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1、五年级英语单词竞赛试题班别姓名成绩(基 : 70 分 )一、中 英( 20 分)(1)年 的(2)星期二(3)三明治(4)跳舞(5)植物(6)房屋(7)有礼貌的(8)周末(9)美味的 _(10)游泳( 11)在中 (12) (13)季 ( 14)四月(15)第五的(16) 堡包(17) (18)晚 (19)辣的( 20)十二月二、把下列 分 。(写大写字母 号)( 12 分)A 、hersB、 fourthC、musicD、winterE、EnglishF、 secondG、thirdH、oursI、 autumnJ、mathK、 summerL 、his(1)Chinese(2)first(

2、3)spring(4)theirs三、按要求写出下列 。 ( 10 分)(1)man( )(2) tall(反 )(3)theyre(完全形式)(4)orange(复数)第 1页(5)boy(对应词)( 6) Saturday(缩写形式)(7)tomato(复数)(8)big(反义词)(9)do not(缩写形式)(10)Sept(.完全形式)_四、选择题。(20 分)() 1、My ruler isn tshort. Its.A、 tallB 、longC、 thin() 2、 Its timesleep.A、 toB、 ofC、have() 3、We likefootball.A、 pla

3、yB、playsC、 playing() 4、My Chinese teacher is funny. We all like _.A、 heB、hisC、him() 5、 I can help my mother do some housework. Im _.A、 helpfulB、beautifulC、good() 6、 I dontlike lemons. _ sour.A、 ItsB、theyreC、Theyre() 7、When I feel ill( 生病 ) , I will go to see the.A、 doctorB、 farmerC、nurse() 8、My sist

4、er is _ student and my mother is _ English teacher.A、 an, anB、 an, aC、a, an() 9、He oftento school on foot.A、 goB、 goesC、 going() 10、books are these? They are Lilys.第 2页A、 WhosB、WhoC、 Whose五、选词填空。(8 分)footballstronghealthyfloorteachersportshouseworkbeefHi! My name is John. I have a new PE _ this term

5、. Hes very_and tall. He likes _ . He is good at playing _. Hisfavourite food is _. Because its tasty and _. On the weekend, heoften listens to music. Sometimes, he does some _. He can wash clothesand sweep the _. Hes very helpful.(趣味题: 30 分)六、单词接龙。(10 分)appleeggg七、圈出已学单词,并写在横线上。(10 分)paintallbmusich

6、thedacheaofishnostfccoldwietimeselegtablellseventModel: hot八、根据句意,选择短语的正确含义。 ( 10 分)() 1. Jack fought with a tall man. Now, he is black and blue.第 3页A. 又蓝又黑B. 蓝黑两色C.青一块,紫一块D. 脏兮兮的() 2. The girl is the apple of her parents eye.A. 掌上明珠B. 眼中的苹果C. 像苹果一样红润D. 如苹果般甜美() 3. Its raining dogs and cats.A. 猫和狗B.倾盆大雨C.猫和狗在淋雨D.流浪的猫狗() 4. He has no money .He is as poor as a church mouse .A. 贼眉鼠眼B. 胆小如鼠C. 一贫如洗D. 长得和老鼠一样()5.We don t want it. Ita whiteselephant“. ”A. 一件无用而累的东西B.一头白象C. 白给的东西D. 白色陷阱第 4页


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