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1、5B Unit3 Hobbies (part A)一 . 教学目 1. 能听懂,会 ,会 ,会写 collect,stamp ,many ,ship,能听懂,会 ,会 hobby,hobbies ,grow ,beautiful;句型 Do you have any hobbies?Do you like ?及回答, He /She likes , he doesnt like , she doesn t like 。2. 能初步理解主 第三人称 数 的 化形式。3. 能正确地理解、掌握 内容,并能朗 、初步表演 。二、教学重点能正确地理解、掌握 内容,并能朗 、初步表演 。三、教学 点1.

2、能正确地理解、掌握 内容,并能朗 、初步表演 。2. 初步理解主 第三人称 数 的 化形式。四、教学准 PPT 件、照相机等。五、教学步 :Step1: Warming-up1. 欣 英 歌 Hobbies 。Step2: Presentation1. take photosT:Today,I m your new English teacher, and youre my new students.So I introducemyself:My nameisQian Congying .I m 32. My favouritecolouris yellow.My hobbies are li

3、steningto music and takingphotos.T: Let s look at my photos, OK? 件出示新 take photosT:I can take nice photos, how about you? Can you introduce yourself to me?( 在介 中反复 学生的 好 )2.hobby hobbiesT: Look at the blackboard,( 板 书 )they re my hobbies and some students hobbies.第 1页 件出示 hobby hobbies并 3. Do you ha

4、ve any hobbies? Yes, I do .I likeT: Everyone has some hobbies. Do you have any hobbies?S: Yes, I do .I like4. Do a survey(教句型 she/he likes)操 句型 A:Do you have any hobbies?B:Yes, I do. I like.并用 xxx s hobbies are_and _(ing),she/he likes_and_(ing ) . 行概括。Step3: Lead into the text:1.collect stampsT: Jus

5、t now, you told me your hobbies. Do you knowWhats Ben shobby?Read the background and underline the answer.S: Bens hobby iscollecting stamps.(集 )教学 collect stamps2.LearnChinese stamps , ship stamps , flower stamps , animalstamps并教学 ship 。T: Bens hobby is collectingstamps. So he has many stamps, but w

6、hereare they? Look,here are they. This isBens stamp alum. Let s openit.Learn Chinese stamps , ship stamps , flower stamps , animalstamps并教学 ship 。3. classmateT: Ben has many beautiful (漂亮的) stamps.Look, he is showing them to his classmates.T:What s meaning classmate ? Read and guess.Mike and Yang Li

7、ng are Ben s classmates.They study in the same class.They sit in the same classroom, they have the same teachers.4. 前言5. 文前半部分T:We know Ben has Chinese stamps、animal stamps、 ship stamps 、 flower stamps. But we don t know what stamps does Ben like?Watch cartoons and choose.第 2页()1.Ben likes collectin

8、g _ stamps.A. ChineseB. English()2.Mike likes this _stamp.A. shipB. flower()3.Yang Ling thinks these_stamps are beautiful.A. animalB. flower()4.Bens brother likes collecting _stamps.A. animalB. ship6. 课文后半部分T:( 指着板书 )Ben s hobby is collecting stamps. How about Mike and YangLing? What are their hobbi

9、es?( 大声朗读课文 23 页 ,完成表格 )WhoHobbiesBencollecting stampsMikelikesHelenYang Ling校对表格的过程中,并教学grow flowers.Step 、 onsolidation1.Read the textT:You did a good job. This time, open your book ,and read after the tape.2. Let s retell. Step5 、Summary1.How many you can pass?( 你能过几关 ?)1. 轻松过关:小小配音家,三人一组分角色配音。2.

10、 挑战升级:向你的好友流利得介绍文中人物的爱好 .3. 终极挑战:和同学们一起谈谈你和你家人的爱好。Step6 、Homework教学反思 :第 3页1.2.语篇中单词教学的反思。在阅读前先教学课文中所出现的关键生词。如在本课中的 hobby,likes 的用法。但我觉得 对生词的处理要敢于留白,正如本课中 classmate, 我就采用英文解释英文,敢于让学生自主思考,实践下来,效果很不错,大多数同学能够利用语境来猜测出词意。如那些对学生阅读构成重大障碍而且难以根据上下文猜测词义的生词,这些生词可以先作处理,但有些让学生感知即可。热身环节利用自我介绍和学生交流和本课教学密切相关的知识。学生们非常得喜欢 , 而且让孩子们在交流中感知了hobbies的意思。3. 在教授课文的时候,将文章分段进行,降低难度,并让学生带着问题看卡通,并且给学生提供Learning tips.让学生有了明确的目的性。最后运用所学的知识进行拓展,让学生学会学以致用。由于本人的教学水平有限, 在组织实施过程中还存在诸多不足之处,有待改善:最后一个“过关”活动组织的不够顺利,课堂上还需给学生留更多的时间,让学生成为主体。第 4页


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