we can get tips fromthe USFirst Lady MichelleObama. During her visit to China, from March 20-26, MrsObama shared her views on educati

22、on with students.The First Lady encouraged Chinese students to aim high and get a goodeducation. In Chengdu No. 7 High School, she told students that having poor roots doesnt matter as hong as you have perseverance(毅力 ).Mrs Obama said her family was not rich. Like many Chinese students, herparents h

23、ad big dreams for her. She felt the weight of her parents sacrifices(牺牲 )on her shoulders and worked hard to make them proud.Persevering was not easy, though. Sometimes she had to wake up at 4:30 a.m. and study lateinto the night, But whenever I got tired or discouraged .I would remember something m

24、ymother always told me. She said, A good education is something that no one can take away fromyou.Mrs Obama also encouraged Chinese students to study abroad.As the Chinese sayinggoes, It is better to travel 10,000 miles than to read 10,000 books, she said. Its not enough to get good grades in school

25、. Its also important to have real experience with languages, cultures and societies different from your own, she noted.Studying abroad could also gain future international relations. It could help young peoplefrom different countries work together to deal with problems such as climate change, Mrs Ob

26、amasaid.Views frorn Michelle Obama on1TipsTo aim3and get agood education2*To have perseverance. If you insist, you will4.*To feel the weight and encouragement from her5第 3页*To study6.* Its importantto have real experience with8languages,To study7_cultures and societies.*To gain9international relatio

27、ns.*To work together to deal with problems10climate change.(B)On Valentines Day, Longsheng, a giant panda at Zhengzhou Zoo, climbed down from hiswooden bed to the window and reached out slowly with his right paw to grasp a red carrot fromhis feeding plate. He seemed lonely without his female compani

28、on, Jinyi, who had died on 9 February.Though Jinyi had (lied, a large number of visitors still come to the zoo as usual to see thepanda exhibition. They busily took photos and talked loudly with their families and friends. Some even knocked heavily on the glass wall to cause Longshengs attention. He

29、 seemed not to notice as he slowly ate his carrot.Keepers had carefully cleaned the panda house from top to bottom after Jinyis death from what zoo officials reported as heart and lung failure, and the panda house was still full of the smell of disinfectant( 消毒剂 ).The cause of Jinyis death is under

30、investigation( 调查 ). A panda is normally expected to live up to 25 years, attd Jinyi was only 7, a panda adolescent( 青春期 ).Questions have been raised whether management practises at the zoo contributed to herdeath. The department of animal management at the zoo gave different explanations on her dea

31、th.Now there have been further investigations.A final report will be issued in 10 to 15 days after the Veterinary Institute of Academy of Military Medical Sciences further examines tissue( 组织 ) and fluid samples from Jinyis body.11. Where is Longsheng living?_12. When did Jinyi die? ._13. What cause

32、d Jinyis death according to the zoo officials?_14. Why did Longsheng seem lonely?_15. How should we human beings treat giant pandas? ( 请自拟一句话回答)_答案:十二一,1-5 BDCAC6-10 ABDCA11-15 BDBAC二,1-5 ACDBD6-10 CDDBA三 , A. 1. education 2. Ways/Reasons/Details 3. high 4. succeed 5. parents6. hard 7. abroad 8. different 9. future 10. like B. 11. In Zhengzhou zoo.12. On 9 February13. Heart and lung failure.14.Because his female companion had died.第 4页15. We should treat them with love and care.第 5页


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