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1、九年级上册单元课时当堂训练Unit 8Period 4一、词组翻译 (预习展示)1.这对老夫妇2.被法律允许_3.原来是,结果是_4.犯罪小说的王后_5.检查每个微小的细节_6.与 .无关_7.报案_8.着急_二、用 which 或 that 填空(当堂反馈)1.The e-mail _ I received yesterday was from my sister.2.They thought that he was the man _killed Mrs Green last Monday.3.He is the victim _were found dead in the forest

2、last night.4.The library _ she went to has many books about detective stories.5.The police wanted anyone _saw anything unusual to contact them.6.His boss is in a hurry to catch the train _ goes to Beijing.三、词汇运用(当堂反馈)1. Why are you wearing a T-shirt ? You will p_catch a cold in this cold weather .2.

3、 This film t_out to be very successful .四、翻译句子(当堂反馈)1. 这个谋杀案有任何进展了吗?_.2. 我们得赶快送他去医院。_.3. 他们劝我不要和他有什么关系。_.五、完型填空(提升检查)The famous director of a big and expensive film decided to film a beautiful sunset1the sea, so that people could see the man and woman players in front of2at the end of thefilm as the

4、y said goodbye to each other. He3a group of men out one evening to film the sunset forhim.The next morning he said to the men, Have you4the sunset for me?No, sir, one man answered. We are on the5coast (海岸线 )here, and the sun sets in thewest. We can get you a sunrise, but not a sunset.But I want a su

5、nset! the director said6.Go to the airport( 机场 ), take the next7to the west coast, and get one.But then one of them had an idea. why dont we film a sunrise and then put it8the projector ( 放映机 ) backwards? Then it will9a sunset.Thats a10idea ! the director said. Then he11to the other men and said, To

6、morrow morning I want you to get me a beautiful sunrise.The group of men went out early the next morning and filmed a bright sunrise. Then at nine oclock第 1页they12it to the director. Here it is, sir, they said, and showed it to him. He liked it very much.They all went into the studio. All right, the

7、 director said, now our players are going to say goodbye.Run the film backwards through the projector so that we can13the sunset behind them.The sunset began,14after a quarter of a minute, the director suddenly put his face in hishands and shouted to the men to stop.The birds in the film were flying

8、 backwards, and the waves(波浪 ) on the sea were15thebeach.()1. A. fromB. inC. overD. off()2. A. themB. itC. the seaD. the director()3. A calledB. foundC. toldD. sent()4. A. broughtB. chosenC. gotD. made()5. A. eastB. westC. southD. north()6. A. worriedlyB. angrilyC. friendlyD. sadly()7. A. trainB. ta

9、xiC. shipD. flight()8. A. ontoB. insideC. throughD.under()9. A. feel likeB. look likeC. becomeD. change()10. A. modernB .strangeC. commonD. wonderful()11. A. listenedB. hurriedC. turnedD. rushed()12. A. postedB. tookC. leftD. moved()13. A. seeB. tryC. pushD. feel()14. A. andB. butC. thenD. so()15. A. coming up toB. catching up withC. going away fromD. getting close to第 2页


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