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1、_码号_名姓_级班_第二学期五年级英语期中调研卷(完卷时间:60 分钟,满分100 分)Part 1 Listening 30%I. Listen and choose (选出听到的音标、单词、词组和句子)10() 1. A. / wu:z /B. / hu:z /C. / hu:s /() 2. A. theyB. themC. then() 3. A. yourB. you reC. yours() 4. A. talkingB. takingC. walking() 5. A. a black cocoonB. a brown cocoonC. a brown coat() 6. A.

2、five carrotsB. five potatoesC. five tomatoes() 7. A. Here s a school bag. Whose is it?B. Here s a bag. Whose is this?C. Here s a pencil case. Whoseit?is()8. A. The silkworms are eating leaves.B. The moths are eating leaves.C. The silkworms are on the leaves.()9 A. There weren t manybuildings in Shan

3、ghai.B. There was a building in Shanghai.C. There were many buildings in Shanghai.()10. A. Healthy children eat a lot of fruit.B. Healthy children eat a lot of vegetables.C. Unhealthy children eat a lot of meat._校学II. Listen and choose (选出听到的句子的应答句)()1. A. I m eleven.B. I feel cold.()2.A. I like dan

4、cing.B. I like running.()3. A. No, she can t .B. No, she isn()4. A. Yes, he did.B. He did well.()5.A. Sorry, I can t.B. Thank you.5%C. I had a cold.C. I like English. t. C. Yes, she is doing housework.C. He went fishing.C. That s all right.III. Listen and choose(根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)5%() 1. A. Yes, he

5、 can.B. No, he can t.C. No, he isn t 第 1页() 2. A. Danny sB. George sC. Peters() 3. A. No, it isn t.B. Yes, it is.C. No, it s smooth.() 4. A. Fifty yuan.B. Fifteen yuan.C. Five yuan .() 5.A He played the drumB. He did his homeworkC. He watched TV .IV . Listen and judge (听录音判断,用T 或 F 表示) 5() 1.Peter l

6、ives in an old town.() 2.Jenny sings beautifully.() 3.Peter and Ken both like running.() 4.Ken runs slowly.() 5.Wang Qiang has four friends. They are Jenny, Ken, Betty and Tim.V. Listen and fill in the blanks (听短文,填入所缺的单词)5I have an _ friend. His name is John. He _ gets up at six from Monday toTuesd

7、ay. But this morning he _ up at eight, because it s Saturday today. He doesnschool today. Now he s _ breakfast. After that, he wants to clean his bedroom. And thenhe wants to go to the _ with his mother. It near his house.Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar 45%I. Read and choose(语音判断,将不含有所给音标的单词的编号写在前面的括号

8、内)5%() 1. / ei /A. babyB. ladyC. many() 2./ au /A. blouseB. mouthC. touch() 3./ ?u /A. windowB. bowC. crow() 4./ u /A. coolB. goodC. foot() 5./ ? /A. thankB. pencilC. longII. Read and write (填上适当的单词,首字母已给,每线一词)6%1.There are a lot of s_ in the cinema. We can sit on them.2.Here are my m_ geese. She fe

9、eds them every day.3. I don tlike this dress. Show me a_ one.4.This nice toy bear is for h_.5.Please be quiet! The baby is a_.6. My father is a Chinese teacher. My mother is a maths teacher. They re bteachers. . Read and choose (选择最佳答 _案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)12%第 2页() 1. I had breakfast. I _ hungry this mo

10、rning.第 3页AwasBamCwasnt() 2 .I want those _ but I don t want this _.A.one, oneB. ones, oneC. ones, ones() 3 .Shall we _ a cup of coffee?AdrinkBdrinksCdrinking() 4 .We always have a _ between two classes.AbreakBteaCapple() 5 .There _ two pens on the desk. But they aren t there now.AwereBareCwas() 6 .

11、Billy _ like sports. He _ does any exercise.Adoesn t, doesnB t doesn t, always Cdoesn t, never() 7 .Please walk _. Sam is sleeping now.AquietBquietlyCloudly() 8 .I want to draw some pictures. I need some _.AcrayonBpaperCa pair of scissors() 9. Therearethreefilms _ at City Cinema.A/BonCin() 10. It s

12、time to _.AdinnerBhaving dinnerChave dinner() 11.Shall we get _ drinks?AanyBa lotCsome() 12. Min and Mog don t likefood. They like_ .Aours, theirBour, theirsCtheir, ourIV . Fill in the blanks ( 用所给单词的适当形式填空) 6%1.-_ (who) garden is this?-Its _ (he).2.The children can draw the flowers _ (good) in the

13、park.3.This is my uncle. He is a _ (cook).4.I canthear you. It s very _(noise) outside.5.There is _(a) big exit in this cinema.V. Fill in the blanks ( 用所给动词的适当形式填空) 6%第 4页1.Its twelve oclock. The girl _(eat)lunch at school.2.Who likes_(ride) a bicycle every day? My father _ (do).3.Did your father wa

14、nt to see a film yesterday ? Yes, he _(want)to see a film.4.When _(do) your parents get up this morning? At sixo clock.5.Mr White never _ ( fly) kites in the park. .Rewrite the sentences(按要求改 句子,每格一 ) 10%1.It s cherry juice. It s grape juice.( 改 疑 句 )_ it cherry juice_grape juice?2.I have three Art

15、lessons a week. (划 提 )_ _ Art lessons do you have a week?3.My brother does his homework every evening.( 改 否定句 )My brother _ his homework every evening .4. I like watching Snow White. ( 划 提 )_ _ do you like watching?5. I was in the garden .( 改 一般疑 句 )_ in the garden?Part 3 Reading and Writing 25%I. R

16、ead and match( 方框内的句子完成 ,将 号填入下面的横 上)4%A. Thanks a lot.B. Of course.C. By bus.D. The bus stop is on your right, and you can take Bus No.10 to Garden Cinema.A:Can you tell me the way to Garden Cinema, please?B:_1_. How do you go there?A:_2_.B:OK.Youcangoalongthisstreet,thenturnleftatthethirdtrafficli

17、ghts._3_A:Wait wait for a moment. I cannot remember( 住) it. Is it the first traffic lights? Bus No.12?B:No,the third traffic lights and Bus No.10.A:_4_.B:You are welcome.第 5页学校_班级_姓名_号码_1. _2. _3. _4. _II. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): 15%A. Read and judge (阅读短文,判断正误,用T 或 F 表示) 5%My name is Chen Jie

18、. I mShanghaifrom. There are four seasons in a year. I like springbest. It s warmraiandy. The air is clean. The trees are green. The flo wers come out. They rebeautiful. I often go for a walkingwith my parents. I have a friend, Amy. She s from England.Winter is her favourite season. Because the weat

19、her is very cold. It snows there. She can makea snowman with her friends. It s funny.() 1. It s warm and rainy in each season in Shanghai.() 2.Chen Jie often goes for a walking with her parents.() 3. Amy likes winter best.() 4. In winter in England, Amy can tsee the snow.()5. Chen Jie is from China.

20、B. Read and choose(阅读短文,选择最佳答案)5%Mr. Brown has a son and a daughter. They live near the mountain. They are very poor. They have little money. They buy some seeds. They plant rice, beans, cabbage and carrots in the fields. They water their plants. Their plants grow well. They are very happy.Some big

21、birds come. They eat the beans. They eat the rice. They eat the cabbage and thecarrots. Mr. Brown is not happy. He drives the birds away. He puts a nest on the ground. Hecatches some birds. The birds are afraid now. They don t want to eat Mr. Brown plants nows.In autumn, Mr. Brown has a lot of rice,

22、 beans, cabbage and carrots. He s happyThe Browns aren t poor now.() 1. Mr. Brown has _.A.a sonB. a daughterC. two children() 2. At first, they_.A.have a lot of moneyB. buy some plantsC. plant rice and vegetables() 3. Mr. Brown is unhappy because_.A.they are very poorB.their plants grow well.C. some

23、 big birds eat the beans, the rice, the cabbage and the carrots.() 4. Mr. Brown puts his nest_.第 6页A. on the groundB. near the mountainC. Both A and B() 5. At last, the Browns aren t_A. happyB. poorC. richC. Read and answer (阅读短文,回答下列问题)5%Mr Green has a holiday, so he says happily,“ I m going to the

24、 mountains by train.puts on his best clothes, takes a small bag, goes to the station and gets into the train. He has abeautiful hat, and he often puts his head out of the window during thetrip (旅游 ) and looks atthe mountains. But the wind blows his hat off. Mr Green quickly takes his bag and throws

25、itout of the window, too. The other people in thecarriage (车厢)laugh,“ Is your bag going tobring your bea utiful hat back?” they ask.“ No, ” Mr Green answers.“ But there s no nno address(地址) in my hat, and theremy names and my address on the bag. Someone isgoing to find both of them, and hesend(going

26、寄送to)me the bag and the hat.”1.Does Mr Green like the trip?_ , he _.2.How does Mr Green go to the mountains?He _ a _ .3.What happens(发生了什么)when Mr Green is looking outside?The wind _ his hat _.4. What does Mr Green quickly do?He throws _ _ out of the window.5. Is Mr Green very clever?_ , he _. .Thin

27、k and write( 以 “Healthy children ” 为题写一篇不少于40 个字的短文,要求语句通顺,意思连贯,至少用三种句型)6%_ _10_ _20_ _30_ _40_ _50第 7页第二学期五年级英语期中调研卷听力内容和答案Part 1 ListeningI. Listen and choose (选出听到的音标、单词、词组和句子)101. Whose shirts are these? (B)2. I want to show them my new bike. (B)3. Whose notebook is this? Is it yours? (C)4. Tom

28、is talking to his friend. (A)5.It was a brown cocoon. Now it is a beautiful butterfly. (B)6. There are four tomatoes and five potatoes in the basket. (B)7. Here s a bag. oseWh is this? (B)8. The silkworms are eating leaves. (A)9. There were many buildings in Shanghai. (C)10. Healthy children eat a l

29、ot of fruit.(A)II. Listen and choose (选出听到的句子的应答句)5%1. How do you feel today? (B)2. What subject do you like? (C)3. Is she doing homework?(B)4. What did he do last Sunday? (C)5. Can you sing this song? (A)III. Listen and choose(根据听到的内容和问题,选择正确的答案)5%1.A: Mum, can I watch TV in the living room now?B:

30、No, do your homework at first, Peter.Q: Can Peter watch TV now? (B)2. A: This knife is very sharp. Is it Peter s?B: No, Peter s knife is bluntMaybe. i t is Danny s.A: Danny, is this knife yours ?C: No, it s Georges .Q: Whose knife is sharp? (B)3.A: Touch the blue basketball. Is it rough ?第 8页B: No,

31、I think it s smooth.A: How about the brown one?B: It s rough.Q: Is the blue basketball smooth? (B)4. A: I want to buy three dolls. How much are they, Tom?B: They are fifteen yuan.Q: How much is one doll? (C)5. A: Jack, did you play the drum last night?B: Yes, I did my homework before half past eight

32、. Then I watched TV after half past eight. I played the drum after watching TV .Q: What did Jack do before half past eight? (B)IV . Listen and judge (听录音判断,用T 或 F 表示) 5Dear Wang QiangMy name is Peter. I am tall. I have brown hair. I live in a big town near London. I like Science very much. My favour

33、ite sport is running. I run fast. I have four good friends. Theyare Jenny, Ken, Betty and Tim. Jenny likes dancing. She dances beautifully. But she sings badly. K en likes running, too, but he doesn runt fast. He runs slowly. Betty likes PE. She jumps high. Tim speaks loudly. We all like him very mu

34、ch. My friends and I are in the same class. We go to school from Monday to Friday. We have many subjects at school.Please write to me soon and tell me about you and your friends.Love,Peter(1.F2. F3. T4. T5. F )V. Listen and fill in the blanks (听短文,填入所缺的单词)5I have an English friend. His name is John.

35、 He usually gets up at six from Monday toTuesday. But this morning he gotup at eight, because it s Saturday today. He doesn t goschool today. Now hehavingsbreakfast. After that, he wants to clean his bedroom. And thenhe wants to go to the supermarket with his mother. It near his house.(1.English2.us

36、ually3.got4.having5.supermarket)Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar 45%第 9页I. Read and choose(语音判断, 将 不 含有所给音标的单词的编号写在前面的括号内)5%1. C2. C 3.B 4.A5.BII. Read and write (填上适当的单词,每线一词)6%1. seats 2. mother s 3. another4. her/him5. asleep6. both . Read and choose (选择最佳答案,将字母代号写在前面的括号内)12%1. C2.B 3.A 4.A5.A 6.C 7

37、.B 8.B 9.B10.C11.C12.BIV . Fill in the blanks ( 用所给单词的适当形式填空) 6%1. Whose, his 2. well3.cook 4. noisy 5. aV. Fill in the blanks ( 用所给动词的适当形式填空) 6%1.is eating 2.riding, does 3.wanted4.did5.flies .Rewrite the sentences(按要求改变句子,每格一词) 10%1. Is or2. How many3.doesntdo 4. Which film/What film5.Were youPart

38、 3 Reading and Writing 25%I. Read and match( 选择方框内的句子完成对话,将编号填入相应的横线上)4%1.B2.C 3.D 4.AII. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): 15%A. Read and judge (阅读短文,判断正误,用T 或 F 表示) 5%1.F2.T 3.T 4.F5.TB. Read and choose(阅读短文,选择最佳答案)5%1.C 2.C 3.C 4.A5.BC. Read and answer (阅读短文,回答下列问题,每空0.5 分) 5%1. Yes, he does.2. The wind blows his hat off.3. He _takes_ a _trai


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