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1、五上Unit 6 My e-friend ( Grammar time &fun time ) 目 :1.能熟 地用所学 言复述Story time 内容。2. 学 第三人称 数的 化 。3.探索 Grammar time 板 句型的 ,并能在情景中准确运用。1)掌握句型 Do you/they/we? Does he/she/ your brother ?以及肯定和否定回答。2)掌握句型What subjects do you/they like? What does he/she? 及其回答。4.分享 Australia, Canada, China, the UK, the US 等国家

2、的信息,开拓 野。教学重 点:1. 学 第三人称 数的 化 。2.探索 Grammar time 板 句型的 ,并能在情景中准确运用。1)掌握句型 Do you/they/we? Does he/she/ your brother ?以及肯定和否定回答。2)掌握句型What subjects do you/they like? What does he/she? 及其回答。教学 程:Step 1 Warm up1.Enjoy a video.Whats this vedio about? ( It s about online friends. We can also say e-friend

3、s.)What is an e-friend? They chat by QQ.2. Boys and girls, do you have an e-friend?1) S1: No, I dont.T: What a pity! You can have a try. Its interesting.2) S2:Yes, I do.T:Oh,really. Its cool. Is it a girl? Where does he/she live?.Step 2 Revision1. Review Story time.1) Who has an e-friend in story ti

4、me? Whats his name?2) Try to ask some questions about Peter.Where does he live? How old is he? What does he like doing? What subjects does he like? Can he speak Chinese?.3)Introduce Peter.1) Read in pairs. This is Peter.Hes Wang Bings e-friend.第 1页Hes 11 year old.He lives in the UK.He likes Maths an

5、d PE.He likes playing football and swimming.He studies Chinese after school.2) 学 第三人称 数形式。呈 句型“ He studys Chinese after school”.How to spell studies? Why? How to change this word?He often(fly) kites in spring.The rubber duck(carry) an umbrall on sunny days.Now ,we know something about Peter. Liu Tao

6、 has an e-friend, too.Step 3 Grammar time.1.Lets meet Liu Taos e-friend Jack.1) Talk about the countries: Australia, Canada, China, the UK, the UST: Is it a girl or a boy?T: Dang dang dang dang, yes, its a cool boy.T:Where does he live?S: I think he lives in Canada.T: Maybe. I will tell you later. W

7、hich national flag is for Canada? S: A T:In this country you can see a lot of kangaroos, Koalas.T: What else do you know about Australia? ( Sydney Opera House)2) Talk about Jack. Do you want to know more information about him? Can you asksome questions? (呈 状 )T: You want to know his name, his age, h

8、is hobbies,his favourite subjectNow please listen carefully.HelloCheck,everyone,upthe myanswersnameis. (pptJack对.I应live问in题Australia出 听.力Im材11料years) old. I like ArtandWhatPEveryshismuchname?.AndHowIlikeoldwatchingishe? Doesfilms. IheusuallylikeMaths?watchfilmsWhatwithdoesmyhelikefriendsdoing?onSund

9、aysWhen.does he watch films with his friends?2. Make an e-friend.Liu Tao and Wang Bing both have e-friends.But some of you don t have e-friends. Dontworry. Let s join the E-friend Club and make some e-friends there.1)First, read the passages as quickly as you can. (profiles)第 2页Then, choose one to b

10、e your e-friend and get some information abouthim.Finally, report like this.I want to make e-friends with Because3) Guessing game:This boy want to make e-friends with ,. I want to make an e-friend, too. Whos it? Guess the Ts e-friend.Please use the gernal questions, I only answer you with “Yes”or “N

11、o”. Now, play this game in groups. Only use four gernal questions toguess your classmates e-friends. Invite some students to play this game.3. Help the e-friend.My students want to make e-friends,too. They write down the questions on the sheets.1)Finish the exercies.2)Check up the answers.Check up t

12、he answer with your partern. If your paper has the samecolour.3)Show the sentences and read together.Encourge the Ss try to find the rules. Pink: Do/Does 引 的一般疑 句;第三人称用Does; 句子中有了Does, 要用 原形。 Green: 特殊疑 句;第三人称用 Does;句子中有了 Does, 要用 原形;回答 ,正确使用 的第三人称 数形式。4. PK time. Boys PK girls Step 4 Consolidation1

13、. Do you want to join the E-friend Club? Help your friend to finish the information card.Name:Age:From:Favourtie subjects:第 3页Hobbies:Family member:Job:Hobbies:(只需填写一位家庭成 的 和 好。)E-mail address (QQ number):1) Give a model. How old are you?Do you live in ?Where do you live?Do you like ? What subjects

14、do you like? Do you like ? What do you like doing? How many people are there in you family? What does xx do?Does he/she like? What does he/she like doing?2) Ask and answer into pairs.3) ReportThis is . Hes/Shes He/she lives inHe /she likesThere arepeople in his/her family. His father/mother is . He /She likes3. E-friends should help each other. E-friends should learn from each other. E-friends should share with each other. What is an e-friend? (看 画)第 4页


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