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1、生活处处见英语,You can see English everywhere !,15个最美丽的英文词汇 生活用语 电影电视 文学书籍 符号标志 电脑游戏 音乐歌曲,15个最美丽的英文词汇,peace,和平,freedom,自由,liberty,自主,smile,微笑,sunshine,阳光,mother,母亲,love,爱情,hope,希望,cute,可爱,rainbow,彩虹,cherish,珍惜,destiny,命运,relax,放松,moment,瞬间,twinkle,闪烁,生活用语,广东英语 中国英语,广东英语,巴士 -,bus -,公共汽车,的士 -,taxi -,出租汽车,贴士

2、-,tips -,提示;小费,士多啤梨 -,Strawberry -,草莓,波士 -,boss -,老板,摆甫士 -,pose -,摆姿势,广东英语,士担 -,stamp -,邮票,吐司 -,toast -,烤面包,肥佬 -,fail -,失败,士多 -,store -,商店,基佬 -,gay -,男同性恋者,奇异果 -,kiwi -,猕猴桃,中国英语,Where ! Where !,哪里!哪里!,中国英语,You Give Me Stop!,你给我站住!,中国英语,watch sister,表妹,中国英语,American Chinese not enough,美中不足,中国英语,Play

3、a big knife in front of Mr Guan .,关公面前耍大刀。,中国英语,You have seed , I will give you some color to see see . Brothers! Together up !,中国英语,Dragon born dragon , chicken born chicken , mouses son can make hole !,中国英语,If you want money , I have no. If you want life , I have one .,电影电视,电影海报 Movie posters,Rob-

4、B-Hood,RobinHood,罗宾汉,Curse of the Golden Flower,Star Wars,Pearl Harbor,The Ring,The Grudge,Spider Man,Rush Hour,The DAVINCI CODE,Pirates of the Carribbean,Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,文学书籍, Monkey, The Monkey King , Journey to the West , 西游记 ,文学书籍, Romantic of Three Kingdoms, 三国演义 ,文学书籍, All Men Ar

5、e Brothers - The Blood of Leopard , Stories Beside Rivers , 水浒传 , Outlaws in the Marsh ,文学书籍, The Story of Stones , A Dream of Red Mansions , 红楼梦 ,文学书籍, Gone With the Wind , 乱世佳人 , 飘 ,标志符号,PK K O Exit Entrance Push Pull Open,penalty kick,knock out,出口,入口,推,拉,开放,罚球,击倒,标志符号,Pause Stop Menu One Street D

6、anger No Smoking No Photos,暂停,停止,菜单,单行道,危险,禁止吸烟,禁止拍照,标志符号,Parking EMS SOS Pub Caf Bar No Passing,停车处,邮政快递,Save Our Ship,(大众)酒吧,咖啡厅,(酒)吧,禁止通行,标志符号,Ticket Office Cashier On Off VIP DJ,售票处,收银台,开,关,Very Important Person,Disk Jacky,唱片骑士,标志符号,PG CCTV TVS FIFA NBA,Parental Guidance,China Central Television

7、,National Basketball Association,Federation International Football Association,TV South,谚语格言,Teach fish to swim .,班门弄斧,谚语格言,Two heads are better than one .,三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮。,谚语格言,Walls have ears .,隔墙有耳,谚语格言,A good medicine tastes bitter .,良药苦口,谚语格言,A friend in need is a friend indeed .,患难见真情。,谚语格言,A man

8、is known by his friends .,观其友,知其人。,谚语格言,A young idler , an old beggar .,少壮不努力, 老大徒伤悲。,谚语格言,Do it now .,机不可失, 失不再来。,谚语格言,Failure is the mother of success .,失败是成功之母。,谚语格言,Beauty lies in lovers eyes .,情人眼里出西施。,谚语格言,Love me, love my dog .,爱屋及乌。,谚语格言,Practise makes perfect .,熟能生巧。,谚语格言,Think twice before do .,三思而后行。,谚语格言,East or west , home is the best .,金窝银窝,不如咱的狗窝。,电脑游戏,Age of Empires,WARCRAFT,Counter Strike,Red Alert,STARCRAFT,音乐歌曲,范特西,Fantasy,Thank you !,


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