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1、Unit2 What Time Is It? 一、教学目标与要求1、能够听、说、认读课本时的四个动词词组。2、能够理解并能在情境中正确使用句型:Its time to二、教学重点与难点重点:四个动词词组,get up go to school go home go to bed 难点:句型Its time to-三、课前准备:图片、词卡、多媒体课件, 自制钟表四、教学步骤1.热身(Warm-up)Step 1. say“hello”( T:Lets say hello, OK, one , two ,go-)2.预习(Preview) (1)Lets chant(2) 复习学过的句型,课件显示

2、一个钟,以及A部分已学过的整点时间(T:Look! Whats this? Yes. Its a clock. What time is it? (Three questions)S:.设计思路课前通过 say hello的拍手说唱活跃课堂气氛,随后通过三问三答复习A部分学过的整点时间,为下一步教授非整点时间做铺垫。3、新课呈现(Presntation)1.非整点时间(1)Teach 6:30T:Now What time is it ?Its 6:30.(Write down on the broad) Follow me .please.(Two times ).Ok. What time

3、 is it ? Together!S:Then Show 5:30 . 7:30.etc .Ask the students to answer.)(2)Teach 7:05T:What time is it? Its 7:05.(Write it down) Say after me(Two times).(At last show 2:05. 11:05.etc.Let the students try to say together.)(3)Teach 4:35T: What time is it?S: Its 4:35.(Let the students try to answer.

4、)(Write it down)T:Good! Say after me .(One time).OK.Who can say what time is it?S:(Then boys. girls. answer in groups)(4)Now What time is it?(问答以上三个非整点时间,先找生分别答,再全班齐答)(5)Game.设计思路 因为有A部分整点时间的铺垫,使该部分非整点时间的学习不成为重难点,因此该部分学习中间没有反复,直接学完,最后用一个游戏巩固。2词组(1)Teach get up.T:Look at the time ,please. No. 1 Its 6

5、:30. No. 2 Its 7:05. No. 3 Its 9:00.This is Chen Jies timetable. What does she do at the time every day?Please look at the pictures.(Picture 1)Oh. Its 6:30.Its time to get up.(师做起床动作,并把get up板书于黑板)Read after me (Two times )(然后找一排学生挨个读,最后师生共同边说边做get up动作)(2)Teach go to school.T:Now Look at Picture 2.

6、 Its 7:05. Its time to go to school(板书于黑板,并做上学动作,领读,然后男女生分别读,再全班边说边做动作)(3)Teach go home. go to bed in the same way.(4)Read the four phrases with the students.(5)Game.设计思路四个词组是该课重点,选择让学生看图在情景中学习更易接受。四个词组虽是本课重点,但由于go to school. go home.和单词bed学生在上册都已学过或见过,只有get up是初次见到,因此该部分学起来相对较容易,在学习过程中也没有过多设置反复环节。3

7、、Teach 句型Its time to(1)Now look at Picture 1. Its 6:30. Its time to get up .So Chen Jie gets up.(把 Its time to板书于 get up前,领读,然后找几生起来读,再全班齐读)(2)Teach Its 7:05.Its time to go to school. in the same way.(3)Get the students try to say” Its 4:35. Its time to go home”. and “Its 9:00.Its time to go to bed”

8、 with the teacher.(4)Let one student only describe Chen Jies one action (Ask 4 students)Then get several students try to describe all her actions.Act last let all the students describe her actions together.4.Listen to the tape.Listen and repeat.设计思路 句型虽是难点,但在前面学习词组的过程中已接触,再结合图片描述使它更易接受。Extension1. Exercise2. HomeworkMake a timetable with your parents. Try to say it with “Its time to.”3. T: Now Lets have a rest .Lets chant.(Let the students listen and do.)4. 板书: Unit 2 what time is it? Its time to- get up Go home Go to school Go to bed 5


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