sample sale contract.doc

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1、Sample Sale Contract The sample sale/purchase agreement below is a GUIDEonly to the sort of agreement that may be made betweenthe SELLER and BUYER of a horse.? AGREEMENT OF SALE This agreement, dated this _ day of _, _is made by and between _ (SELLER) and _ (BUYER).BUYER Details:_ SELLER Details:_Na

2、me:_ Name:_ Address:_ Address:_ HORSE Details:_?Veterinary Examination:_?(to be paid for by the Buyer)Name:_?Contingency examination:_ Age:_?Coggins test:_?Colour:_?Date of test:_?Markings:_?Breed:_?Sex:_?Height:_?PAYMENT Details:_ Purchase Price :_Deposit :?_?Deposit Date:?_Balance Due :_?Balance D

3、ue Date:?_?SELLER Warrants: (Check which of the following warranties are to be included in the agreement) The SELLER covenants that he/she is the lawful owner of said equine; that he/she has the right to sell said equine; and that he/she will warrant and defend the equine against lawful claims and d

4、emands of all persons.?The SELLER makes no other promises, express or implied, including the warranties of fitness for a particular purpose unless further provided in this Agreement.?Buyer waives any claim for damage should said equine fail to meet the above warranties at the time of delivery, unles

5、s such a defect is discovered within (X) days from delivery to BUYER.?HEALTH warranty: To the best of his knowledge, the HORSE has no unsoundness or health problems on date of sale which would cause the HORSE to be unfit for regular training. Other:DISPUTES: Will any disputes be settled through arbitration?YES/NO?Legal disputes shall take place and be governed by the laws of _ (state country/state). In witness whereof the Parties, intending to be legally bound, hereby have set their hand and seal on the day above written.SELLER BUYER_? _ (Signature) (Signature)?


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